Edutainment – Bouteiller’s English Teaching in Hong Kong

Letter to the editor – Government’s proposed environmental laws
May 22, 2008, 2:18 pm
Filed under: Elect 2 - Environment, S.2CD 2007-08, School Annoucement

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The suggested draft is as follows:

Letter to the Editor Draft sample;

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78 Comments so far
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Composition correction:

21st May,2008
Dear Sir/Madam

I am a secondary student.I am writing to express my concerns about the three Government’s proposed environmental laws.

Firstly,I agree with the Government’s proposed law to ban on idling engines.Although the air quality in Hong Kong has improved a lot, we still need to do better and better.When the cars stop,they just need to turn off the power for a while,it will not cause much inconvenience.If all the cars in Hong Kong can do this,the air must be fresher.Also it can help to save energy and protect our health!I understand that some drivers may dislike this action.but can’t they be a bit more considerate?

Secondly,I think the proposed law to tax on plastic bags at supermarket is necessary.Although the waste of plactic bags is just six percent of our landfills, it sounds not a very serious problem.But if we don’t try to reduce our waste little by little,it will become a serious problem!Also,clean away the plastic is not a easy job because the plastic is made of some chemical materials!On the other hand,using our own bag to ship is not difficult.It can reduce the pollution.If the people want to use plastic bags at supermarket,they need to pay for it!After they use the plastic bags,they can reuse it!But the best way to have less pollution is by using our own bag!

Finally,the law to make people separate their waste is not work at all.If people understand the reason why they need to separate the waste then they will carry it out.But if the people dislike of this action and think that it is troublesome, they will just throw the rubbish without separation.It depends on them.We can’t control them to separate it.

In conclusion,I think the Government care about Hong Kong’s environment.I hope that the citizens can do our own job to help our environment!

Yours faithfully
Yvonne Kwok

Comment by Yvonne:)


22 may, 2008
Dear sir/madam,

I’m writing to express my opinion about three environmental laws that the government has recently proposed.

First of all, I agree the tax on plastic bags at supermarket. It is because this tax can let the people take their own bags, although it can let Hong Kong use less plastic bags, it can also let the people have a habit, have a usual practice. On the day of no plastic bags day, if the people need to use plastic bags in the supermarket, need to pay twenty cents. I think the money of use plastic bags can increase to one dollar. Why? It’s because it can let the people who forget to bring their own bag have a moral.

Secondly, I think that the government proposed ban idling engines is a good method. But I think there is a more good method. Hong Kong’s air pollution is improving, but there is also air pollution. I think Hong Kong government can make a rule to order the people who have car to change the gas which can produce lesser pollutants. Therefore, the air pollution level of Hong Kong can be lower and we can breathe the fresh air in Hong Kong too!

At last, the proposed law to make people separate their waste. For example, government can set some recycling bins in the buildings. So that the waste can be reuse, recycle… it can let Hong Kong’s waste decrease. Also the food or drinks companies can recycle there company’s bottles or boxes. They can use less money to make the package.

In conclusion, I agree the environmental laws. But it can be better.

Yours faithfully
Hung Kwun Kiu

Comment by moon

Composition Correction:

22 May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I’m writing to express my opinion about the three Government’s proposed enviornmental laws to ban on idling engines, tax on plastic bags and separate waste.
First of all, the ban on idling engines. I think that it is a good idea for Hong Kong! It is because in Hong Kong, is not too big, just a small city. If we ban on idling engines, we can safe more places for other purpose and if we keep the idling engines, what are there users? Also, it can make the environment’s air fresher, because when we have less idling engines; it may have less air pollution, isn’t it?
Secondly, about the tax on bags. I think it is very useful for the whole world! It is because when the government set up this policy, lots of people either choose to bring their own bags, just a little people choose to use a plastic bag! Therefore, this policy is useful! If the government wants to the whole world to do the same thing, they can have some advertisement to tell the people to obey this rule! Also, tell them we use too much plastic bags! So that, we need to have a tax on plastic bags unless the people may not control by using the plastic bags! Otherwise, our earth may not be able to save anymore!
At last, the problem of Separate waste. I think this policy has suggested lot time ago!
However, there is not too much people can do this! I suggest the government can introduce to primary school, secondary school or do some promote in the plaza, so that can let the students and the adult know that we should try to separate the waste by ourselves! Besides, let the people know that separate waste is important!
In conclusion, the governments of the whole world should try having some more action for helping the people to know more about the three government’s purposed environmental laws! And tell them saving our world is important!We can save our worlf, can’t we?

Yours faithfully,
Wong Tsz Hin

Comment by Harry

Composition correction:

22nd May 2008

Dear Sir/ Madam

I am going to express some of my opinions about three environment laws that the Government has proposed before.

Firstly, I feel pleasantly surprised with the Government proposing to ban on idling engines because it can bring us fresh air and clean environment. As you know, except the air come from factories in Guangdong cause the air pollution to Hong Kong, the exhaust fumes from idling cars is also the main cause of making Hong Kong’s air pollution. Moreover, the surveys have also shown strong public support for the ban on idling engines too.

Secondly, I support for taxing on plastic bags at supermarket. Because most plastic bags end up in the landfills, it really cause a big waste for us. I know that the use of plastic bags has dropped dramatically in Ireland since this tax was introduced. Isn’t it a successful case? In addition, this environmental laws can encourage and remind people to bring our own recycling bags for shopping too.

Finally, since our landfills are almost full, we need to find out some useful method to save this problems. The waste separation law is really a good method to reduce the burden of the landfills in Hong Kong. I know this waste separation law has worked in Taipei, I believed that we can do even better then them.

In conclusion, I think that this time the Government really did a great job for protecting the environment in Hong Kong. I hope that people will be cooperate with these three environmental laws one day because we are all living in Hong Kong! I also believe that I can see a beautiful and clear Hong Kong in the future.

Yours faithfully

Bowie Hui(signature)
Bowie Hui

Comment by B0W!E:)

22 May 2008

Dear sir/madam,

I am writing to express my concerns about three Government’s proposed environment laws. I hope that it can help our Hong Kong to be a great city!

First of all, I support the government law to ban on idling engines. Since our air pollution index all most high in this few years. Too much exhaust fumes are produce, it may affect our healthy, easily get disease! Seriously, it may let the animals die by the polluted air. We must keep our earth air clean by ban on using idling engines.

Secondly, I think it should be a tax on plastic bags at any shops that we use. I had heard that there are also many countries had been set up this law. So why can’t we safe our world as soon as possible, can we? I suggest to pay one dollars for a plastic bag when we are need, because plastic is hard to dissolve, and cannot degradable. I use my bag to replace by using plastic bag to bring my belongings, can you?

Finally, the proposed law to separate their waste can recycle the things that we don’t use. Like, we can put some boxes in estates to collect the waste paper, plastic bottles, aluminum cans etc. We must don’t waste anything because our landfill are almost full! So where can we place the rubbish? On the other hand, Taipei is already set up this important law to help there citizens keep there city clean and tidy.

In conclusion, the Government should be seriously paid more attention to these environmental laws. I believe that the proposals can be making our Hong Kong better than now!

Yours faithfully
Yuen Choi Yan

Comment by kik0:D


22nd May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my point of views about the three government’s proposed environmental laws recently.

Firstly, I think the law of banning on idling is quite workable since penalty can prevent people from keeping their car engines on when parking. Besides, I think the air pollution may thus be improved.

Because exhaust fumes which is a major cause to air pollution in Hong Kong can be reduced. On the other hand, this law is well-accepted by the public.

Secondly, I absolutely agree with the law of taxing on plastic bags at supermarket. Because it is a fascinating way to remind residents to use their own bags when they go shopping. Moreover, it can reduce the production of plastic bags due to
less pollution is produced and serious satiation of the habitat could be relieved by this. In addition, there is a good example in Ireland that they have the same law as this suggested one.

Finally, I partly agree with the law of separating waste. From a positive perspective, this helps relive the problems of landfills. Also, this reduces the amount of rubbish. What’s more? Things can be useful again by recycling. However, from a negative perspective, I think people may be confused by the recycling boxes and thus causes lots of inconvenience. On the other hand, citizens may not know the reality of the landfill problems. I think government should take a responsibility to educate people because it is a more effective and useful way rather than just set up laws to demand people to recycle waste. Besides, people may not know the details of separate waste.

In conclusion, the proposed laws are good ideas and education may be a more
way than setting up laws.

Yours faithfully,
Daisy Cheung Mei Ling

Comment by da!sy

22ndMay, 2008
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to express my concerns about three environment laws that
the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I absolutely agree with the Government proposed to ban on idling
engines. As the number of cars, vehicles are increasing in Hong Kong, the
amount of exhaust fumes released is increasing at the same time. If we don’t set up laws to solve this problem, air pollution problem will be very serious. Besides, these exhaust fumes may also affect the economy of Hong Kong. Tourists will not choose Hong Kong to spend their holidays,
because the air pollution is so serious.

Secondly, tax on plastic bags is also a necessary law to improve the living
environment of Hong Kong citizens. Some people may think that, it is not
fair if they need to pay for plastic bags. However, do they know that, there are 1064 tons of plastic bags wasted every day? The same law in Ireland is successful and so the same law in Hong Kong should be
successful too.

Thirdly, landfills in Hong Kong are almost full! Separating wastes is not a very hard job, right? If everyone co-operate, we can reduce a lot of
wastes by separating wastes. Hong Kong is a small city and we don’t
have a lot of land. We have a high population; we have a lot of buildings
and country parks. We don’t have more lands to put our wastes anymore.
Everyone doesn’t want to turn our country parks to landfills right? Why
don’t we do a little bit more, separating wastes?

The Government should put more effort on the environment, as our living
place is in a very bad condition now! Moreover, Hong Kong Government
should also learn from other countries in order to create a better
environment for Hong Kong citizens.

Yours faithfully,
Grammy (signature)
Grammy Chong

Comment by Grammy

Composition correction:

22nd May, 2008
Dear editor,

As the issue of air pollution is getting worse, I am now going to suggest three environmental laws to reduce the seriousness of environmental problems.

Firstly, I agree with the ban of idling engines which the government has recently proposed. Since the fuels that burn inside the engines of the car will produce a lot of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases to the air. The environment will get worse in a long period of time, so many surveys support this proposed law. But, is it too serious to pay a fine if some drivers have forgotten turning off the engine? I think so.

Secondly, I disagree with the proposed law which is about paying tax on plastic bags. Although people will use less plastic bags due to the tax on plastic bags, as a normal resident, I would not like to pay the tax for the plastic bags. It is because this is unfair to some careless people who always forget to bring his/her own bag or the people who do not have his/her own bag. Moreover, people may be angry to the government. Does the law really help?

Thirdly, I agree with the proposed law that is about separating the waste. People will not have to pay something to help protecting the environment. They only spend some time to separate the waste. I think this law can be accepted easily by the resident and there will be a higher effect.

Lastly, I hope all the people can spend their ability to help protect the environment. This is already a critical point and cannot be delayed.

Yours faithfully,

Comment by Vincy


22 May, 2008
Dear sir/madam

I am writing to express my opinion about three government’s proposed environmental laws.

Firstly, I support a ban on idling engines, because this can avoid th cars making so much smoke. So it can improve the air pollution. But there are still a lot of cars driving on the road, so many smoke is produced. There should be a better way, isn’t it?
Secondly, I agree with the tax on plastic bags. Because if people don’t need to pay tax on palstic bags, then they will use them more and more. But some people always forget to bring their own bags to the supermarket. Although they don’t want to use plastic bags, they still have to use them. I think there should be a way to remind people on bringing their own bags.
Thirdly, I think the law on separating wastes does not work. Because people will think separating waste is troublesome, then they won’t do it. The way to solve this problem is to tell people the advantages of separating wastes and the disadvantages of not separating wastes.
In conclusion, the environmental laws should have a better way to improve.

Yours faithfully
Jenna Chow

Comment by jenna

22nd may,2008

Dear sir/madam

I am writing to express my coment about three environmental laws the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, i think the law of idling engines os a good idea. Because it can reduce the exhaust fumes from the vehicles. The exhaust fumes from the vehicles are greenhous gases and not good to the environment. So I thinkthe government should take the laws seriously. It can help to improve the air quality of Hong Kong. I really support this law.

Secondly,I think the taxation on plastic bag is not very useful.Because after the tax was pasted, people still use a lot of plastic bags as long as they can afford it. I think the Government should not let shops buy plastic bags.The Government should not let the plastic bag s import to Hong Kong. So people must use their pwn bags.

Finally, about prrposed law to make people seperste their waste,I think the Government should force the citizens to seperate their waste or they will pay a fine. So it can reduce the rate of waste. This can help a lot to reduce the wastes.

In conclusion, the Government should take the laws more exacting.These laws can reduce the waste produced and is environmental friendly. In fact fact, these laws are very useful.

Yours Faithfully
Stella Tsang

Comment by Stella

22nd May,2008
Dear Sir/Madam

Iam a student. I would like to express my views on the three government proposed environmental laws. Because they all have different difficulties to carry on. I am in a situation of a normal citizen and hope to help the gorvernment to collect says of general public.

As the first law is ‘ban on idling engines’, I think it is an sfficent way to reduce air pollution. The gases produced by vehicles is a major cause of the serious air pollution. It dose not affect people’s daily life a lot. People can take a public transport instead of privite cars. So, I agree to pass this law.

The second law is ‘tax on plastic bags’. Plastic bags are commmonly used when shopping. Customers do not usually bring their own bag. It may cause a hge comsumniption of plastic bags. For the public, the taxation on it may cause a little heavier of the economic expenditure. But it can educate people to’bring your own bag, so the law is practical.

At last the law is ‘seperate waste’. I think it is easy to do and eco-friendly. All people can do it every day but people will not spend time fordoing this jobs. So the law can have a function of pushing people take action. It is good to pass this law.

In conclusion, I agree the laws but the government must find the solution for reduce the effect that disturb people. The government and itizens must be coorperrative.

Yours faitfully,
Sherman Wong

Comment by Sherman

22 Many 2008

Dear Editor

I’m writing to express my feeling about three government’s proposed law to ban on idling engines, tax on plastic bags at supermarket and separation of wastes.

Firstly, I support the law to ban on idling engines. Nowadays, Hong Kong’s air pollution is getting more and more serious, 60% of street-level air pollution is produced by exhaust from cars. Besides, the air quality is getting worse, it affects our health and may cause trachea not feeling well. The exhaust will also lead to global warming. Stop idling cars can also burning less fossil fuels, drivers can pay less for buying fuels. This law makes both of our environment and all of us have advantage, isn’t it?

Secondly, I against about the tax on plastic bag at supermarkets. We can see an advertisement on television, it remind us a plastic bag can reuse many times, such as buying fruits, carry a lunchbox, carry an umbrella, use as a rubbish bin and so on. The advertisement lastly encourage us don’t take any plastic bag is the better way. So I think the government should encourage people to take their own bag instead of pay tax on it because there maybe some case they can’t use their own bag. But if the number of plastic bag used by us is increase dramatically every month without drop, then I think it should impose the tax of plastic bag.

Lastly , I support the law to make people separate their wastes. I think it is a basic action to do environmental protection and to increase the public’s environmental awareness because it is a collective responsibility that we should do to save the environment. This action can train us to form a habit to recycle as many as we can recycle. I suggest the government can fine those people who don’t follow rules to recycle wastes.

In conclusion, the government is helping our world to become more green, I think all of us should play a part to saving our environment.

Yours faithfully
Arthur (Sign)
Wong Wing Hei, Arthur

Comment by Arthur

correction: 22 May 2008

Comment by Arthur

22 May, 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about the three environmental laws that the Government has lately proposed.

Firstly, I approve with the Government’s proposed ban on idling engines. We all know that most of the air pollutants in Hong Kong are come from factories, power stations and cars. But many drivers always berth their car on the side of the road for a long time and they do not turn the engines. This action makes lots of exhaust fumes come out from the car. These pollutants will affect the health of people. People maybe easily get respiratory diseases. So I think the Government should carry out this proposed law immediately.

Secondly, I disagree with the proposed tax on plastic bags. The Government always appeals Hong Kong people to bring their own bag. But they may not bring their own big every time or everywhere. So they can not use their own bag and they need to use the plastic bag. If they need to pay tax per each plastic bag, it is very unfair to the people and may cause people‘s economic lose. Besides, people also reuse the plastic bags. For example, I always put my P.E uniform plastic bags and bring it to the school.

Lastly, I support the waste separation law. If this law is carrying out, the separate waste bins can be put in the back stairs. Therefore, although the flat of a people is small, their still can separate the rubbish. Besides, after the rubbish has been separate, the rubbish will send to the factories. The workers will use these materials to make some things. For example, aluminum cans can make some aluminium products.

In conclusion, the Government has done a good job. They know the problem of Hong Kong and try to think some methods to solve them.

Your faithfully
Serena (signature)
Serena Wong

Comment by Serena


22ndMay, 2008
Dear editor:

I am a student from HTYC. I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

First, for the Government to ban idling engines, I agree with this law.
This law can decrease the exhaust fumes from the idling engines in cars. These exhaust fumes make air pollution in Hong Kong. It makes earth to have global warming. This law can also save energy. In the Surveys from Environmental Protection Department, people also support foe a ban on idling engines. So it is a good idea.

Second, I think the proposed tax on plastic bags at supermarkets is very useful. Now, the problem of plastic in Hong Kong is very serious. The example of other countries shows that is successful. It can make people use less plastic bags in supermarket or other shops. But people can reuse the plastic bags after they use it once. Therefore it can decrease the number of plastic bags being thrown away.

Lastly, the government proposed a law to force people to separate their waste. I think this law is required. Hon Kong people are very selfish now. They haven’t thought that there may be any problems happen in the future. There are not many of them who voluntary want to clean or separate rubbish. So government needs to do something to force people to separate their household rubbish. It is a feasible idea.

In conclusion, it is right to set up some laws for environmental protections. But it is not enough. Government must think more ways to protect our environment. We also need to do something to match these laws. If we only depend on the government, it will not be successful.

Yours faithfully
Raphael Leung

Comment by Raphael


22nd May, 2008
Dear Sir, Madam
I am writing to express my opinion on the environmental law of the government proposed just a few weeks ago.

Let’s talk about the governments proposed on banning idling engines first. I disagree this law. It is not convenient to all drivers. If they keep on turning on or turning off the engines, it may lead to some problems to the engines. This will just lead to the opposition of the drivers. What’s more, the main source of air pollution in Hong Kong is from the generation of electricity. Definitely, this law can reduce the pollution but I think the result is not obvious. I would rather the government pay more effort on the pollution caused by the generation of electricity.

Next, I think the tax on plastic bags is suitable since it can bring up the customers not to get the plastic bag from supermarket all the time. Also, people should reuse the plastic bags or use their own bag. Although it is not the major rubbish in landfills, this is what the whole Hong Kong people need to do. Also, I have heard that this propose is law in Ireland. Why don’t we try it?

Lastly, the waste separation law is not a good law since it cause a great inconvenient to people. People may not want to it because of time consuming. Even though this is a possible way to recycle the waste, it is not welcome by people.

In conclusion, I think taxing is a possible way to be put into practice. I believe that we can have improvement from pollution. People should think more when they throw any rubbish to anywhere.

Yours faithfully,
Marco Yu

Comment by Marco fish~2D

22 May 2008
Dear Sir/Madam

I am expressing about my opinion about three environment laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree that the Government’s proposed ban on idling engines. Although most of the pollutants in Hong Kong’s air come from Guangdong, we need to keep our environment clean. The harmful gases release from the vehicles may affect our health, like high blood pressure or respiratory system disease and so on. No matter a few things, we need to do better to protect our environment. It may not be popular in the beginning, but I believe that the final change may change the people’s mind. Citizen may back this law up.

Secondly, I think that the proposed tax on plastic bags at supermarket is necessary.
Plastic bag is an insoluble material, if plastic bag fill up six percent of our landfill, it is so serious, aren’t they? If we don’t want this thing appear, we should start action today! We bring our own bag to supermarket, then the problem will solve isn’t it? Although it is inconvenient to all of us, but we need to action for our world not only our city!

Thirdly, the proposed law to make people separate their waste so that it can be recycled is good to our city. It is troublesome to us to separate the rubbish, but recycle is important. Although homes on Hong Kong are so small, we can separate the waste in different recycling bin.

In conclusion, the government has done a good work by proposing these environment laws. I believe that the laws may helpful and people will follow the laws and protect our environment is a collective responsibility.

Your faithfully

Wong Lok Wan

Comment by christy*V*

22nd May,2008
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree the Government’s proposed ban on idling engines. The air pollution of Hong Kong is very serious now. This will affect many bad problems around us. Therefore we need to save our city! You may say the main reason that causing the air pollution is not only the engines but we still ought to solve the main reason first as well as the pollution produced factories.
However, I think we can save our city step by step. That means we can solve the problem of easiest first. Day by day, I believe the air pollution of Hong Kong will be less serious! Although proposing this law may cause inconvenience, we have to think that save our city is the first thing we need to do. It is important than anything.

Secondly, I agree the Government’s proposed law to tax on plastic bags at supermarkets. Proposing this law can decrease the number of people who abuse using plastic bags all the time, then the landfill will not be full so quickly. Also, the tax that the people pay for, it can use to do other things such as for the charity and so on. Since we use less the plastic bags, the factories can make less plastic bag than before. It can reduce the harmful gases produced by plastic bag.

Finally, the proposed law to make people separate their waste is practical. If we all separate our wastes, then the government can recycle some bottle or paper more easily. However I think not everyone will support this law, some people may think that there are too trouble.

In conclusion, the Government set this three environmental laws are very useful. In fact, I believe that if proposed this three law, the air must be become better.

Yours faithfully
Natalie Lam

Comment by natalie

22 May 2008
Dear Sir
I am writing to express my opinions about the three environmental laws that the government has recently proposed.
Frist,I disagree with government’s proposed law to ban on idling engines. It can’t solve the serious problem by paying a fine.The drivers will continue keep on their engines running while they are parked.It can’t reduce the index of air pollution in Hong Kong ultimately. Besides, the major source of air pollution not only from the exhaust fumes from idling cars, it also come from building duildings, the pollutants from Mainland China, etc.Therefore, this law can not help much to our environment.Second,”Greens support tax on plastic bages” is indeed. According to the research of Greeners Action, they did interview with 748 people. They find out that, there were 30.5% people will bring their own bags when they go to shopping, but this year, the number reduced to 18%.It is a geart changes! Why does it happen ?
Is it because of us? The people think that use plastic bags is very convenient.” Tax on plastic bages” can let the people be aware of bringing their own bages, it can reduce the number of plastic bages in landfills as well.There are some meterials that difficult to dissolve inside plastic bages, it will release toxic oxides also.If this law pass, it can let the earth become more healthy.
Finally, I am very endorse the “Wastes Separation” law. Separating the wastes can protect the environment directly. There are recycling bins were set up but not much people to separate the wastes. Therefore, this law is very useful. Besides,the governmentshould raise the awareness of the general public, let more people pat attention to it.
In conclision, I support the government to pass these laws because these really can help us to saving our world. It not only the problem of Hong Kong, it is relate to our hold world!Although it may not see the result very fast, it is still to be of use. We should hand in hand to saving our environment together.

Yours faithfully ,
Ella (signature)
Ella Siu

Comment by Ella

Composition Correction:

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my opinion about the three environmental laws that the Government has proposed.

Firstly, I think ban on idling engines this law is unuseful because if the drivers just have a short period for idling engines, it cannot make a big difference of air quality. Is the air of Hong Kong is very polluted? I think it’s yes but the major reason of the air pollution in Hong Kong is the drivers don’t idling engines when they are not drive the car? The driver may not support this law. I think the drivers that change the engines to environmental engines, it may be give less smoke to pollute the air.

Secondly, I think the tax on plastic bags is work for protect the environment because it can avoid people use too much plastic bags when they are shopping. this can save more trees because plastic bags are made of trees. It may distory our environment. Although this is not cause many rubbish, it made many trees died. This can give people the ideas that can protect our environment such as use less things that made of plastic and paper.

Finally, the law of separate the wastes that the Government proposed is very necessary. The separeate of paper, plastic bottle and aluminium cans are very useful for make less rubbish because this kind of things can be recycled to make for other things that can be use again. This can avoid the landfill full slowly. But many people don’t like to separate the wastesbecause they are very busy or lazy. If separate the wastes, Hong Kong may have more places.

In conclusion, the three laws that proposed by the Government are useful in total. These laws really con propect our environment, but this need our help. If we do nothing about environmental, it is no use of the Government that proposed these three laws. The Government can propose more laws to protect our environment.

Yours faithfully
Amy (signature)
Amy Lau

Comment by Amy

22nd May,2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about the three environmental laws that the Government has proposed.

Firstly,I agree the Government to ban the idling engines.Many people always park with the running engines and many exhaust fumes have produced since then.This causes serious air pollution and it will directly affect the health of people.In addition,some surveys show that this law is supported by general public. Therefore,it is a good method for the Government to protect the environment.I believe that people will avoid running the engines while parking if this law is carried out in order to avoid paying fine.

Secondly,I support the Government to have a tax on plastic bag.People always throw away the plastic bags after using only once and it increases the amount of waste.It will also pollute the environment.Therefore,if this law is implemented,I believe that people will bring their own bags and it can help protect the environment.The use of plastic bags has dropped dramatically in Ireland since the tax was introduced and it is a good example.

Thirdly,the law of separating waste is workable.People just spend a few more time to separate the waste and some of them can be recycled or reused.It has already worked in Taipei.

In conclusion,I support the Government to carry out those environmental laws because they can help protect the environment and also our Earth!

Yours faithfully

Comment by coco


22nd May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing a letter to express my opinion about three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the law banning idling engines. Exhaust fumes from idling cars has added to Hong Kong’s air pollution. Since most of the polluted are from cars and vehicles, holding this law by the government can avoid too much polluted air from vehicles. In addition, there is a shown that strong public support for a ban on idling engines. From this survey, we can see that people also want to have this law be proposed. Also, this can save the energy and resources of the vehicles. Moreover, this law is good for people who have week health because there are fewer fumes from vehicles.

Secondly, I think tax on plastic bags at supermarket is also a suitable law. There are examples of other countries show us that a tax can be successful. For example, the use of plastic bags has dropped dramatically in Ireland since the tax was introduced. The other countries are better after the law passed. They have successful result, haven’t they? Moreover, I believe there will be less plastic wastes be produced and this is good to the environment.

Finally, the proposed law to make people separate their waste is also useful. Voluntary waste separation has not worked, has it? Hong Kong’s landfills are almost full. If we separate the waste can slower down the increasing development of landfill. Also, the waste separation law has worked in Taipei. We can make use of the waste we separate like papers, and aluminum cans. We can reclycle them and make new things.

In conclusion, I think the three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed are useful. I am sure after the laws have been implemented, it will make Hong Kong green.

Yours faithfully,
Liska Shiu

Comment by LISKA


22nd may 2008
Dear editor

I am writing to express my feelings about the environment in Hong Kong. There are three environment laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, In the Hong Kong, the most serious polluted problem is air pollution. One kind of the problem is the idling engines. The idling engines are burn in rock oil. That kind of fuel can produce carbon dioxide to affect the air. The carbon dioxide makes the rain to become acid rain. The kind of rain water is so acidic. It can corrode the buildings; make the plant die, etc. If the air is so bad, the air pollution index is so higher; it may easily get respiratory cancer. Some of the drivers keep their engines running while they are parked may soon be told to pay a fine. The exhaust fumes from idling car add to Hong Kong’s air pollution. I hope Hong Kong people can pay more attention in their life. This is because air pollution may affect to global warming. The global warming cause the ice in the pole melt, it increase the sea level. I think the Hong Kong government can do better. For example, nowadays the government has ban the drivers idling engines.

Secondly, I think there is the use of plastic bags. In the landfill, there is produce around 10000 plastic bags per day. It seems that the waste of plastic bags is quite serious. I think we should pay for the plastic bags. The government has appeal us many time. But there is only a few people have prepare a bags before shopping. So, I think paying with the plastic bags, the people will pay more attention.

Finally, the government has prepared the recycling bins in the public estate. This can help the people to separate easily. But the Hong Kong people were so lazy; they think separate the rubbish was so trouble. In addition, not everywhere can separate the glass bottle. I was the one don’t know where can separate the glass bottle.

In conclusion, the government can do more with the recycling problem. The education of protect our environment is also important. In fact, when we throw away the rubbish, shall we need to think: can it recycling?

Yours faithfully

Jessica Lam

Comment by Jessica

22 May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about three environment environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the Government’ s proposed to ban on idling engines. Although most of the pollutions in Hong Kong’ s air come from factories in Guangdong, Hong Kong also makes the pollution. The pollutions in Hong Kong’ s air, except come from Guangdong, it also make by us, like the household rubbish, the car smoke ect. If ban on the idling engines, it may be more better for our environment, because it is one of method to protect our earth. Also traveling the public transport is another necessary method for improve our environment, so government can control that people drive their cars in some days like the procedure in New York.

Secondly, I think is propose tax on plastic bags necessary. It is because saving the earth is our responsibility. Also if we want to protect it, it will become necessary. Just only wants with not want to do, tax on plastic bags can reduce the rubbish. Bring your own bag, is the good way to reduce use plastic bags. So government can provide the environmental protection bag to the residents.

Finally, separating waste is a good method to reduce the rubbish. It can separate the things that the recycle. So that some of the waste can recycling and become the new thing after. But I think that the recycling bins in Hong Kong is so few. We can’ t always find it, and we won’ t to do it.

In conclusion ,the Government need to improve the proposed environmental laws, like increase the recycling bins, more propaganda, and teach the residents the importants of saving our environment.
Your faithfully

Karen But

Comment by karen

22 nd May 2008
Dear Sir / Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that the government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the government’s propose ban on idling engines. Since exhaust fumes from idling cars added to Hong Kong’s air pollution, we need to pass a law to ban on idling engines. According to the surveys, it has shown a strong public support for this law. In addition, after we will pass the law, less exhaust fumes will produced. The air will become fresh. Moreover, less air pollution is good for our health. It is an advantage for general public.

Secondly, I think that the proposing tax on plastic bags at supermarkets is necessary People use lots of plastic bags during shopping, so it needed lots of materials to make plastic bags. What is more? I believe that if it needed money to consume, the amount of plastic bags will decrease. Besides, the money we collected in the tax, we can use it for educating people how important recycling is. Educating people is the main solution to solve the problem. If people know how to recycle, less pollution will be found.

Finally, the proposed law to make people separate their waste can be recycled is useful. For example, if we separate paper, it can be the recycled paper. It can also reduce the landfills that used to put rubbish. We need not to be worried about how to put the rubbish. Also, many countries have done this recycle before, like Taipei, it is a successful example. Why other country can do this but we can’t?

In conclusion, the Government carried on the proposed environmental laws. In fact, I believe that everyone will join in these laws. Environment is an owned by everyone. Support keeps it clear and tidy.

Yours faithfully
Michelle Wong
Michelle Wong

Comment by Michelle

22 May 2008
Dear Sir/Madam
i am the secondary two student in hong kong.i am writing to express my opinion of the 3 government proposed envirnment have:ban on idling engines,tax on plastic bagand seprate waste.
first,i agree the seprate have seprate three of it,recycle,reduce and reuse.i think it will be more people to do it,because it is not so trouble.but i think we need to make more recycling bins then,if you walk to any where you can throw the rubbish to the correct bins.if you reduce then reuse is more good.
second,i don’t agree of the ban on idling engines and the tax on plastic bag.firstly,i think the ban on idling engines is very trouble of the people nowadays.i think this will more better:the government can tell the people to use the most recycle engines and input a law that is when you hold or stop the car with a long time,such as 5min then you need to stwith off the idling engines.and other hand,i think the tax on plastic bag is not good for think more,if some people are rich,they will not care of it,so your law not operation.if you see from the poor people,they have not enough of it.the government should tell every one must buy a own bag,catell the people to use their own bag,if no,hold with their own hands.
third,i think all people inthe world are equal,all people must protect the world.
last,i hope that you can input this laws.
yours faithfully

li yuen ting

Comment by ting>x

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing tto express my concerns about three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the government’s proposed ban on the idling engines. Also, there are over 50 days have high or very high air pollution this year. Many people in Hong Kong noticed about this and the public support for a ban on idling engines increased. But the air pollutants in Hong Kong’s air are not mostly produced by the idling engines, and exhaust fumes from cars too! I suggest that the Government should also set up laws to control the amount of cars in Hong Kong. I think it is not enough, the Government should also have some action on it. Only set up laws is not enough. the government should also set up a department that has the responsibility to catch the owner of idling engines and punish them. Then the air quality in Hong Kong will be improved faster.

Secondly, I think that the proposed tax on plastic bags at super market is necessary. Proposed tax on plastic bags can push the public to use less plastic bags. It is also nexessary in other countiries, i think it is fatir too! One plastic bag need a very long time to be decomposed in landfills. So it is fair for the public to pay more on plastic bags. It can also push the public to pay more attention on green living.

Finally, the proposed law to make people separate their waste so that it can be recycled is practical.Because the landfills in Hong Kong is almost full. If we don’t recycle more of our waste, where can we pull the waste then? Separation on waste was proposed successfully in Taiwan. Hong Kong is an international city, both of us educated, how can’t we separate the waste? Just do a little bit things more everyday, but we can save Hong Kong, so why can’t we do that?

In conclusion, the Government’s laws are practical. It can really help to solve the pollution problems in Hong Kong.

Yours faithfully
Leo Wai
Leo Wai Chun Fai

Comment by Leo

22nd may 2008
Dear Sir/ Madam
I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that the government has recently proposed.

First, I agree with the Government’s proposed ban on idling engines.
Since nowadays the air pollutions in Hong Kong is very serious. I think that the exhaust fumes produce from idling engines is making the air pollution become serious. If everyone does not idling engines, I thrust that it must reduce the air pollution.
However, I think the laws should be better. I think government can increase the punishment / penalty. It may help a lot in the laws. Since the people don’t want to pay lots of money in it.

Second, I think that the proposed tax on plastic at the supermarket / shops is a good idea. Much people waste the plastic bags. Such as the get the plastic bag only use for carry a orange juice.
Also, I think government should ask the supermarkets/shop to raise the price in getting the plastic bags, the number of get the plastic bags. I believe that may help a lot in this case. And people will start to bring their own bags.
It may less household rubbish, and the landfill may not be full at a very fast speed.

At last, the proposed was to make people separate their waste is very good for helping environment. Though the news, I know the a lot of people litter their materials and rubbish. If this law passed, the landfills will not be full as now. Since the people recycle their household rubbish.

In conclusion, the government has done very well in the laws. I believe that if the government improves a little in the laws. it will be prefect.

Yours faithfully
Wong Ka Kit

Comment by kit@2c

22 May 2008

Dear Sir/ Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about the three environmental laws that the government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the ban on idling engines. As there are over fifty days recorded in high or very high air pollution, we should implement some laws to improve these problems, I think the ban on idling engines is one of the good methods, isn’t it? Moreover, the poisonous fumes exhaust from idling cars has been added to one of the biggest cause of street-level air pollution recently. Since the idling engines have almost produced sixty percent of street-level air pollution in some districts, I think we should even more to support this ban. Besides, the percentage of the public supported the ban had increased from fifty-three percent in 2001 to seventy percent in 2005. The public is intensely support this law according to the surveys!

Secondly, I think the tax on plastic bags is required. As most of the plastic bags end up in landfills, we should reduce the number of them, shouldn’t we? Also, the other countries are showing us that this tax is very successful because the use of plastic bags has dropped. This can also force people to use less plastic bags, can’t it?

Finally, I think the waste separation law can also help to protect the environment. As most of our landfills have almost fulled, we can hardly find more new landfills. We need to make law to separate their waste and recycle them. This ban can help us to slow down the rate of using up the landfills.

In conclusion, the three environmental laws are useful to protect the earth. I believe that most people will support the laws and this can help to protect the environment.

Yours faithfully,
Chiu Chi Ki(signature)
Chiu Chi Ki

Comment by CCK

22 May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my support for the three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly,I agress with the Government’s proposed ban on idling engines.Drivers who keep their engines running while they are parked. The action of these drivers is very selfish because they are wasting energy of cars,limited energy in our world.Besides,exhaust fumes from idling engines cars added to Hong Kong’s air pollution.It makes thequality of air became worse and worse and it greatly increases the air pollution index in Hong Kong.It will directly affect human’s respiratory systems.The most common human’s respiratory systems problem is asthma.It’s mainly caused by air pollution.

Secondly,I think that the proposed tax on plastic bags at supermarkets is necessary.If you go to supermarkets,you would discover that some of the customers just want to but some candy but they still get a plastic bag to store it.From this example,you can see that how people abused plastic bags and created such unnecessary waste.I think this proposed law can encourage Hong Kong citizens to bring their own bags when they are shopping.

Finally,the propsed law to make people separate their waste so that they can recycle useful wastes.Our landfills are almost full.We must reduce the wastes by separating wastes.If everone of us take few minutes to separate wwastes then it’s not just a minor action.It will be a great action and Hong Kong will be more beautiful.We can separate many things,such as glass,paper,plastic bottles and so on.So, don’t think it’s a troublesome action.As the old saying goes,many a little make a mickle!

In conclusion,the government has proposed great envrionmental laws.These laws reminded Hong Kong citizens to love and care the place where we live.

Yours faithfully
Lam Yeuk Jing

Comment by Jing

22 May, 2008

Dear Sir / Madam,

I’m writing to express my support. I think the three government’s proposed environmental laws are great suggestions.

Firstly, I want to talk about the first law ,‘ban on idling engines’. It holds that the waste gas is harmful to the air on earth and also to our respiratory system. I knew that waste gas will make people get asthma. The waste gas from cars will make a hole to the atmosphere. If there is a hole on it, the sunlight will shine on the earth directly, people may get skin cancer, cataract those disease.

Secondly, the law is ‘tax on plastic bags’. I think it is a good idea to punish people who abuse the plastic bags. Plastic is a do not separate material. If we use fire to burn it, it will release some gas which is baneful to human body, if we throw it to the sea, it will make the living things in the sea suffocate to dye because of the plastic. Pitiful marine life!

Lastly, ‘separate waste’ is the third law. The government has launched three recycling color bin. You can find the three recycling bins in each estate. The blue one is for waste paper; yellow, is for aluminium cans; and the brown one is for plastic bottle. The waste in these three recycling bins can make another useful thing.

Except the three recycling bins, there are some other kinds of recycling bins, such as clothes recycling bins, electric cell recycling, CDs recycling bins, ect. . The problem of environmental pollution become more and more serious, did you want to live on the earth which is destroyed seriously? If no, LET’S TAKE ACTION! Let’s protect our earth by ourselves.

Yours faithfully,
Ms Viyoko Chan

Comment by Viyoko

22nd May 2008
Dear Sir/Madam

I am going to express some my idea about the environmental protection.
The three laws are to ban idling engines,tax on plastic bags and waste separation.
Firstly,I agree with the ban idling engines.It is because most of the air pollution are from vehicles.From some research,60% of street-level air polluton is produced by the vehicles.If government can ban idling engines it will help a lot to reduce the air pollution in Hong Kong.The drivers were parked their car but keep their engines running.It wasted the fuel and the engine is useless when the car is parked.For drivers,it can save the money.For the public,it can have more fresh air.
Secondly,I think that the tax on plastic bags is very successful.It is because the example of the other country shows us that is can reduce a lot of plastic bags waste.The use of plastic bags droppeddramatically.
In fact,most of the people to support this law because they know that they have produced the waste.Why can’t we pass the law?
Finally,I am very to support waste separation.Taipei has carried out this law and it have a very good result!I think that the landfills in Hong Kong are nearly full.If we still don’t recycle more of our waste.We will not have more land to build another landfills.Most of people know the landfills are nearly full.They are also discussing what they can do.I think this law is the most suitable.It is because recycling can let
someting old,useless become useful again.
In conclusion,the government has done a lot of things for protect the
environment.In fact,I believe the proposals can get the public support.
Yours faithfully
Jerry Man
Jerry Man

Comment by jerry.\_/.

22 may ,2008
Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my opinion about three environment laws that the government has recently proposed.
First of all, I agree with the Government’s law to ban on idling engines. Although pepople think that most of the Hong Kong’s air pollutants came from factories of Guangdong, yet the fact is that the exhause fuels of cars in Hong Kong weight 60% of the street-level pollution. Moreover, when the drivers parked their cars with their engines on, are actually making a watse of fossil fuels in their car and thus waste their money, aren’e they? Therefore, the law will posibble help drivers save up their money and will be very welcomed by the Hong Kong public.
Then, i think that the proposed tax on plastic bags at supermarket is necessary. Even though plastic bags would only fill up 6% of our landfills, it will still be a factor leading us to have a problem of ending them up. And thus, they are a great problem, aren’t they?Besides, it’s all our responsibility to pay for what we’d used. Ireland has implement such a law and they’d got a successful result: the use of plastic bag has dropped dramatically!
Lastly, we need an appeal to make the public serarate their waste.Though it cause such an inconvenience, it’s a practical for the public to have more awareness towards the importance of recycling. Although flats in Hong Kong are small, the Government can have the recycling bins on each floor of the buildings.Watse separation has worked in Taipei, they can do it, why can’t we?Moreover, waste separation can help the economy by providing jobs in the recycling industry and I believe, we all have the ability to do this.
In conclusion, I think the governent should implement these laws. Helping to imrove our environment in Hong Kong is a collective responsibilty.
Yours faithfully

Connie Chui
( words)

Comment by connie

22 May 2008

Dear Sir / Madam

I am writing to express my feeling of nowadays environment.

First of all, as you know that the pollution in Hong Kong is very serious, but have we solved this problem? So I think that we should do something else to save the environment. So let me talk some examples. Firstly, “The government to ban the law of idling engines”. But at the same time, have we thought that is the problem really not come from the idling engines. I think the main serious problem is not from Hong Kong, the main problem is from the whole world. It is because when one of the cities is produce pollution, the pollution and dust will blow to another city. Therefore there are many cities are affecting and Hong Kong is one of them. So as the result I have mention about the main problem isn’t on the idling engines and I think that the government should talk with the other cities or countries and ask for solution to solve this problem, for example sign some contract.

Next, “The Green supports the tax on the plastic”. But is it really worked and is it really needs to collect the tax on the plastic bag? Yes, everyday there are a lot of plastic bags are used and thrown, and many waste is come from the plastic bag. But I think that the income of the citizen is raise higher and higher, so the people can afford the tax. But the problem still cannot solve. So the government can take a look on the supermarket or the place always given plastic bag and ask them to control the plastic bag waste.

Finally is the “Waste separation law”. I think that the waste is serious, but if the government set up some law will the citizen follow it? So set up the law is not the best way to save the environment. Therefore the government can give the money or decreased the tax for who have followed the separation step of the waste. And this way the citizen may try to follow the separation law.

In conclusion, the government can try to find out the best way to save the environment. In fact, this is our collective responsibility to save the environment. So let save the world together.

Yours faithfully,
Jason (signature)
Jason Lau

Comment by Jason


Dear Sir/Madam, 22 May,2008
I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that the government had recently proposed.
I agree with these three new environmental laws proposed by government in part.
First, idling engines can save energy and reduce the carbon dioxide, sulphur oxide…etc toxic oxides and highly decrease the seriousness of air pollutions. Now Hong Kong citizens has many respiratory disease because the air pollution. Some people may prefer private cars more than public transport, so idling engines can also help to reduce waste gas and also might save money of fossil fuels! If everyone (the drives)idle their engines, I think just two month later it will make a great change and great decrease of air pollution index, so this not mean troublesome if you think or the others and people around.

Next is the tax on plastic bag, I’m totally disagree it, but I think it’s too merciful for the citizens. Because one plastic bag just cost $0.2 and too less for us and people will not care about these little little money. I think the government should get up an interim for us to use our own bag and plastic bags (but still allow the tax), then we can save a lot of plastic bags or reduce it. So the landfills won’t be too full—because plastic bags id the major waste of household in Hong Kong.

The last one is “Waste separation law”. I agree with it very much! Because people always think troublesome of this action and now they must do it! Separating the bottle, paper and aluminum cans (we always drink coca-cola) is easy, why don’t we do it? Separate the waste can recycle the things and helping the environment, also can make us be more responsible for our environment everything. Also, I think, before we throw the rubbish, we need to think for the matter of “reuse”—because we don’t want to be “troublesome”, right?

In conclusions,I think these laws are brilliant and helpful for our environment.
Yours faithfully,
Lau yu yan

Comment by Secret

22nd May, 2008
Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about the three environmental laws that the Government has proposed.

Firstly, I agree the Government proposed law to ban the idling engines. Although most of the pollutants in Hong Kong’s air come from Guangdong, we need to keep our environment clean. We all know that most of the air pollutants in Hong Kong are come from factories, power stations and cars. The law can have strong public support and the pollutants from exhaust fumes add to air pollution.

Secondly, I support the Government to have a tax on plastic bag. In the landfill, there is produce around 10000 plastic bags per day. The advertisement lastly encourage us don’t take any plastic bag is the better way. I think this proposed law can encourage Hong Kong citizens to bring their own bags when they are shopping.

Finally, I agree with the proposed law that is about separating the waste. All people can do it every day but people will not spend time fordoing this jobs. I was the one don’t know where can separate the glass bottle. I suggest the government can fine those people who don’t follow rules to recycle wastes.

In conclusion, the Government set these three environmental laws is very useful. The Government can propose more laws to protect our environment.

Yours faithfully
Mon (Signature)
Mon Tang

Comment by Mon:)

Composition correction:

21st May,2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am the secondary school student in HTYC.I am writing about to improve the environment of Hong Kong.

Firstly, we shall conclude a tready call “A plastic bag,one dollar.”Because nowadays the people don’t want to save our world.Also, we can keep on to our plastic that we have used.Then, we can reduce the number of plastic bags and the prime cost of the plastic bags.The supermarket will reduce the physical strength of the workers.

Secondly,we don’t let the smoke people to go inside to the park,hill and restaurant.Because you may affect other people who are breathing,eating or having a barbecue.For the hill,most of them throw the cigaretts into the grass.IOt may causes the hill fire.In 1998,a hjill fire caused some teachers and students died.For restaurant, many of the workers work hard,they want to have a good lunch time or dinner.After you are smoking,a bad smell came out.It will affect the workers.Thjey will be unhealthy.

Finally,we shall reduce the level of the air pollution.Many vans don’t change their engines and it causes a lot of block cloud cover the Hong Kong.The visitors will not like it and never come to Hong Kong.It must affect the tourism of Hong Kong.We shall make our Hong Kong citizens become healthier.

Yours faithfully,

Comment by Marco~Girl

22nd May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I wantto express my veiw about these three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the law banning idling engines. In evry dey many of exhaust fumes aer produced the vehicles.The pollution index of road is alawys high.This fumes will affect our health and polluted ihe air. This law can heip to reduce the poiiution in the air and make a good habit for protect our envirnment.

Secondly, I argreethat tax on plastic bags at supermarket . we use a lot of plastic bags per day.Although there are only six percentage on landfill,protect our envirnment is our collective repsonility.The material of plastic bags can not be dissolve in the soil in the landfill. In addition, they produced toxic gases when they reacting with soil for a long time.This law can decrease the use of plastic bags dramatically.

Finally, the proposed law to make people separate waste is also good idea. Separating waste can help the workwr more easy and to transfer the waste Hong Kong’s landfills are almost full. If we separate the waste can slower down the increasing development of landfill.

In conclusion, I think the three environmental laws can slow down the polluton.In order to live green , a small ation can make a different. We can do it ,can’t you?
Yours faithfully,
Bonnie Cheung

Comment by Bonnie

22nd May 2008
Dear Sir / Madam

I am writing to express my opinions about the three Government’s proposed environmental laws.

Firstly,I agree with the Government’s proposed law to ban on idling engines.
Since the factories and vehicles always give out pollutants,the drivers who keep their engines running while they are parking must be one of the arch-criminal of polluting the air.Exhaust fumes coming out from idling cars really worsen the air pollution.Moreover,surveys shows that there is a strong public support for a ban on idling engines.In addition,if we don’t do something to punish these guys who let the fumes of engines come out,they will do it again.Therefore,we need to make a ban on idling engines.

Secondly,I don’t agree with the tax on plastic bags.Although the use of plastic bags has dropped dramatically in Ireland as the tax was introuduced,some people will think bringing their own bags to go shopping is inconvenient and do not mind paying a little bit money more for a plastic bag.What is more?I think the government should advertise the information of using our own bags for shopping on TV.Besides,schools can always teach students during lessons in the school.

Finally,I also agree with the waste seperation.The Hong Kong’s landfills are nearly and almost full,so we need to do something or no place can let us put our wastes.We can seperate the things such as glass,paper,aluminium cans,plastic bottles and any other items.

In conclusion,I think if the laws are carried out,it really needs a period of time until all people do it,but it is absolutely hard and difficult.So,we must put our efforts on the three laws.

Yours faithfully
Miss Wong,Yuen Ying Maggie

Comment by Maggie:'>

22 nd May, 2008

Dear editor,

I am writing to drop my opinion about the three government’s proposed environment laws.

The first proposed law is ‘ban on idling engines’. Personally, I agree with this terms, because a working engine will produce carbon oxide the cause greenhouse effect. For the long term, this will simply affect the human’s health, but I think the government has not hold the law tight. They don’t have any penalty or further punishment about it. I often see cars parked but did not turn off the engines. I think the air quality is still not good enough.

The second proposed law is ‘tax on plastic bags’. I think the government should not just only set up a taxation, but also ban to use plastic bags. I undertand that there are difficulty, but I think they should also have some penalty on it. It can help to reduce the amount of wasted plastic bags and appeal the people to use their own bag. It can help reduce wastes neutralize the landfills.

The third proposed law is ‘Separate waste’. I agree with this term because it can help to reduce rubbish and reuse wastes. I think the government should set up more separate rubbish bin in the residential area. In the other hand, the school should also have enough education to their students, because students are the other major group of the waster. I still see lots of my schoolmates don’t care about the separate rubbish bin.

In conclusion, I hope the government will set up more terms to protect our residential area. They should also charge more penalties to warn people. We hope we can create a better residential area together.

Yours faithfully,
Mr Alex Cheung

Comment by alex

22 May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the Government’s proposed law to ban on idling engines. Since the drivers whom keep their engines running while they are parked, so the exhaust gases come out from the cars engines. This leads to the air pollution increases and is getting worse. People will easily sick, as the air quality gets worse. When it is proposed, the public support increase too. In 2001 and 2005, the percentage of public support of the ban idling engines is 55% and 70% respectively. It increases 15%. It seems that more people pay attention to the air pollution in Hong Kong.

Secondly, I think that proposed tax on plastic bags at supermarkets is necessary. I have read a piece of news that other countries also have this taxation, and then the use of plastic bags has dropped dramatically in Ireland. If this taxation carries out, this reminds people to bring their own bags when they go to supermarkets, they can save more money on the plastic bags.

Finally, the proposed law to make people separate their waste so that it can be recycled is practical. In Hong Kong, the landfills are almost full, if we keep on producing the waste, we may not have enough spaces to put them all. IF this law is passing, there is also have a benefit of waste separation, this helps the economy by providing jobs in recycling industry, the unemployment rate decrease. There is also a successful example in Taipei with the waste separation, why we cannot have a chance to experience of the law?

In conclusion, I think the government should pass the three environmental laws and be friend with our world. We do not have much waste from now on!

Yours faithfully,
Angel Ian (signature)
Miss Ian Shuk Yi

Comment by Angel

22nd May 2008
Dear Sir/Madam

I think the ideas you suggested last time are good and I am writing to state my opinions on the three proposed environmental laws.

First of all, I agree the banning on idling engines. Because, it can reduce the amount of exhaust fumes produced by the old engines. On the other side, it can force the drivers to change a less-polluted engine. It is very important and also the most efficient way to control the serious air pollution problem.
I also agree the law of setting the tax on plastic bags. Plastic bags are contributing harmful substances to us. They cannot be decomposed easily. If the plastic bags are not free anymore, it can reduce the number of people who use a large amount of plastic bags each day. After a long duration, the landfills will not be affected by plastic bags.
Although I agree the first two laws very much, I think the third solution may not be possible to comply with in every family. I do not agree making a law that force people to separate the waste, because it is too troublesome indeed. Moreover, most of the people need to work outside in the whole day and they cannot have enough time to separate their waste. As a result, it can only make people get angry and finally protest on streets.

In conclusion, protecting our environment is the collective responsibility. Maybe we can pay more attention to educate both children and adults. Hong Kong’s environment is getting worse and worse, I hope after setting these laws will make the environment of Hong Kong improve a lot.

Yours faithfully,
Michael Cheung

Comment by Michael

22nd may,2008
Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about three
environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

First, I agree with the government to ban idling engines. It is because l always can smell the toxic gases from idling is very awful! If the government carry out is proposed law, Hong Kong’sair pollutin wii decrease.Moreover,I believe that this proposed law for a ban on idling engines will be very popular with the Hong Kong general public.

Second,I support the Government’s proposed tax on plastic bag at suppermarkets.I think this law will have a good result on reducing plastic bags in Hong Kong.The example of foreign cities shows us that it can be successful.

Finally, Ithink the waste separation law need a long time to do that.But i think it is a good method to solve the landfill’s problems .I will support this law and I will separate glass,paper,aluminium cans ,plastic bottles and other items in separate waste bins.I’llbe a good example to my family and friend.

In conclusion,the Government has proposed good laws on environmental protection.Iwill support these three environmental laws.
Yours faithfully
Wong Wa Tan

Comment by CatffanY

22 May 2008
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing to express my feelings towards the three government’s proposed environmental laws. They are ban on idling engine, tax on plastic bags and separate waste.

First, I think ban on idling engine is good. As I know, exhaust gas from car is one of the major sources of air pollutants. Some people do not turn of the engine while they are waiting. I think it is a wicked and selfish behavior. If the government checks on it, I think people will not do that anymore.

Second, I cannot decide whether setting up tax on plastic bags is good or not. When people go shopping, not many of them will bring their own bags. I think that this law can set up in the market first. The housewives will pay more attention to how much they have spent. To save more money, they will bring their own bags instead of using plastic bags. When it becomes a habit of them, more people will follow.

Last but not least, let’s talk about the most important part- separation of wastes. This law has passed in Taiwan already. The result is satisfactory too. Hong Kong can follow Taiwan. If this law is set up, many sides have advantages. For economy, more factories will be built for recycling waste, many people will have benefit. For the environment, less waste will be sent to landfills and less pollution will be made.

For my conclusion, I think that protecting the environment is not only government’s work, it is everybody’s work. We need to be participating with government. Otherwise the laws are useless!

Yours faithfully,
Ching Wai Yuk,Karina

Comment by Karina:)

22 May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am a secondary school student in Hong Kong and I am writing to express my feelings of the three environment laws that the Government has proposed.

Firstly,I argee with the government to ban on idling engines. The air pollution in Hong Kong have been got worse this year. Also,there are high or very high air pollutions for many days this year. Although the exhaust fumes is not the major pollutant, to ban idling engines can help reduce the air pollution.

Secondly, I support the Government’s proposed tax on plastic bags. Many people use plastic bags when they buy something form the supermarket and just throw those plastic bags away after use. Setting up this law is necessary. The example of other countries are successful too. Moreover, the government may give the recycle bags to the poor because the may not have enough money to pay the tax or buy a new recycle bag.

Lastly, I think setting up the law to make pepople separate their waste is unecessary. it is because separateing waste is the things we should do by ourselves. Setting up laws make people feel bad. In the other hand, Hong Kong people are so busy that they have no time to seperate their rubbish.

In conclusion, I think protect and save our Earth is a must! But education is more improtant. If we don;t educate the little children to protect our environment when they are young, our future will also become polluted even if we have set up those laws. So, keep our environment clean now and educate the children to save our environment. We will have a beautiful world!

Yours faithfully,
( Signature )
Ms. Cathy To

Comment by Cathy-)

22nd May, 2008
Dear Sir/Madam ,
Hi, my name is Keith Yip. How are you? I hope you will read this letter seriously. I am going to express my comment about three environmental laws that the government has recently proposed.
I write this letter to you because I hope our living environment can be improved to be better, because many drivers turn on their engines while they are waiting someone, people do not separate waste, they throw the recyclable materials into the rubbish bin straightly, and the people only use the plastic bag for one time, then they throw them away, this action will produce lot of waste.
Firstly, I support these three environment laws because all of these laws can effectively project our beautiful environment. I strongly agree on the tax on plastic bags, because these laws can let the people to learn what environmental protection is. Because many of they only use the plastic bags for one time! Then they throw them away .
Secondly, I think the law of ban on idling engines has advantages and disadvantages at the same time. Firstly, if the government ban on idling engines, it can avoid the exhaust fumes add to Hong Kong’s air pollution. But it still can’t avoid the green house gases produced by the Guangdong’s factories add to Hong Kong’s air pollution. So I think this law will not make most influence to Hong Kong’s air .
Finally, the purposed law to make people separate their waste, and that the recyclable materials can be collected together to make other remade items, such as the plastic mat for children’s playground. Here are some recyclable materials
In conclusion, the Hong Kong government should take action to educate the Hong Kong citizen to learn what is environmental protection, I believe that after government’s educate, Hong Kong’s citizen will be more care about Hong Kong’s environment.

Yours faithfully

Keith Yip

Comment by keith

22 May 2008

Dear editor,

I am a form 2 student. I am writing to express my support to the government that the government set up laws ban on idling engines, set tax on plastic bags and separate waste.

Firstly, I support government set up laws on ban on idling engines because if don’t have this law, the engines will produce a lot of exhaust fume that is bad and will make our health worst. After this law is set up, the engines will not produce exhaust fume while it is stop on a side to waiting or the driver want to take a rest. So, the air surround will be fresher and will be better.

Secondly, I support government set a tax on plastic bags. When a plastic bag is thrown, it will be taken for burn. And in the process of burning, it will produce a lot of greenhouse gases. So it is very bad. If government set a tax on plastic bags, the people will use less plastic bags because if he or she want to have one, he or she need to pay. So the people will use less plastic bags. When the people use less, the producer won’t make too much plastic bags so no need to burn many plastic bags.

Lastly, I support government set up to separate waste. In the process of burning waste, it will also produce greenhouse gases, but if you separate it, it will have a different way to burn it. So it will produce fewer gases. So it will be good for the Earth.

In conclusion, to do these all things is not difficult, is easy, but the main point is would you want to do it. Set up laws is just help people to do it, I hope people will do these thing without a law.

Your faithfully,

AdriAn YeunG(sign)

Adrian Yeung

Comment by AdriAn

22nd May, 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about three government environment laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I partly agree with the government’s proposed to ban on idling engines. Divers always keep running their engines which causes the high percentage of air pollution in Hong Kong. In addition, before the proposed was set up, Hong Kong’s air pollution is very serious already, if we keep on letting the exhaust fumes gave out everywhere, it will affect human’s health very much. It may cause tracheitis or other diseases. But there is a problem – When the passengers take the transport, they may not feel cool enough, that make them feel uncomfortable. So I hope Hong Kong Government should help to reduce this problem.

Secondly, I fully agreed with the purpose tax on plastic bags at supermarket. Many people will throw away the plastic bags immediately after using only once. Most of people have their own bags already but they still do not use them, only want to be a bit convenient to save time. Paying tax on plastic bags can prevent people from using the plastic bags. The example of the other countries shows us that such a tax can be successful, so Hong Kong can be too!

Thirdly, for the purpose law to make people separate their waste, I strongly agree with it. Hong Kong’s landfills are almost full. The waste separation laws have worked in Taipei. Separating waste can reduce some rubbish to the landfills. Plastic cannot be burnt or it will give out harmful gases which causes air pollution and it is harmful to people. So, if it is passed, the new law will require people to separate their rubbish which can be recycled.

In conclusion, I agree to the three government environmental laws. I believe that they can help Hong Kong have less air pollution and it will be cleaner than before.

Yours faithfully,
Melody Fok
Melody Fok

Comment by Melody


22nd May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my feeling about the three environmental laws that the Government has proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the Government’s proposed ban on idling engines. Although most of the pollutants in Hong Kong’s air come from factories in Guangdong idling engines also make the air quality got worse in this year. I think the Hong Kong Government should not just tell the drivers who keep their engines running while they parked need to pay a fine, the Hong Kong Government should make the punishment heavier, for example, deduct the mark of the drivers or do not let the drivers drive again in a short period of time. Also, I think the Government has done a good job. I hope the air quality of Hong Kong will be better in the coming years after the Hong Kong Government proposed the law on banning on idling engines.

Secondly, I also agree with the Government’s proposed green support to tax on plastic bags, eventhough plastic bags just fill up only six percent of the landfills. However, I think that although it is only six percent, we should also use less plastic bags, so supporting this tax can reduce the use of plastic bags.

Finally, I think the waste separation law proposed by the Hong Kong Government can let people separate their rubbish. So, people can recycle more if their waste and the landfills will not be full so easily.

In conclusion, I think the Hong Kong Government has done a good job and propose three useful and helpful laws that can help the environment of Hong Kong becomes better.

Yours faithfully


Louie Alvin Lok Hang

Comment by Alvin

22nd May, 2008

Dear Sir / Madam

I am writing to express my comments of three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I disagree with the Government’s proposed ban on idling engines. Since most of the pollutants in Hong Kong’s air come from the engines of the vehicles, but not becaused of drivers keep their engines running while their cars are parked. If you walk in the street, you will find out most of the drives switched off their engines. Although some of them are waiting for someone, they will switch off the engines and stand beside their cars. Why do we still need to set up this law when everyone has already reached this target? I think it is not neccessary to set up this law.

Secondly, many people buy products from the supermarket every day. They get new plastic bags everytime. I think set up a law to charge tax on plastic bags is a good idea. Plastic bags are hardly to be dissoved when they are buried in the landfills. Although this problem is still not very serious, but if you don’t face to it now, it will get worse one day.

Finally, the government have done a part of the waste separation law. Do you still remember the three recycling bins? If we move these bins into our building, it can be more successful. For example, some estates have put these three bins in the back stairs every floors and they have improved a lot! We can also do that or we can state two other recycling boxes in our home.One will put those can reuse and the other one put those cannot. Then this problem can solve easily.There is no need to set up a law like this.

In conclusion, I suggest the government set the law of plastic bags only, but also teach the generant public more about the other two environmental problems.

Yours faithfully

Mary Tse

Comment by Mary

22nd May 2008′
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my concerns about the three government’s proposed environment laws.

Firstly,I support the government to ban the idling engines.It is because I think when the car is idling, then that means the driver does not need to drive the car, and turn on the engine also mean nothing at that time, but the engine still give out many harmful and chemical gases. It will make the air pollution become more and more serious. If the government need the drivers to turn off the engines when their cars are idling, it can produces less amount of chemical gases for the environment. So I think it is a good suggestion for reducing the air pollution.

However, I disagree about the green support tax on plastic bags. It is because I think that to stop citizens using plastic bags, it should not just fine them.If the citizens stop using plastic bags because of they need to pay the tax, it also means nothing. I think people should stop using plastic bags by their hearts, not money. Also, I think that if some poor people really need to use plastic bagswhen they are buying things in supermarket, and they need to pay the tax, it is very unfair!

Lastly, I think th waste separation law cannot implement in Hong Kong easily because Hong Kong is very small, and many citizen’s flat are not very big, it may be diffcult to keep their recycle household rubbish. I think the government should not follow other countries or cities because we are not same as others!

In conclusion, I think for the starting point of government is to improve the environment of Hong Kong I admire them.But I think when they propose laws, they need to think in different situations and not just follow other places!

Yours faithfully,
Danny Se

Comment by DaNnY sE

22nd May, 2008
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that government has recently proposed.
Firstly, I agree with the ban on idling engines. There are fifty days of high or very high air pollution this year. This law can let the drivers become more attention to this problem. Also, this can save more energy. The car burns gasoline and this will produce a lot of carbon dioxides in the air. I think the government should spread this message out to raise the public awareness.
Secondly, I think separate to the waste is a good method to save our environment. We have about 90% waste maybe reused in our daily life. Separation our waste can save the materials and energy.
In conclusion, the government can impend more laws about the environment to raise the public awareness.
Yours faithfully,
Katrina Chan

Comment by KATRINA 2D(1) :]

22nd May, 2008

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the ban on idling engines. There are fifty days of high or very high air pollution this year. This law can let the drivers become more attention to this problem. Also, this can save more energy. The car burns gasoline and this will produce a lot of carbon dioxides in the air. I think the government should spread this message out to raise the public awareness.

Secondly, I think separate to the waste is a good method to save our environment. We have about 90% waste maybe reused in our daily life. Separation our waste can save the materials and energy.

In conclusion, the government can impend more laws about the environment to raise the public awareness.

Yours faithfully,
Katrina Chan

Comment by KATRINA 2D(1) :]

22 May 2008

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I’m writing to express my support the three government environmental laws.

First of all, I totally support the implement of the environmental law about banning on idling engines. The idling engines gives out a lot of polluted gases, also these gases are the greenhouse gases. As the air pollution index is gradually increasing in this few months, the idling engines might also be a factor of causing the high air pollution index. Banning of the idling engines also has some advantages. Like you can save more energy when you turn off the engines. Besides, the people on the street can feel more comfortable.

Secondly, tax on plastic bags should be implementing as a law as soon as possible. The Hong Kong landfills are nearly full, and the plastic bags in the landfill can’t be dissolved. Actually, the plastic bags can be reuse for a few times, like reuse the plastic bags for carrying the newspaper or lunchboxes. Nowadays, some plastic bags can be recycled. Moreover, there are lots of “environment friendly bags” which is made up of different materials that you can reuse it for many times. The taxation on plastic bags is needed.

At last, the law on separating wastes should also be implemented. Japan and Taipei has already passed this law. Furthermore, both countries have got a great success on reducing household rubbish. Since the Hong Kong landfills nearly full, it is needed to implement this law.
In conclusion, these three laws are needed to be set up. Since protecting our environment is a collective responsibility, I’m sure the public will welcome these laws.

Yours faithfully,
Fiona Fung(signature)
Miss Fung Hiu Kwan Fiona

Comment by Fiona

22nd May, 2008
Dear Sir/Madam

I am a secondary student from HIEO TJO YOENG COLLEGE . I know the enviroment is getting bad. So I am writing to express my suggestion to help the goveronment for improving the environment.
First, the goveronment should think about the ban of idlind engines . In the street, there are many people and many cars. The air is very bad that people nearly can’t breathe. This also make people feel very uncomfortable. Some people who have asthma will also have discommodity. They can’t go to anywhere where has bad air pollution.
Second, the goveronment should think about the tax of plastic bag. In Hong Kong, there are many of plastic bag are thrown away each day. This cause a great problem for living thing. It need to be decomposable for almost ten year! It takes a very long time. On other hand, it is toxic for trees, animals and even human. It is dangerous for the young children. So when people buy thing and take a plastic bag, they need to pay a fee for at least one dollar.
Third, the government can do is separate the waste. There are many things that we can reuse and recycling such as aluminum can, paper and plastic bottle. If we don’t separate the waste, the landfills will be full soon. It is very important!
Yours faithfully
Hung Hei Yu

Comment by wesley

22nd May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about the three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree that the Government’s proposed law to ban idling engines. Air pollution is very serious. Every day we received amount of polluted air. It affects our health! The drivers do not switch off the engine when they just sit in the car. They feel comfortable, but they are polluting the air. They are selfish! It is good that the Government’s proposed law to ban idling engines!

Secondly, I agree with the Government’s proposed tax on plastic bags at supermarkets. Many people think that using plastic bag is convenient. Why do they need to bring their own bags? If a law is set up, people will use less plastic bags because they don’t want to pay so much money on plastic bags. So, they will use their own bag. Government need to pay a very high price to solve the plastic bag problem. I think if the government can’t pay these prices; it can be used to educate environment knowledge to student or give that money to charity. That money can do many kinds of meaningful things!

Finally, the proposed law to make people separate their waste so that it can be recycled practical. We can do it! If we separate the things, government will easily to do recycling. We can set up recycling bins in housing estate, school and office to make them feel more convenient. I think a lot of people will join it. This can reduces the amount of waste too.

In conclusion, the Government set the three environmental laws is very useful and good idea. In fact, I believed that if proposed these three laws, the air will become fresh again; the landfills can use more long time. We can live green.

Yours faithfully,
Phoebe Lo

Comment by phoebe


Dear Sir/Madam

Iam writing to express my opinion about the three Government’s proposed environmental law.

Firstly,I support the government ban on idling engines.In Hong Kong,air pollution problem is really serious. When you walk along the street,you will feel uncomfortable because you will smell air odour.These harmful smell is caused by the motor vehicles,factories or power station.And most of them are came from motor vehicles.To control the amountof exhaust fumes,ban on idling engines is very important.If all the drivers can switch off the engines when the vehicles are stop.I think our environment will become better and the air will be more fresh.

Secondly,I think the government sets the tax on plastic bags is no use.The use of plastic bags will not discrease.People use plastic bags because they are convenience and very handy.The use of plastic bags then becomes common,now it becomes Hong Kong citizens hobby.Although government ask people to bring their own bags,will they do?Of course,somebody will.However,people still want to be more convenience.If there really sets the tax,people may bring their own plastic bags to go shopping.Moreover,this tax is not fair to the poor.The poor don’t have extra money to pay for this tax.

Finally,I’m disagree with the separate waste’s law.Hong Kong citizens are very buzy.Adults go for working,chilren and teens go to school everyday.Are they have extra time for separating wastes and then put them into the separate waste bins?I think they aren’t.For example,I’m a secondary student.The school life is very busy.Everyday go to school and go back home to study,do homework,etc.So most of the citizens will not have time for separating wastes and they think it is troublesome!

In conclusion,two of the proposed environmental laws not useful.I think the government now can do is educate all the people how important to care our envionment and the information about polluion.And teach them the way to reduce waste and how to separate the wastes.

Yours faithfully
Jenny Leung

Comment by Jenny: ]

26TH May, 2008/

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to my opinion on the 3 environmental laws.

To begin with the 1st law, ban on idling engines. There are many superabundance engines in Hong Kong for example waste on the diesel fumes or petrol fumes. Idling engines contribute to Global Warming through excessive burning of fossil fuels and it’s also contribute to poor local air quality, thus harming people’s respiratory systems. People will be aware onto switch their engines off because of the law. There will be no more heat and noise into our local community, thus necessitating the local schools and residences to close their windows and use air conditioners, thus consuming more electricity.

Secondly, the 2nd law, tax on plastic bags, I agree it very much. Nowadays in Hong Kong, it’s a throwaway society. It’s mean that people always throw away the materials after they use it once, whenever it’s already use up or not. For the ban, when the people go shopping if they want to get a plastic bag, they must pay a tax for it. It can be to heighten the public’s environmental awareness, and the money that they pay can also be the funding of environmental protection.

Lastly, the 3rd law, separate the waste. I really agree with that and it’s very important. We can separate waste for reuse and recycle. In Hong Kong, we generates around over 17,000 tones of waste a day. So that we should pay much attention on separate the waste. There are many domestic waste. At home, for example we can cut down on gift wrapping paper, use handkerchiefs rather than tissues, and to avoid buying unnecessary products, think twice before shopping. It is environmentally friendly and can save your money. When we waste the thing, we should throw it into the recycling bins, so that they can more convenient to separate the thing, I think the government should set more recycling bins.

In conclusion, I hope the government can listen to my opinion above.

Yours faithfully,
Natalie TAI

Comment by natalie

22 May 2008

Dear Sir / Madam

I am writing to express my opinion about the three environmental laws that Government has recently proposed.

Firstly,I agree with the Government’s ban on idling engines.Since most of the pollutants in Hong Kong’s air come form exhaust fumes, a ban on
idling engines willmake much difference to the air pollutant index.In addition,everyday there are are many cars,lorries,buses,ferries an planes coming in HK and other countries and cities.

Secondly,I think that the proposed law to tax on plastic bags at supermarketsis a good idea.I know that half of the landfills is covered by plastic bags.The problem of plastic bags in Hong Kong is really serious.Anymore,I think if the government does not support tax on plastic bags,people will only use the plastic BAGS.bUT IF THE GOVERNMENTSUPPORTS TAX ON PLASTIC BAGS,PEOPLE WILL BRING THEIR OWN BAGS BECAUSE OF the money problem.

Finally,the proposed law to make people separate their waste is a good way to get a green environment.

In conclusion,the Government has a responsibility to do these things to change the environment from black to green.

Yours faithfully,
Denis Lai

Comment by DeNIs_FoEvER

22nd May 20008

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to express my opinions about the proposed laws by the government recently.

Firstly, I think baning on the idling engines is a workable law. From my information, Idling engines is the biggest problem cause of street-level air pollution. Hong Kong’s air pollution is very serious now. As the Environmental Protection Department have said that exhaust fumes from idling cars add to hong Kong’s air pollution. The drivers who keep their engines running while they are parked. In a survey, most of the people support to ban on idling engines that means that they will turn off the engines actively and they know what is the reason behind. The only way for the government is to proposed laws and tell them to pay the fine. So, setting up the law of idling engines is a must.

Secondly, I don’t think it is a good method to propose tax on plastic bags at supermarket. In my survey, many people have already been using the recycling bags instead of plastic bags. The plastic bag is not a serious problem. They fill up only six percent of our landfills. It is no use for the tax on plastic bags.

Finally, I think it is unnecessary to separate the waste. Hong Kong people will not want to do that. And it will have a lot of trouble to separate the paper, aluminium cans…

In conclusion, I think it is better for the government to know more surveys to know more about what we are feeling and our opinions.

Yours faithfully

Janice Lee

Janice Lee

Comment by Janice Lee

30rd January,2008.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I’m writing to tell my opinion to you about’the government’s proposed environmental laws. I have different opinions on different laws.
I think the government should proposed the law to ban on idling engines. It’s very useful to avoid global warming. If global warming will cause the ice all melt in North Poles. This will cause flooding. We must do something to avoid our living places being destroyed. Also this law can teach all people to save energy. Natuarl sources are nearly used up. We need to avoid those three questions from happieniy. This is a must.

On the other hand, I don’t think government should proposed the lawto tax on plastic bags. This will cause a bad habit and the value of people will be bad too.I really don’t agree! People shouls control themselves. Self-management is very important. People should love their environment.

I support the law, separate waste. There are some rubbish bins are put in some estates now. This is very similar to separate waste. The workers who response to clean will be more hard-working. Also it’s easy to recycle such as paper, plastic bottles, aluminium cans and e.t.c. It’s not difficult to reuse the material too! That means separate waste are good for saving money and the energy of people.

I hope you will listen to my ideas, thank you.
Yours faithfulllu,
Erica Hon

Comment by Erica

22nd May 2008

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I’m writing to express my opinion about three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

First of all, I agree with the Government’s proposed law to ban on idling engines.Many drivers keep their engines running while they were parking.For example,taxi drivers always parked at the taxi stand waiting for passengers. They usually keep their engines running but some of them will switch the engines off.Althoug a ban on idling engines will not make much difference to the air quality,we can learn to save our earth.Switch off the engines when cars are parking is a way to reduce waste.It is good to us start reducing waste.

Secondly,I support the tax on plastic bags.The number of producing plastic bags and using plastic bags are very high.Plastic bags are hard to decay,so we must reduce the use of plastic bags.Taxation on plastic bags in other countries shows us that this solution is posible.The use of plastic bags has dropped.Citizen start to use their own bags when they go shopping.I hope everyone use their own bags.This is a way to reduce waste too.It is reducing plastic waste.Burning plastic will release toxic gases.It is harmful to all of us.

Finally,the proposed from the Government to force people to separate their waste is hardly sucessful.Government did not tell people which waste can be recycled,so people do not know which wasteshould be swparate.Citizens have no enough environmental awareness.Also,it is too troublesome to separatewate.People will not spend time on it.Although separating waste is a way to recycle waste,it is hard to be sucessful.

In conclusion,the Government should have more possible ideas for protecting our enironment.Also,the Government can promote more about environmental protecting education to families.Citiens improve their environmental awareness.

Yours faithfully,
Tebby Chan

Yours faithfully,
Fiona Fung(signature)
Miss Fung Hiu Kwan Fiona

Comment by Tebby

23rd May 2008
Dear Sir / Madam
I am secondary 2 student in Y.W.C.A. Hieo Tjo Yoeung College. In Hong Kong, the environment pollution is very serious. So Hong Kong government set up three environment laws for it.
Firstly, I want to talk the law about ban on idling engines. The engines for the vehicles will give out a lot of black smoke for the fuels burning and it is the main resource for the air pollution. So I agree with this law. Don’t think that air pollution is a little problem. It may cause a lot of respiratory system problem such as lung cancer and asthma. Nowadays, In Hong Kong, it only has a few factories in New Territories and island. It is not common for Kowloon. But why are there still high rate of street-level of air pollution? It is of course by the vehicles.
Secondly, I agree with tax on plastic bags. It is because many housewives think plastic bag is fee and they will get a lot of plastic bag back home. It is really very bad because it just like to produce more rubbish in the earth. Some people will use the plastic bags when they really don’t need. So I think this law is good for them and control the rubbish.
Finally, the last law is separating waste. I think this law is good but we can do more adjustment for it. We must bring up children to know the importance for separating the waste. But I think we don’t need to set up the law too early. We can suggest and let them learn how well is to separate it.
I think the laws are good for Hong Kong and the pollution. But it still needs Hong Kong people is support so I really think we must educate the general public.
Yours faithfully
Persephone Sing :]
Persephone Sham

Comment by Persephone

Dear Sir / Madam
I am writing to express my opinion and support about three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

First, I agree that the law about Government’s proposed ban on idling engines. Most of the pollutants air in Hong Kong is come from Guangdong, but we need to keep our environment clean. The harmful gases release from the vehicles may affect our health, such as respiratory system disease. No matter of a few things, we need to protect our environment hardly. It may not be posable at the beginning, but I believe at the end, it can change the people mind. I think citizen would back this law up.

Second, I think the proposed tax on plastic bags at supermarket is work.
Plastic bag is an insoluble thing, if plastic bag fill up six percent of our landfill, it is very serious. If we don’t want this thing serious problem, we should start action now! We can bring our own bag to supermarket, then the problem will solve. Although it is inconvenient to us, we need to action for our world!

At last, I agree that the proposed law to make people separate their waste,because it can be recycled and it is good to our city. It is troublesome to us to separate the rubbish, but recycle is important! Although some homes in Hong Kong are very small, we can separate the waste in different recycling bin.

In conclusion, the government has done a good job by proposing these environmental laws. I believe that the laws is very helpful, people will follow the laws and protect our environment. “Protect our environment is a collective responsibility.

Your faithfully
Lee Sze Wan

Comment by Candy

22nd May, 08
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the Government’s proposed to ban on idling engin. Because when drivers keep their enginesrunning, it produces much carbon dioxide, it causes air pollution. Then, the dirty air go into our body when we are breathing. It is bad and dangerous for our health. It can make us sick. Besides, plants also breathing the polluted air. Then they may be sick and die at last.

Secondly, I think of the law about tax on plastic bags can be carried out. It is because the plastic bags are made by useless materials. At last, it will become waste. And it can’t be solved in a short time. They will go to landfills and it made the landfills become full to. It is a serious problem to Hong Kong. We must solve it so we must stop producing wastes. We should not use any plastic bags and setting a law will be helpful.

Finally, I also agree with separating waste. It is because it can help for recycling works. There should be four types, paper, aluminium cans, plastic bottles and the things can’t be recycled. We can reuse and make an other things that make by the materials of these things. It can reduce the amount waste.

In conclusion, I hope the Government can set up the laws above and have a clean place for us to live.

Yours faithfully,
Eleanor Ho

Comment by Eleanor

26th May,2008
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am going to express my concerns about the tree environment laws that the Government has recently proposed. I agree with the Government‘s proposed laws.

Firstly, I agree the engines should be turned off when the vehicles are at rest. Many drivers want to enjoy the air conditioning so they do not switch off the engines when they stop for waiting. The vehicles will release carbon dioxide and other harmful gases which influence people and shops around the vehicles. It is more serious in summer and causes the high air pollution index which affects our health as well as enhancing the greenhouse affect .Therefore, I think we should reduce the greenhouse gases by banning idling engines.

Secondly, I think that the proposed tax on plastic bags at supermarkets is necessary. Why we need to use plastic bags? Because we just want to be convenient and start to abuse it. While we do not think we need to pay a big price for it. The plastic bags need hundreds of thousands of years to be decomposed. Nowadays we use thousands and thousands plastic bags each day in Honk Kong. They will release toxic gases. Carrying the tax proposal can also educate the students to be environment friendly.

Finally, the proposed law to make people separate their waste which can be recycled is effective. We can set more recycling bins in each housing estate. The collection by the recycling bins can be sold and it benefits the recycling industry.

In conclusion, the Government did a great job for the environment, didn’t she? I believe that we will have a better environment in the future.

Yours faithfully,
miss li chau yin shirley
miss li chau yin shirley

Comment by Shirley

22 May 2008

Dear Sir / Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly, I agree with the Government’s proposed ban on idling engines. Some drivers do not switch off their engines while waiting so they can enjoy the comfort of air conditioning. These vehicles cause heat and emission nuisance to the pedestrians and shops nearby, and damage the air quality because engine idling is a serious contributor to greenhouse gases. The gases are responsible for the climate warming we experience on Earth, aren’t they? I believe that engine idling bans is nothing new in Hong Kong, and they seem to catch a lot of attentions to the public.

Last year, one of Hong Kong’s two leading supermarket chains introduced a charge for plastic bags, however, it was unsuccessful. Some might argue that why this supermarket tried to change the culture of ‘asking-for-a-plastic-bag’ in Hong Kong. Changing consumer behavior is not easy, but does it mean we have to stick with the habits of mindless consumption? Republic of Ireland became the first country to introduce a plastic bag tax in 2002, and it was surprising popular. Even the kids in school know how important of recycling is, so I suppose that the consumption of plastic bags will decrease if the plastic bag tax is introduced.

New landfill sites are hard to find. The Government provides a range of recycling services including separating waste. Flyers and TV ads have increased the awareness of separating waste to the public. Many Hong Kong citizens claim that they know how to separate the waste but they just don’t have much space at home. What I have noticed is, the Government has arranged the distribution of recycling bins in most of residential areas. If families do not have the room for the waste, they could put those wastes to the bins near their buildings instead of storing them. I think this is what we should start to act before the Earth is completely ruined.

In conclusion, the Government has exerted efforts to save the environment in Hong Kong. I believe our environment will get better if the proposals are finally implemented.

Yours faithfully
Joel Ho

Comment by Joel

26 May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my opinion about three environmental laws that have been proposed by the Government.

Firstly, I disagree with a ban on idling engines. It is because it will affect taxi-divers the most. The taxi-driver waits for the customer in every moment in the street. If the law has been proposed, it will be inconvenient for the taxi driver. They need to turn on or off their car engine at all time, don’t they? It may cause the car engine damage. Moreover, they use all the money to repair their taxi!

Secondly, I disagree a tax on plastic bags at supermarkets. It is because we use the plastic bags at all time, plastic bag is quite important. If the law has been proposed, people may pay much money for using the plastic bag. It will be more the burden of the heavy charges for the Hong Kong citizens and tourists. However, people use plastic bags in every way, such as throwing away household rubbish, reusing the plastic bags , etc. Could it be said that, the people need to pay for reusing the plastic bags?

Thirdly, I think the waste separation law is quite useless. It is because people think that separating the waste is a troublesome job. They may do not want to do that. Moreover, if we need to separate the waste, we should put in where? It is a big challenge for the waste separation law. The government need to think of the problems of the law.

My conclusion is that, I think these laws is inconvenient for the Hong Kong citizens. Although the laws can improve the environment of Hong Kong, it is quite difficult to carry out in Hong Kong.
Yours faithfully
Kwok Bryan Chun Long

Comment by bryan

26 May 2008
Dear Sir/ Madam

I am writing a letter to express my feelings about the three environmental laws that the government has recently proposed.

First, I agree with the Government’s propose ban on idling engines. There are much exhaust fumes emitted from idling cars and lead to Hong Kong’s air pollution. Since 2002, Hong Kong’s environment was affected by polluted air. The polluted air is mostly produced by vehicles. However, now government propose this law which can reduce vehicles emitted polluted air.It will affect our environment.

Second, I also agree with the laws of tax on plastic bags.People always use a lot of plastic bags and produce a lot of plastic wastes that have bad chemical substance. This will affecte our environment and human beings’ life health. The law can avoid people using too much plastic bags and let the environment be better.

Finally, the proposed law that make people separate their waste is very useful. The waste can separate well and to recycle and reuse it. I think it will be successful and help to save the environment.

In conclusion, I think that these laws should be promote in different ways. I am sure that people will succeed these laws ans improve our environment.
Yours faithfully
Ting Tiffany

Comment by Tiffany loklok^>^

22ndMay, 2008
Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my concerns about three environmental laws that the Government has recently proposed.

Firstly,I agree with the ban on idling engines. As there are over fifty days recorded in high or very high air pollution, we should implement some laws to solve these problems, so the government should pass this law.

Secondly, in the supermarket, the use of the plastic bags are very often. So, it is important to pass this law.The plastic bags need hundreds of thousands of years to be decomposed. Nowadays we use thousands and thousands plastic bags each day in Honk Kong. They will release toxic gases. Carrying the tax proposal can also educate the students to be environment friendly.

Finally, I also agree with separating waste. It is because it can help for recycling works. We can separate the waste in different recycling bin.

In conclusion, I think the government should pass these law.

Yours faithfully
lee tsz fung geoffrey

Comment by geoffrey

26 May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my opinion about three environmental laws that have been proposed by the Government.

The first law is ban on idling engines.A five-month public consultation on a proposal to ban idling vehicle engines has been launched. Subject to the views received and the finalisation of the proposals, the Government plans to introduce the ban in mid-2009.The document suggests if a driver does not switch off their vehicle’s engine when it is idle they will be served with a $320 fixed-penalty ticket.To help drivers and the transport trade get used to the requirement the Government proposes the ban take effect three months after the legislation’s enactment.

The second law is tax on plastic bags.Hong Kong has been searching for a way to reduce the use of plastic bags, which are currently handed out here at the rate of 33 million a day. The Environmental Protection Department says a tax on plastic bags might be the economic incentive needed to make shoppers think green.Campaigns encouraging Hongkongers to bring their own bags when they go shopping have met with limited success. So the government is now considering a tax on the bags.

The third law is separate waste.As Hong Kong generates a huge amount of waste each day, we need to be aware of how to reduce it to maintain our quality of life. Here you can learn about the current situation, what you can do to reduce waste and how to separate waste for reuse and recycle?Our existing landfills will only last 4 to 8 years at the most. The Government is currently consulting the public on large-scale alternatives, but small changes in our habits will also help, including reduce, reuse and recycle.

In conclusion,the Government should have more possible ideas for protecting our enironment.Also,the Government can promote more about environmental protecting education to families.Citiens improve their environmental awareness.

Yours faithfully
Kathy Lee

Comment by Kathy

three government’s proposed environment laws
Dear editor
our earth is very polluted due to the human activities, there is air pollution noise pollution water… and so on.If we continult to damage the environment, the earth wil be no longer beautiful and will not be able to live.
That’s why, the government had proposed some environmental laws, such as law on baning of idling cars, tax on plastics bags and seprateion os waste.About these three laws. I think that the driveers really should do it.that is because when youstop a car the engines is still running and the energy is still burning,when th e fuels are burning loys of exhuast gases are producing ,this is one on the most important problems which caused the air pollution . so it we can turn off the engines when we stop the car,can save a lot of energy and much lesser exhuast gas will produce.

Comment by sum

Thirdly, about the seperation of waste. Seperating waster is not hard to do, isn’t it? If we can seperatethe waste, the waste can be recycle and save lots of material Also, lots of money, man-power and time will be saved, lots of place for putting rubbush can be reduce.

Last but not least, I hope that if these three laws really establish, people will really work it out and keep our Earth green.

Yours faithfully,
Miss Yuen Wai Sum

Comment by Sum

22 may, 2008
Dear sir/madam,

I’m writing to express my opinion about three environmental laws that the government has recently proposed.
Firstly,I support the government ban on idling engines.In Hong Kong,air pollution problem is really serious. When you walk along the street,you will feel uncomfortable because you will smell air odour.These harmful smell is caused by the motor vehicles,factories or power station.And most of them are came from motor vehicles.To control the amountof exhaust fumes,ban on idling engines is very important.If all the drivers can switch off the engines when the vehicles are stop.I think our environment will become better and the air will be more fresh.
Secondly, I think the tax of the plastic bags in all supermarket is working now.
Plastic bag is an insoluble material, if plastic bag fill up our landfill, it must be very serious. If we don’t want this problem, we should bring our own bag to supermarket, then the problem will solve.
Lastly,the recycling bin are difficult to find in city.People may think if there is no recycling bins, I will just dump the rubbish that can be recycled into the rubbish bin.How foolish is that
!~I think the government can ad the amount of recycling bins.Or else the material that we can recycled but dumped into the rubbish landfill.

Yours faithfully,
Jennifer ,Ng Yan Wa

Comment by Jenifa

26 May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am going to write my opinion about three environmental laws that have been proposed by the Government.

In addition, setting the indoor temperature at 25.5 degree can reduce the air pollution from the air conditioner, e.g. carbon dioxide. Since carbon dioxide is one of the course of global warming. We should have a law to keep the temperature to be 25.5degree indoor.

Noise has different levels of impacts on human. It slows down productivity of workers and can be a cause of complaints from workers subjected to noisy working environments. Moreover, noise pollution costs the government and industry through time lost on the job and through payments of worker’s compensation for diseases, deafness and other physical damage.We may need to control the sound that we talk in some special time.

Yours faithfully,

Comment by Channy

The corrections:

22 May 2008
Dear Sir
I am writing to express my opinions about the three environmental laws that the government has recently proposed.
First, I disagree with government’s proposed law to ban on idling engines. It can’t solve the serious problem by paying a fine. The drivers will continue keep on their engines running while they are parked. It can’t reduce the index of air pollution in Hong Kong ultimately. Besides, the major source of air pollution not only from the exhaust fumes from idling cars, it also comes from building buildings, the pollutants from Mainland China, etc. Therefore, this law can not help much to our environment.
Second, ”Greens support tax on plastic bages” is indeed. According to the research of Greene’s Action, they did interview with 748 people. They find out that, there were 30.5% people will bring their own bags when they go to shopping, but this year, the number reduced to 18%.It is a great change! Why does it happen?
Is it because of us? The people think that use plastic bags are very convenient.” Tax on plastic bages” can let the people be aware of bringing their own bages; it can reduce the number of plastic bages in landfills as well. There are some materials that difficult to dissolve inside plastic bages, it will release toxic oxides also. If this law passes, it can let the earth become healthier.
Finally, I am very endorsing the “Wastes Separation” law. Separating the wastes can protect the environment directly. There are recycling bins were set up but not much people to separate the wastes. Therefore, this law is very useful. Besides, the government should raise the awareness of the general public; let more people pat attention to it.
In conclusion, I support the government to pass these laws because these really can help us to saving our world. It not only the problem of Hong Kong, it is relate to our hold world! Although it may not see the result very fast, it is still to be of use. We should hand in hand to saving our environment together.
Yours faithfully ,
Ella (signature)

Comment by Ella


26 May 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my opinion about three environmental laws that have been proposed by the Government.

The first law is ban on idling engines.A five-month public consultation on a proposal to ban idling vehicle engines has been launched. Subject to the views received and the finalisation of the proposals, the Government plans to introduce the ban in mid-2009.The document suggests if a driver does not switch off their vehicle’s engine when it is idle they will be served with a $320 fixed-penalty ticket.To help drivers and the transport trade get used to the requirement the Government proposes the ban take effect three months after the legislation’s enactment.

The second law is tax on plastic bags.Hong Kong has been searching for a way to reduce the use of plastic bags, which are currently handed out here at the rate of 33 million a day. The Environmental Protection Department says a tax on plastic bags might be the economic incentive needed to make shoppers think green.Campaigns encouraging Hongkongers to bring their own bags when they go shopping have met with limited success. So the government is now considering a tax on the bags.

The third law is separate waste.As Hong Kong generates a huge amount of waste each day, we need to be aware of how to reduce it to maintain our quality of life. Here you can learn about the current situation, what you can do to reduce waste and how to separate waste for reuse and recycle?Our existing landfills will only last 4 to 8 years at the most. The Government is currently consulting the public on large-scale alternatives, but small changes in our habits will also help, including reduce, reuse and recycle.

In conclusion,the Government should have more possible ideas for protecting our enironment.Also,the Government can promote more about environmental protecting education to families.Citizens improve their environmental awareness.

Yours faithfully
Kathy Lee

Comment by Kathy

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