Edutainment – Bouteiller’s English Teaching in Hong Kong

Vocabulary sharing – our language universal

To my dear students,

I’m deeply delighted to learn that everyone of you would like to acquire as much English language knowledge as you can. After collecting comments from all of you, I would like to launch this Vocabulary Sharing Universal for us.

In this catergory, we will share the vocabulary we newly learn every day. (I’m learning new vocabulary like you do every day too.) I’ll share mine first and please feel free to let us learn yours by leaving a ‘CM’ here too. With the sharing power of all of us, we will be SUPER-competitve among anybody around the world! 🙂

Let me start first!

Mrs. Bouteiller

335 Comments so far
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kiosk (noun)

– a small structure having one or more sides open, used as a newsstand, refreshment stand, bandstand, etc.
– British. a telephone booth
– easily found in MTR/train stations in Hong Kong(I like the ones in Tokyo)

cited from:

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

obliterate (verb)

–verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing. 1. to remove or destroy all traces of; do away with; destroy completely.

—Related forms
ob·lit·er·a·ble Audio Help /əˈblɪtərəbəl/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[uh-blit-er-uh-buhl] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation, adjective
o·blit·er·a·tor, noun

cited from:

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

splurge (verb)

-to spend the money wastefully

quoted from :Longman Dictionary of 100,000 Words

Comment by Calla

Thank you Calla!
Here’s another one:

Prime minster (noun phrase)

– political leader of a country

source from: Mrs. Ng, my history teacher of my secondary school 🙂

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

extinguish (verb)

–verb (used with object)
to PUT OUT (a fire, light, etc.); put out the flame of (something burning or lighted): to extinguish the Olympic flame

cited from:

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

horizon –noun
1. the line or circle that forms the apparent boundary between earth and sky.
2. Astronomy. a. the small circle of the celestial sphere whose plane is tangent to the earth at the position of a given observer, or the plane of such a circle (sensible horizon).
b. Also called rational horizon. the great circle of the celestial sphere whose plane passes through the center of the earth and is parallel to the sensible horizon of a given position, or the plane of such a circle (celestial horizon).

3. the limit or range of perception, knowledge, or the like.
4. Usually, horizons. the scope of a person’s interest, education, understanding, etc.: His horizons were narrow.
5. Geology. a thin, distinctive stratum useful for stratigraphic correlation.
6. any of the series of distinctive layers found in a vertical cross section of any well-developed soil.

cited from:
source from: BBC knoeledge

Comment by KATRINA 2D(1) :]

source from: BBC knowledge

Comment by KATRINA 2D(1) :]

compliment (noun)
– polite expression of praise
a formal expression of greeting

source from:

Comment by Michelle

Mentor (noun)
-trure friends/teachers who give you advic and support you.They never do something bad on you.
The word “Mentor ” is come from the story of Mentor and his friend Odysseus.

Comment by Bonnie

Global warming is a problem now in the Earth.
Do you know what means by “global”?

global gloʊbəl/ [gloh-buhl]

1. pertaining to the whole world; worldwide; universal: the dream of global peace.
2. comprehensive.
3. globular; globe-shaped.
4. of, pertaining to, or using a terrestrial or celestial globe.
5. (of a computer operation, linguistic rule, etc.) operating on a group of similar strings, commands, etc., in a single step.

—Related forms
globally, adverb

Comment by Marco fish

1. reckless or dangerous because of despair or urgency [a desperate killer]
or extremely bad;intolerable or shocking
source from:>

Comment by 3be

absurd, nonsensical ,clownish

deformation : more ridiculous; most ridiculous

Comment by alex

security (noun)
1. freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety.
2. freedom from care, anxiety, or doubt; well-founded confidence.
3. something that secures or makes safe; protection; defense.

Comment by kik0:D


1. feeling, showing, or involving despair
2. extremely bad or serious: a desperate shortage
3. having a great need or desire for something
4. violent or dangerous

cited from:

Comment by Yvonne:)

-to make a connection in your mind between one thing or person and another

Comment by natalie

dirt-wagon (noun)
meaning: The car which is used to transport the rubbish we make.
e.g: The cleaner will collect all rubbish in the rubbish bin before the dirt-wagon comes, this can prevent the rubbish don’t keep too long as it will stink.

Comment by wesley

[adv. of simultaneous]

-happening or done at the same time as sth else

e.g. The game will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio.

Comment by LISKA


-a formal speech made on a public occation, esp as part of a ceromony.

Comment by Mary

unintelligible (adj.)
-impossible to understand


Comment by CCK

inspired (v)
-to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it

soure: cambridge online dictionary

Comment by da!sy

1, sponcor: the company give you money to hold an event.
2, feathur : to make sth. special,characterize
3,landfill:land area that is filled with trash and covered with a layer of soil
4, barges:flat-bottomed freight boat
5, dramatically: in a dramatic manner, in a
theatrical manner

Comment by Grammy

Meaning:starchy food in the form of hard white grains, used in puddings, obtained from the pith of a type of palm-tree


Comment by Angel

e·ques·tri·an /ɪˈkwɛstriən/ [i-kwes-tree-uhn]

–adjective 1. of or pertaining to horseback riding or horseback riders: equestrian skill.
2. mounted on horseback: equestrian knights.
3. representing a person mounted on a horse: an equestrian statue.
4. pertaining to or composed of knights or mounted warriors: an equestrian code of honor.
5. of or pertaining to the ancient Roman equites.

–noun 6. a person who rides horses.

[Origin: 1650–60; < L equestri(s) (cf. eques horseman) + -an]

—Related forms

e·ques·tri·an·ism, noun Unabridged (v 1.1)

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

– meanwhile–adverb
at the same time or in the intervening time

Comment by 3be

-little heavy club used as a tool to kill or hurt others
-hit with a bludgeon;pressure someone into leaving a country

Comment by Michelle

a cloud on the horizon (ph.)
-to be faced with imminent disaster

Comment by Serena


-tell apart

Comment by Denis

-Do faster

meaning:They urged us to go at once.

Comment by Marco

Meaning:device in a motor vehicle which automatically records the speed of the vehicle during a journey and how far it has travelled.


Comment by Angel

noun [C or U]
(an area of) land or sometimes sea, which is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person:
He was shot down in enemy territory.
The UN is sending aid to the occupied territories.
The robin keeps other birds off that part of the garden – that’s his territory (= the area he tries to control).
The director is back on familiar territory (= a familiar subject) with his latest film.

Comment by Connie

recommendation (rěk’ə-měn-dā’shən)

1. The act of recommending.
2. Something that recommends, especially a favorable statement concerning character or qualifications.
3. Something, such as a course of action, that is recommended. See Synonyms at advice.

related word:

Comment by Marco fish


-to provide something good to balance or reduce the bad effects of damage,loss,etc.

Comment by DaNnY

Stellar(adj.) a in brilliance, shape.
2.of or pertaining to the stars; consisting of stars.

Comment by Stella


1. during period: during the period of time between two events.
[e.g.I’ll meet you later; meanwhile I’ll leave you to your food.]

2. while something is happening: at the same time as something is happening
[e.g.I tried to keep everybody calm, meanwhile struggling to open the car door.]

Comment by Melody

1.meaning:tiring or monotonous routine work; drudgery

Comment by shirley

Question brought up by Janice

keen (EAGER) adjective

very interested, eager or wanting (to do) something very much:

They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.

Joan wanted to go to a movie but I wasn’t keen (= I didn’t want to go).

She’s a keen tennis player

She’s keen on (playing) tennis.

UK My son’s mad keen on cycling.

He’s rather keen on a girl in his school (= he is very attracted to her).

cited from:

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

intern ( verb )used with object
1. to restrict to or confine within prescribed limits, as prisoners of war, enemy aliens, or combat troops who take refuge in a neutral country.
2. to impound or hold within a country until the termination of a war, as a ship of a belligerent that has put into a neutral port and remained beyond a limited period.

intern ( verb )
3. a person who is or has been interned; internee.

Comment by alex

-leafless vegetation that grows in arid regions

Comment by Michelle

absurd æbˈsɜrd, -ˈzɜrd/ [ab-surd, -zurd]

1.utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false: an absurd explanation.

eg.This proffer is absurd and reasonless.

2.the quality or condition of existing in a meaningless and irrational world.

eg.The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth”–Albert Camus

—Related forms
absurdly, adverb
absurdness, noun

Comment by Marco fish



Comment by Denis

machinist (n)
–means mechanical engineer
sources: online dictionary

Comment by Fiona

1. worked out with great care and nicety of detail; executed with great minuteness: elaborate preparations; elaborate care.

Comment by 3be


e.g. This door is self-winding, you don’t have to open it

Comment by KEN


1. readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error.

2. Psychoanalysis. of or pertaining to conscious feelings, ideas, and impulses that contain repressed psychic material: the manifest content of a dream as opposed to the latent content that it conceals.

–verb (used with object)
3. to make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; show plainly: He manifested his approval with a hearty laugh.
4. to prove; put beyond doubt or question: The evidence manifests the guilt of the defendant.
5. to record in a ship’s manifest.
6. a list of the cargo carried by a ship, made for the use of various agents and officials at the ports of destination.
7. a list or invoice of goods transported by truck or train.
8. a list of the cargo or passengers carried on an airplane.

Comment by alex

Thank you for all your contribution. Hope that we can enrich our vocabulary bank.

Don’t wait for tomorrow. No PROCRASTINATION!

procrastinate (verb)

–verb (used without object) 1. to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
–verb (used with object) 2. to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.


[Origin: 1580–90; < L prōcrāstinātus (ptp. of prōcrāstināre to put off until tomorrow, equiv. to prō- pro-1 + -crāstināre, deriv. of crāstinus of tomorrow; crās tomorrow + -tinus suffix forming adjs. from temporal advs.); see -ate1]

—Related forms
pro·cras·ti·nat·ing·ly, pro·cras·ti·na·tive·ly, adverb
pro·cras·ti·na·tion, noun
pro·cras·ti·na·tive, pro·cras·ti·na·to·ry Audio Help /proʊˈkræstənəˌtɔri, -ˌtoʊri, prə-/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[proh-kras-tuh-nuh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee, pruh-] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation, adjective
pro·cras·ti·na·tive·ness, noun
pro·cras·ti·na·tor, noun

cited from

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

I learnt this word when i was creating the poem:)


1.make slightly angry
2. pester or harass
3. harm or attack repeatedly



Comment by Yvonne:)

1).sorrowful (adj)
Meaning: very sad
e.g: Her sorrowful eyes.
citied from: dictionary

2).sort of (informal)
Meaning:To some extent but in a way that you cannot easily describle
e.g: She sort of pretends that she doesn’t really care.
citied from: dictionary

Comment by B0W!E:)


under my mother observation, i cannot go out to play basketball until i finish my hw

Comment by kit@2c

under my mother scrutiny, i cannot go out to play basketball until i finish my hw

Comment by kit@2c


–verb (used with object)
1. to break into small fragments or crumbs.

–verb (used without object)
2. to fall into small pieces; break or part into small fragments.
3. to decay or disintegrate gradually: The ancient walls had crumbled.

4. a crumbly or crumbled substance.
5. crumbles, bits of crisp bacon, bread, etc., added to other foods, esp. as a topping.


Comment by LISKA

lexicon /ˈlɛksɪˌkɒn, -kən/ [lek-si-kon, -kuhn]

1.a wordbook or dictionary, esp. of Greek, Latin, or Hebrew.

2.the vocabulary of a particular language, field, social class, person, etc.

3.inventory or record: unparalleled in the lexicon of human relations.

a.the total inventory of morphemes in a given language.
b.the inventory of base morphemes plus their combinations with derivational morphemes.

—Synonyms 1. glossary, thesaurus, gloss, concordance.


the lexicon (from Greek Λεξικόν) of a language is its vocabulary, including its words and expressions. More formally, it is a language’s inventory of lexemes.

Usually a lexicon is a container for words belonging to the same language. Some exceptions may be encountered for languages that are variants, like for instance Brazilian compared to Portuguese, where a lot of words are common and where the differences may be marked word by word.

Comment by Marco fish~2D

carrefour –noun

/ˈkærəˌfʊər, ˌkærəˈfʊər/ [kar-uh-foor, kar-uh-foor]

1. a crossroads; road junction.

2. a public square, plaza; marketplace.

cited from:

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

foundation -noun
1.The act of founding, especially the establishment of an institution with provisions for future maintenance.
2.The basis on which a thing stands, is founded, or is supported. See Synonyms at base1.
a. Funds for the perpetual support of an institution; an endowment.
b. An institution founded and supported by an endowment.
4.A foundation garment.
5.A cosmetic base.

Comment by Andrew

delicate (adj)

-easy to make something broken

del·i·cate Audio Help /ˈdɛlɪkɪt/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[del-i-kit] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. fine in texture, quality, construction, etc.: a delicate lace collar.
2. fragile; easily damaged; frail: delicate porcelain; a delicate child.
3. so fine as to be scarcely perceptible; subtle: a delicate flavor.
4. soft or faint, as color: a delicate shade of pink.
5. fine or precise in action or execution; capable of responding to the slightest influence: a delicate instrument.
6. requiring great care, caution, or tact: a delicate international situation.
7. distinguishing subtle differences: a delicate eye; a delicate sense of smell.
8. exquisite or refined in perception or feeling; sensitive.
9. regardful of what is becoming, proper, etc.: a delicate sense of propriety.
10. mindful of or sensitive to the feelings of others: a delicate refusal.
11. dainty or choice, as food: delicate tidbits.
12. primly fastidious; squeamish: not a movie for the delicate viewer.
13. Obsolete. sensuous; voluptuous.
–noun 14. Archaic. a choice food; delicacy.
15. Obsolete. a source of pleasure; luxury.


[Origin: 1325–75; ME delicat < L délicātus delightful, dainty; akin to delicious]

—Related forms
del·i·cate·ly, adverb
del·i·cate·ness, noun

ded·i·cate Audio Help /v. ˈdɛdɪˌkeɪt; adj. ˈdɛdɪkɪt/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[v. ded-i-keyt; adj. ded-i-kit] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -cat·ed, -cat·ing, adjective
–verb (used with object) 1. to set apart and consecrate to a deity or to a sacred purpose: The ancient Greeks dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite.
2. to devote wholly and earnestly, as to some person or purpose: He dedicated his life to fighting corruption.
3. to offer formally (a book, piece of music, etc.) to a person, cause, or the like in testimony of affection or respect, as on a prefatory page.
4. (loosely) to inscribe a personal signature on (a book, drawing, etc., that is one’s own work), usually with a salutation addressing the recipient.
5. to mark the official completion or opening of (a public building, monument, highway, etc.), usually by formal ceremonies.
6. to set aside for or assign to a specific function, task, or purpose: The county health agency has dedicated one inspector to monitor conditions in nursing homes.
–adjective 7. dedicated.

cited from

Comment by Harry

vigour (n)

-strengh or energy

source: dictionary

Comment by CCK

-easy to have a discussion

Comment by leo

1. having knowledge; conscious; cognizant: aware of danger.
2. informed; alert; knowledgeable; sophisticated: She is one of the most politically aware young women around.

Comment by kik0:D

-decayed;having gone bad
-morally corrupt
-very bad;very unpleasant

[also conjuror]
-person who performs conjuring tricks(magician)

-that can contract or be contracted

-denial or renunciation(of a doctrine)
-(also self-abnegation)self-sacrifice

Comment by Angel

-denial or renunciation(of a doctrine)
-(also self-abnegation)self-sacrifice

Comment by Angel

-denial or renunciation(of a doctrine)
-(also self-abnegation)self-sacrifice

Comment by Angel

-denial or renunciation(of a doctrine)
-(also self-abnegation)self-sacrifice

Comment by Angel

– able to move quickly and easily

Comment by jenna

disastrous (adj.)

-A disastrous fire /mistake

e.g. A disastrous fire in the city caused loss of life and money.

Comment by Harry

– very beatiful , resplendent

Mrs Bouteiller is so gorgeous.

Comment by YU

subtle (a.)
-difficult to understand or perceive
-highly skillful
-having or marked by keen insight and ability to penetrate deeply and thoroughly
-operating insidiously

e.g: Jimmy was a subtle worker in gold and silver.

Comment by christy :)

heritage (n.)
-property that descends to an heir

Comment by Serena

strand /strænd/

–verb (used with object) 1. to drive or leave (a ship, fish, etc.) aground or ashore: The receding tide stranded the whale.

2. (usually used in the passive) to bring into or leave in a helpless position: He was stranded in the middle of nowhere.

–verb (used without object)
3. to be driven or left ashore; run aground.

4. to be halted or struck by a difficult situation: He stranded in the middle of his speech.

–noun 5. the land bordering the sea, a lake, or a river; shore; beach.

cited from

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

1 a quality that combines respect, pride and honesty:

2 in honour of sb/sth in order to celebrate or show great respect for someone or something:

verb [T]
1 to show great respect for someone or something, especially in public:

2 To honour a promise or agreement is to do what you said you would:

Comment by Connie

-model of the human figure, used for displaying or fitting clothes, etc.
-thing that appears to be real but is only an imitation
-rubber teat, not attached to a bottle, for a baby to suck

-tall boot, esp one worn by certain soldiers
-military oppression;tyranny

Comment by Angel

-can’t do something
e.g. The police lifted the ban against parking in this street.

Comment by Harry

un-armed (adj)
without weapons or means of denfence

Comment by geoffrey

source: dictionary

Comment by CCK

verb [T]
1 to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left:
eg. The young cubs hungrily devoured the deer.

2 LITERARY to destroy something completely:
The flames quickly devoured the building.

3 to read books or literature quickly and eagerly:
She’s a very keen reader – she devours one book after another.

Comment by Connie


— sth that makes you feel hate or disgust

(the wrongdoing that he did 1 month ago is still abhorrent to us nowaday.)

Comment by Arthur

(n) a remedy to a poison
e.g. There is no known antidote to the bite from this kind of snake.

Comment by Connie

-a stupid person
-e.g He was an idiot to lose his glasses.

Comment by Harry

-protect or tend (sb/sth)lovingly; care for
-be fond of (sb/sth);love
-keep(a feeling or an idea)in one’s mind or heart and think of it with pleasure

Comment by Angel

trau·mat·ic /trəˈmætɪk, trɔ-, traʊ-/ (a.)

1. of, pertaining to, or produced by a trauma or wound.
2. adapted to the cure of wounds.
3. psychologically painful.

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

– showing interest only in a narrow range of
matters, especially those which directly influence yourself, your town or your country:
a parochial view/opinion

eg.Although it’s just the local paper, it somehow manages not to be too parochial in its outlook.

Comment by Connie

-try to the things be the best
e.g.His endeavors to get the bill passed failed.

Comment by Harry

-not supporting one person or group more than another

e.g. As the chairman, I must remain impartial.

-that cannot be changed; that will never change

source from:dictionary

Comment by Angel

harassed (a.)
meaning: tired and worried because you have too much to do
source: dictionary

Comment by CCK

cocky (adj.)
-think that yourself is the top of the world/so proud of yourself.
e.g I don’t want to sound cocky, but I think my new book might be a best-seller.

Comment by Harry

snore (verb)
-to breathe during sleep with a rough hoarse noise due to vibration of the soft palate
-to spend (time) in snoring or sleeping

Comment by Serena

status quo(noun from Latin)

-the situation as it is now,or as it was before a recent change.

Comment by LISKA

tease (v.)
to play a joke in somebody

He hates to be (teased) about his balding head.

Comment by Arthur

-a speech disorder involving hesitations and involuntary repetitions of certain sounds

-speak haltingly
e.g.”The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room”

-to begin to grow; shoot forth, as a plant from a seed
-to put forth buds or shoots
-to develop or grow quickly
e.g.a boy awkwardly sprouting into manhood.
-to cause to sprout.
-to remove sprouts from
e.g.Sprout and boil the potatoes.

Comment by Angel

-the things that you need to talk in the drama.
E.g. Plays are written in dialogue.

Comment by Harry

loyalty (n.)

— faithfulness,, you will not betray that person/thing.

The loyalties demonstrated their love for the country.

Comment by Arthur

spastic (n.)
1.[Informal] to cramp; to have spasms
2.[Medicine] spasm; clonus; jerkiness

that boy didn’t do any warm up before swimming ,now he spastic .

Comment by sum

Botulinum toxin (n.)

a neurotoxin protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is one of the most poisonous naturally occurring substances in the world, and it is the most toxic protein.

eg.nowadays people ues Botulinum toxin to prevent their skin from geting old.

Comment by sum

hospitality (n.)
– kind to take care of guest.
The natives are noted for their hospitality.

Comment by Arthur

-law, moral pressure, promise, etc that forces one to do sth
-being forced or required to do sth
e.g.We attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else.

Comment by Angel

cos·mo·pol·i·tan /ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtn/

1. free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachments; at home all over the world.
2. of or characteristic of a cosmopolite.
3. belonging to all the world; not limited to just one part of the world.
4. Botany, Zoology. widely distributed over the globe.

5. a person who is free from local, provincial, or national bias or attachment; citizen of the world; cosmopolite.


[Origin: 1835–45; cosmopolite + -an]

—Related forms
cos·mo·pol·i·tan·ism, noun
cos·mo·pol·i·tan·ly, adverb

—Synonyms 1. sophisticated, urbane, worldly.
—Antonyms 1. provincial, parochial.

cited from

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

neglected (adj)
not receiving due care or attention

Comment by jenna

conscience (n.)
-moral judgement
e.g.I got nothing to hide. My conscience is clear.

Comment by Harry

e.g. Are you alone or with a companion?

Comment by Harry

1. Found anywhere; common.

2. Ordinary; commonplace; trifling; vulgar.
”As a scholar, meantime, he was trivial, and incapable of labor. –De Quincey.”

3. Of little worth or importance; inconsiderable; trifling; petty; paltry; as, a trivial subject or affair.
”The trivial round, the common task. –Keble”.

4. Of or pertaining to the trivium.

Comment by Marco fish~2D

Let me be the first one this year again!

evacuate (verb)

-to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe:

e.g.1 The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion.

e.g.2 A thousand people were evacuated from their homes following the floods.

e.g.3 When toxic fumes began to drift toward our homes, we were told to evacuate.

evacuation (noun) [C or U]

e.g.1 The evacuation of civilians remains out of the question while the fighting continues.

e.g.2 The first evacuations came ten days after the disaster.

evacuee (noun) [C]

-someone who is evacuated from a dangerous place, especially during a war:

e.g. Thousands of evacuees crossed the border to safety this morning.

(cited from Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

Comment by Nikki Bouteiller

gadgets (verb)

-device; contraption, contrivance; appliance

e.g. There is many interesting gadgets invented every years.

Comment by Danny in 2A

magnitude (noun)

-size; extent, dimensions; immensity; importance; level of earthquake

e.g. No one comprehended the magnitude of Sichuan Earthquake 2008.

Comment by Danny in 2A

-rice straw
The local people made fancy straw hats for sale.

Comment by lui kai yiu

bulletin (noun)
-an announcement
e.g.Here is the latest bulletin about the President’s health.

Comment by lui kai yiu

-a news report
-an official statement that tells people about something important
-a letter or printed statement that a group or organization produces to tell people its news
EG:I always put the bulletin at the board which is next to the blackboard.

Comment by Calla in 2a (5)

household noun
-all the people who live together in one house
eg.A growing number of households have at least one computer

Comment by Tang Nok Lam

-a small job that you have to do regularly, especially work that you do to keep a house clean.
Eg:Today,my chore is going to cut the grass in the garden.
(from Longman doctionary)

Comment by Calla in 2a (5)

cutting-edge ph

-the newest and most exciting stage in the development of something

eg.California is on the cutting edge of trends that spread nationwide.

Comment by Tang Nok Lam in 2A

-being part of the traditions of a country or group of people:

-Women are questioning their traditional role in society, as wives and mothers.

-a machine that has been sent into space and goes around the Earth, moon etc, used for radio, television, and other electronic communication:

-The number of known satellites in the solar system rose to 32.

Comment by Chan Ka Ling

-to hold of somethi8ng quickly
eg:I grab the hand of the thief who steal my hadbag.
(from msn online dictionary)

Comment by Calla in 2A 5

-being part of the traditions of a country or group of people:

-Women are questioning their traditional role in society, as wives and mothers.

-a machine that has been sent into space and goes around the Earth, moon etc, used for radio, television, and other electronic communication:

-The number of known satellites in the solar system rose to 32.
(from Longman dictionary)

Comment by Chan Ka Ling 2A 1

connection [noun]
-the way in which two facts, ideas, events etc are related to each other, and one is affected or caused by the other
e.g The connection of our telephone took several hours.

routine [noun]
-the usual order in which you do things, or the things you regularly do
e.g As soon as she learns the office routine she will be an excellent assistant.

Comment by Hui Hei Yan 2A(10)

enrol [verb]
-join a group, for example a school , col-lege, course or club.

-you need to pay before you enrol this cooking course.

-I have enrolled for English classes at the college.

Comment by Mo Sin Ying , sandy (2A 23)

-something that is typicalis a good example of itsa kind.

-I ate a typical English breakfast-toast, eggs and tea.

Comment by Mo Sin Ying , sandy (2A 23)

routine n.
habitual or fixed way of doing things
e.g. there’s no fixed routine at work every day is different.

fanatic n.
a person whose strong admiration for something is considered to be extreme and unreasonable
e.g the heathen temple was torn down by a crowd of religions fanatics.

Comment by PearlyKwong (2c19)

recently – adv.
meaning: not long ago
e.g. We received a letter from him recently.

enrol – verb
meaning: to arrange for yuorself or for sb(subject) else to offically join a course, school,etc.
e.g. You need to enrol before the end of August.

Comment by Janice WOng

mrs. bouteiller
sorry, i was late for the word’enrol’,and here is another word.

essential – adj.,noun
for adj.,
a)essential(to/for something)
b)enssential(to do something)
completely necessary;extremely important in a particulr situatin or for a particular activity

for noun,
meaning: something that is needed in a particular situation or in order to do a particular thing.

e.g.(adj.) Money is not essential to happiness.
e.g.(noun) I only had time to pack the bare essentials.

Comment by Janice WOng

a small job that you have to do regularly, especially work that you do to keep a house clean:
e.g.everyday chores like shopping and housework.

a round green seed that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable, or the plant on which these seeds grow:
e.g. may eats roast chicken with peas and carrots for breakfast.
(find from longman online dictionary)

Comment by Chan Tsz Kei -2C(2)

sorry, mrs. bouteiller, i have repeated the word’chore’. i will do one more.
1TCNnewspaper/magazinea piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine.
e.g.The paper’s leading article described the government as weak.

Comment by Chan Tsz Kei -2C(2)

Weed-n. meaning:any plant that crowds out cultivated plants Eg.The yard was overgrown with weeds overseas-adv. meaning:to or in a foreign country , expecially those separated from your country by the sea or ocean Eg.the product is sold both at home and overseas

Comment by Trini or 2A (27)

meaning:any plant that crowds out cultivated plants
Eg.The yard was overgrown with weeds
meaning:to or in a foreign country , expecially those separated from your country by the sea or ocean
Eg.the product is sold both at home and overseas

Comment by Trini or 2A (27)

– If something is essential, you must have or do it
e.g It is essential that you work hard for this exam.

Comment by YauWaiMei-2a37

-take someone’s thing
1.The thief grabbed the purse and ran away with it.

Comment by Cheng Ming Chi 2a(3)

– Something that is typical is a good example of its kind
e.g. I always have typical English breakfast.

– American English for notice-board
e.g. Our class’s standing plan has posted on the bulletin-board outside our classroom already.

Comment by YauWaiMei-2a37

-a place
e.g. I live in Arabic

Comment by Cheng Ming Chi 2a(3)

1. satellite (n.)
-a small body in space that moves in a regular path around a large body.
e.g. The moon is the Earth’s satellite.

2. fanatic(n.)
-a person who is extreme and unreasonable in his enthusiasm for a cause, a person, etc, paticulary
in religion or politics.
e.g. Peter is a model train fanatics, he just fall in love with this.

Comment by Joeson hei wai Koey 2a (11)

hoe [noun]
A garden tool with a long handle, used for removing weeds from the surface of the soil.
e.g:The gardener used a hoe to remove weeds.

soil [noun]
[uncountable and countable]The top layer of the earth in which plants grow.
e.g:The bush grows well in a sandy soil.

Comment by Fung Sui Yeung,Sharon 2C(12)

-the ability to remember information, experiences and people

e.g.She has an excellent memory for names

-having little importance, influence or effect, especially when compared with other things of the same type

e.g.There’s been an increase in minor offences, such as traffic violations and petty theft.

Comment by 2c09 dai ching man.kelly

routine (noun)
(1)the normal order and way in which you regularly do things.
(2)a situation in which life is boring because things are always done in the same way.
We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping.

(1)completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity
Money is not essential to happiness.

Comment by Fu Man Yu (Amy)

Sorry,Mrs Bouteiller.I have make somemistake about my homework.

Comment by Fung Sui Yeung,Sharon 2C(12)

sorry, mrs. bouteiller, i have repeated the word’essential’. I will do one more.

chore (noun)
(1)a task that youdo regularly.
(2)an unpleasant or boring task.
I am doing my domestic chores.

Comment by Fu Man Yu (Amy)

cloth or knitted material
e.g. The advantages of fabric are soft and fold able.

less important/lesser or smaller/under the legal age
e.g.Atoms are minor than particles, they are the smallest units of matter.

Comment by Johnny

(only before a noun in use)
-in fact though not in name
e.g: The king was so much under the influence of his wife that she was the virtual ruler of the country.

-a toy with moves, and also can be controlled by an infrared remote control included with the toy
e.g: Recently, my father bought a RoboSapien to me, I was extremely happy.

Comment by Roger

~extremely impotant in particular.
e.g. Money is essential to everyone.
e.g.Experience is very essential for this job.
e.g.Computer is essential to every students.

~Something that you enjoy doing when you are not working.
e.g.Sammi has many pastimes,like:watching TV and chatting on MSN.
e.g.Emily doesn’t have any pastimes because she uses all her time to study everyday.
e.g.Rice and Danny think doing homework is their

Comment by Kong sau man 2A (12)

1. Satellite dish (n)
~A large circular piece of metal that receives the SIGNALs for satellite television. satellite television.
Sentence Making:
We use satellite dish to watch the TV program.
2. essential (adj.)
~important and necessary.
Sentence Making:
A balanced diet is essential for good health.

Comment by Christie (2A19) =]

-to talk to sb in a friendly, informal way
e.g.My grandpa and grandma sat chating about their old days.
-flat hollow unleavened bread which can be split open to hold a filling. (origin in modern Greek)
something like today cake or pie
e.g.I had some pita for my breakfast today’s morning.

Comment by Tse Yee Lam 2c35


meaning: a place,the capital of Egypt

e.g.The capital of Egypt is Cairo.


meaning: recall (also in Computers); recollection;
saved mental impression;
reminder; (in Computers)
fastest and chief area for information storage
in a computer;
(storage tank) in human’s brain

e.g.Danny has a good memory of phone numbers.

p.s.I have submitted yesterday after school but I cannot see it in my computer so I submmitted again.

Comment by Danny in 2A


1. the state or fact of being responsible.
2. a person or thing for which one is responsible.

eg. Saving the earth is our collective responsibility
eg. A child is a responsibility to its parents.


1. the thoughts and feelings, collectively, of an individual or of an aggregate of people
2. the state of being conscious; awareness of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
3. A sense of one’s personal or collective identity, including the attitudes, beliefs,
and sensitivities held by or considered characteristic of an individual or group

eg. She had a consciousness that someone else was in the dark room.
eg. Love of freedom runs deep in the national consciousness.

Comment by yuk (2A18)

1. of or pertaining to a digit or finger.
2. resembling a digit or finger.
3. manipulated with a finger or the fingertips: a digital switch.
4. displaying a readout in digital form: a digital speedometer.
5. having digits or digitlike parts.
6. of, pertaining to, or using data in the form of numerical digits.
7. Computers. involving or using numerical digits expressed in a scale of notation to represent discretely all variables occurring in a problem.
8. of, pertaining to, or using numerical calculations.
9. available in electronic form; readable and manipulable by computer.
10. one of the keys or finger levers of keyboard instruments.
e.g:I have a digital watch.
a mechanical contrivance or device; any ingenious article.
e.g:My brother always interset in gadgets.

Comment by fung kin ho(2c 11)

1. existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics: a unique copy of an ancient manuscript.
2. having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable: Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.
3. limited in occurrence to a given class, situation, or area: a species unique to Australia.
4. limited to a single outcome or result; without alternative possibilities: Certain types of problems have unique solutions.
5. not typical; unusual: She has a very unique smile.
6. the embodiment of unique characteristics; the only specimen of a given kind: The unique is also the improbable.
eg.The custom is unique to the region.

bulletin ;
1. a brief account or statement, as of news or events, issued for the information of the public.
2. Journalism. a. a brief, prominently featured newspaper account, based upon information received just before the edition went to press.
b. a similar brief account broadcast over radio or television pending further information.
3. a pamphlet or monograph summarizing the past achievements, existing conditions, and future plans of a corporation, educational institution, government agency, etc., esp. one cataloging the classes taught at a college or university.
4. an official, special, or scholarly periodical, as of a learned society.
–verb (used with object)
5. to make known by a bulletin.
eg.Here is the latest bulletin about the President’s health.

cited from:

Comment by Cathy(2c.22)

minor (adj)
~~small and not very important or serious, especially when compared with other things
eg:1.Kary is a minor part in a play.

grab (v)
~~handto take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement
eg:Jimmy grabs a quick dinner and then watch TV.

pastime (n)
~~something that you do because you think it is enjoyable or interesting
eg:Hiking is Kary’s favourite pastime.

Comment by yeung yuen ting Alice(2A,39)

sign off
to leave
eg.I have to sign off my online account before midnight.
1. the act or fact of signing off.
2. personal approval or authorization; endorsement
eg.I have my parent sign off so that I can go to the picnic.

1. at the present day; in these times
eg.Few people do their laundry by hand nowadays.
2. the present
eg.The kitchens of nowadays are much more efficient than when I was a girl.

cited from

Comment by Chloe 2c29

traditional {adj)
– being part of the beliefs,customs or way of life of a particular group of people, that have not changed for a long time .
eg: It’s traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

culture {noun)
– the customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country or group
eg:European/Islamic/American culture

Comment by katrina (2c 25)

principal (adjective)
– most important
eg.1 His principal reason for making the journey was to visit his family.
eg.2 Teaching is her principal source of income.
eg. 3 the principal character in the book

culture (noun)
– the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society

eg.1 We speak Danish at home so that the boys don’t lose touch with their language and culture.
eg.2 In our culture, it is rude to ask someone how much they earn.
eg.3 I love working abroad and meeting people from different cultures.

Comment by Chou Ho Yee 2a (4)

meaning:a person whose strong achmiration for something is considered to be extreme and unneasonable
E.g.He is a flim fanatic.

2.bulletin board(n)
meaning:a system for sending messages between computers

Comment by Cheng Chi Pan (2c 04)

sign off
-verb leave
I have to sign off my online account before midnight.
2. the act or fact of signing off.
3. personal approval or authorization; endorsement

eg.I have my parent sign off so that I can go to the picnic.

1. at the present day; in these times
Few people do their laundry by hand nowadays.
2. the present

eg.The kitchens of nowadays are much more efficient than when I was a girl.

cited from

Comment by Chloe 2c29

-someone who lives next to you or near you:
eg.1One of the neighbors complained about the noise from the party.
eg.2FBI agents were interviewing all their friends and neighbors.
eg.3Our next-door neighbours (=the people who live in the house next to us) say they’ll look after our cat for us while we’re away.

review (noun)
– to examine, consider, and judge a situation or process carefully in order to see if changes are necessary
eg.1 We will review your situation and decide how we can help you.
eg.2 The decision will be reviewed by the Supreme Court.
eg.3The team manager’s position will be reviewed at the end of the season.

Comment by 2A Jacky, Law Tsz Kit

-someone who lives next to you or near you:
eg.1One of the neighbors complained about the noise from the party.
eg.2FBI agents were interviewing all their friends and neighbors.
eg.3Our next-door neighbours (=the people who live in the house next to us) say they’ll look after our cat for us while we’re away.

review (verb)
– to examine, consider, and judge a situation or process carefully in order to see if changes are necessary
eg.1 We will review your situation and decide how we can help you.
eg.2 The decision will be reviewed by the Supreme Court.
eg.3The team manager’s position will be reviewed at the end of the season.

Comment by 2A Jacky, Law Tsz Kit

Fabric keyboard(noun)
-The keyboard that is made of cloth or woven material.
e.g.In modern time, we have many computer and keyboard,such as fabric keyboard.

Comment by Lee Wun Yin 2C (26)

offer(verb) ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would like you to do something.
e.g.I offer to play some games in the Christmas party.
2.aprayer or a Sacrifice is to give one to a god.
e.g.When you want to get lucky,you can offer up.

Comment by Lee Wun Yin 2C (26)

-(adj.,n.)completely necessary;extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity
Eg.1Money is not essential to happiness.
Eg.2Experience is essential for this job.
Eg.3Essential services such as gas,water and electricity.
Eg.4The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out.
Eg.5It is essential to keep the two groups separate.
Eg.6Even in small companies,computers are an essential tool.
-[only before noun]Connect with the most important aspect or basic nature of sb/sth
Eg.1The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money.
Eg.2The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road.
-(n.)Something that is needed in a particular situation or in order to do a particular thing.
Eg.1 I only had the time to pack the bare essentials.
Eg.2 The studio had all the essentials like heating and running water.
-(n.)An important basic fact or piece of knowledge about a subject.

-(n.)A task that you do regularly
E.g Doing the household/domestic chores
-An unpleasant or boring task
E.g Shopping’s a real chore for me.

Comment by Shum Ka Kiu,Erica 2a(29)

1.fanatic(n) plural form:fanatics
-someone who is very eager for sth.
eg1.He is a sports fanatic.

-a person that is encahnt with sth.
eg.C.Ronaldo is an fanatical football player,many girl fans love him very much.

2.sign off(v)
-stop working,stop doing affairs
eg.It’s time to sign off,let’s have a break

Comment by Choi Chi Hin

1)a short news report on the radio or television.
2)an official statement about something important.
3)a pronted report that gives news about an organization or a group.
e.g.)Here is the latest bulletin about the President’s health.

1)a task that you do regularly.
2)an unpleasant or boring task.
e.g.)i always do the household chores.

Comment by Susana Chin

1)satellite noun [C] artificial object sent up into space to travel round the earth, used for collecting information or communicating by radio, television
-The World Cup was transmitted around the world by satellite.
2.a natural object moving round a larger object in space
-The moon is the satellite of the Earth.

necessary; needed.
1.Government support will be essential if the project is to succeed.
2.There is essential work to be done before the building can be re-occupied.

(cited from Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

Comment by ng woon ting.wendy 2c 30

1. Separate; distinct; particular; single.
2. Diverse; different; various. Spenser.
eg. I’ve read it several times.

– the skilled practice of a practical occupation
– a vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space
eg.The harbour was full of all kinds of craft.

(cited from sina’s Dictionary)

Comment by Kwok Ho Yiy 2c 17

from sina’s dictionary

Comment by yeung 2C33

1. Customise
–verb (used with object) -ized, -iz·ing.
to modify or build according to individual or personal specifications or preference: to customize an automobile.

e.g. I ask the shopkeeper to customise a special clip for my photos.


2. Typical
1. of the nature of or serving as a type or representative specimen.
2. conforming to a particular type.
3. Biology. exemplifying most nearly the essential characteristics of a higher group in natural history, and forming the type: the typical genus of a family.
4. characteristic or distinctive: He has the mannerisms typical of his class.
5. pertaining to, of the nature of, or serving as a type or emblem; symbolic.

e.g. We go to a typical cafe to have a lunch.

cited from

Comment by Kan Wai Chi 2c 15

Today, I want to share some new words with you.
(Words 2 and 3 are extended by 1)

1.Typical/typical(+of) [adj.]
-having the usual features or qualities of a particular group or thing
e.g.This painting is typical of his early work.
e.g.This advertisement is a typical example of their marketing strategy.

2.typify (verb)
e.g.She typifies the bored housewife.

3.typically (adv.)
e.g.Typically, he didn’t even bother to tell anyone he was going.

(cited from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)

Comment by Emily 2A (7)

necessary; needed:
Government support will be essential if the project is to succeed.
There is essential work to be done before the building can be re-occupied.
Water is essential for/to living things.
It is essential (that) our prices remain competitive.
For the experiment to be valid, it is essential to record the data accurately.

2.noun [C usually plural]
a basic thing that you cannot live without:
Because I live in a remote village, I regard my car as an essential.
When we go on holiday, we only take the bare essentials.
This leaflet will give you the essentials of how to use the word processor.

relating to the most important characteristics or ideas of something:
It’s essentially a dictionary but it differs in one or two respects.
What he’s saying is essentially true.

Comment by Lam Siraprapha2C(20)

chick pea (n.)
-a hard round seed, like a light brown pea, that is cooked and eaten as a vegatable
e.g. I would like to have chick peas and toast for breakfast.

save(up) (v.)
-to keep money instead of speading it, especially in order to buy a particular thing
e.g.My brother is saving up to buy a new computer for playing.

Comment by Y.T.H.

Sorry, I forget to write my class and class number:2A 38

Comment by Y.T.H.

Digital (adj) :
1. of or pertaining to a digit or finger.
2.resembling a digit or finger.
3.manipulated with a finger or the fingertips: a digital switch.
4.displaying a readout in digital form: a digital speedometer.
5.having digits or digitlike parts.
6.of, pertaining to, or using data in the form of numerical digits.
7.Computers. involving or using numerical digits expressed in a scale of notation to represent discretely all variables occurring in a problem.
8.of, pertaining to, or using numerical calculations.
9.available in electronic form; readable and manipulable by computer.
Sentence making:
Nowadays, many people are using digital watch. It is very famous.

Fabric (noun) :
1.a cloth made by weaving, knitting, or felting fibers: woolen fabrics.
2.the texture of the woven, knitted, or felted material: cloth of a soft, pliant fabric.
3.framework; structure: the fabric of society.
4.a building; edifice.
5.the method of construction.
6.the act of constructing, esp. of a church building.
7.the maintenance of such a building.
8.Petrography. the spatial arrangement and orientation of the constituents of a rock.
Sentence making
I am very surprised that there is a keyboard made by fabric. The development of science and techology is very good.

Comment by Christy Kong (2c 16)

-the normal order and way in which you regularly
do things
-a situation in which life is boring because things are always done in the same way
-a series of movements,jokes,etc.that are part of a performance

Eg.we are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping.

-to arrange for yourself or for sb else to officially join a course,school,etc. need to enrol before the end of August.

Comment by winnie 2a 9

Elect P.4-5

1.saving up(phr.v.)
meaning:to put money aside for later use
e.g.john is saving up to buy a new house for his family.

meaning:a job or trade needing skill, especially with your hands.
e.g.The jeweller’s craft is the best in the world.


meaning:a small machine or useful apparatus
e.g.An iPhone is a gadget.

meaning:not important
e.g.Why do you get angry over such trivial matters?

Comment by Phoebe Tam ( 2A 32 )

– man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon
– any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star
– a person who follows or serves anothe
– broadcast or disseminate via satellite
– surrounding and dominated by a central authority or power

– a brief report especially an official statement issued for immediate publication or broadcast
– make public by bulletin

Comment by Law Ching(Nicole)-2C24

teenager (noun)

a young person between 13 and 19 years old

manage (verb)
to be responsible for controlling or organizing someone or something especially a business

Comment by Debbie ho (2c 14)

~showing the main signs or qualities of a particular kind,group,or class;represntative of its type.

eg.1:The typical of KFC is an old man.

eg.2:When my geography teacher call me to draw a typical of government department,I always draw the typical of hospital because it is simple.

Comment by Chan Chi Ho

~showing the main signs or qualities of a particular kind,group,or class;represntative of its type.

eg.1:The typical of KFC is an old man.

eg.2:When my geography teacher call me to draw a typical of government department,I always draw the typical of hospital because it is simple.

Comment by Chan Chi Ho

~something dobe to pass time pleasantly

eg.1:When i was boring,I will do some pastimes for passing time.

eg.2:My grandfather always go to the park to do some pastimes for relaxing.

Comment by Chan Chi Ho

It is one of the languages of India
-My best friend like Hindi very much

The meaning is like a process a direction
-In the course of history, i like the Rome most

Comment by Cheng Chun YU

one of the languages of India
-My best friend love Hindi very much

A direction
A process
A way of doing or making something

-In the course of history I like like the Rome most

Comment by Cheng Chun Yu 2a (2)


-to consecrate or sanctify by a religious rite; make or pronounce holy.

eg.Bless our god.


-a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or government: usually a territory of greater extent than a kingdom, as the former British Empire, French Empire, Russian Empire, Byzantine Empire, or Roman Empire.

e.g. That empire had been fell down.

Comment by Leung Cheuk Nam 2A(15)

-As soon as she learns the office routine she will be an excellent assistant.
meaning:talking with someone
-They always chatting in the lession.

Comment by Brian 2A26

-to describe something and write it by the words.
eg1:He gave a description of what he had seen.
eg2:In the zoo there are animals of every description.
-identity,descript poeple.
eg1:His personality left a deep impression on us.
eg2:A number of local personalities were present at the meeting.

Comment by kwokjoey

1] dying(die) {verb}
-to want sth/want to do sth very much
e.g. He is dying to see you!

2] chore {noun}
-a task that you do regularly
e.g. 1.Does your husband do any chores after work?
2.He freed his assistant from some of her chores
3.Peeling bags of potatoes is really a chore.

Comment by Kelly 2C 3

e.g. Is wealth essential to happiness?

-small contrivance or device
e.g. A new gadget for opening tin cans.


Comment by lo pui sum 2A 20

1) bul•le•tin
–noun 1. a brief account or statement, as of news or events, issued for the information of the public.
e.g(1): The most up day news will post on the bulletin board.
e.g(2): Just listened to the 2pm news bulletin on the radio here.
e.g(3)Any feedback you give will be used to improve vam-email bulletin
(2) mi•nor
1. lesser, as in size, extent, or importance, or being or noting the lesser of two: a minor share.
2. not serious, important, etc.: a minor wound; a minor role.
e.g(1): He didn’t good at the main subjects , but gave a good result on many minor subjects.
e.g(2): The king had now died, leaving his son John as a minor in the king ‘s ward.

Comment by Rico


-(n.)the language of the Arabs
(adj.)connected with the literature and language of Arab people

eg 1 Did your friend Bob can speak Arabs before?
eg 2 Where is the Arabic numeral invented?In Arab? No, It is invented in India.

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24) September 7, 2008 @ 9:25 pm

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24)

satellite dish(n.)
-A piece of equibment that recieves singals from a satellite,enable people can watch satellite television.

eg 1 Do you know that my home has a satllite dish that can let me watch the best television channel?

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24)

grab (verb)

-transitive verb grasp something: to take hold of something quickly, suddenly, or forcefully

e.g Grab a pen and sit down.

weed (noun)

-unwanted plant: a plant, especially a wild plant , growing where it is not wanted.

Comment by KAREN LIU

meaning:the structure or parts especially of a social unit or a building.
example:The usual fabric was timber.

Comment by Yip Ming Him2C (40)

– a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity

e.g This activity is aim at teenager for their summer holiday.

– a tool with a flat blade attached at right angles to a long handle

e.g He is hoeing the flower beds

Comment by yeung 2C33


e.g Let’s pin the notice on the bulletin board.


e.g Impartiality is essential to a judge

Comment by ngan hiu fung

meaning:the structure or parts especially of a social unit or a building.
example:The usual fabric was timber.
meaning:the normal order of things
example:I have a routine work to do.

Comment by Yip Ming Him2C (40)

-showing the main signs or qualities of a particular kind,group,or class;represntative of its type.
-a job or trade needing skill, especially with your hands.

Comment by Ricky Lam(2c_21)

-your usual way of doing things.

e.g.As soon as she learns the office routine she will be an excellent assistant.

-something that you like doing when you are not working.

e.g.Listening to music is my favorite pastime.

Comment by Wong Ho Ching2C39

Typical \Typ”ic*al\,

1. Of the nature of a type; representing something by a form, model, or resemblance; emblematic; prefigurative.

The Levitical priesthood was only typical of the Christian.


Important in the highest degree; indispensable to the attainment of an object; indispensably necessary.

Judgment’s more essential to a general Than courage.

Comment by Chu Wai Yin(2c08)

completely necessary
e.g. Hard work is essential to success.
a very small round green vegetable
e.g. Pea is good for our health.

Comment by WONG HANG TAT


-to move lightly and quickly;to makesth move in this way.

-The flags fluttered in the breeze,

-to say nice things about sb,often ina way that isn’t sinerce,because you want them to do sth for you want to please them.

-Are you trying to flatter me?


-sightly wet, ofteh in a way that is unpleasant

-The cottage was cold and damp.


-a crowd of people/many people rush in a place at the same moment.

-We pushed our way through the throng.


-the state or do sth whatever you want.

-Avoid excessive indulgence in sweeets and canned sweets.


-spending a lot of money or using a lot more than you can afford or that is necessary.

-I felt taht it was very extravagant spending $1000 on a shirt.


-to make a long deep sound or series of sounds.

-The machine rumbled as it started up.


-severlal events or things of a similar kind that happen one after the other.

-The incident sparked off a whole series of events that nobody had foreseen.

-sth that happens,especially sth unusual or unpleasant.

-His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident.

-A thing taht is very strange or unusual.

-A freaky thing happened this morning


-A weakness of sb,a plan,a system.

-She made me awrae of my own shortcomings.


-to argue strongly for sth you want,especially for changes in a law,in social conditions.

-A political groups agitating for social change.


-a narrow area of water where the sea flows into the land.

-There are often wild ducks swimming in th creek.


-The use of sth in a way that is wrond or harmful

-He was arrrested on chargse of corruption and abuse of power.


-A company and business

-An enterprise with a turnover of $26 billion.


-sounding loud and harsh
-He made a raucous laughter.


-annoying or irritaing
-I found the restrictions irksome.


-A sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment
-The normally ask you to pay $500 as the deposit.


-to express very strong disapproval of sb/sth, it’s ussually for moral reasons
-The government issued a statement condemning the killings.


-The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
-The integrity of the judge is unquestioned.

cited from Oxford Dictionary

Comment by Choi Chi Hin

-a white crystalline organic base
We will be affected the health by melamine.
incident (noun)
-a single distinct event
After this incident happen in China, I am unsure of milk from there.
restore (verb)
– get or give new life or energy
Scientists always restore to improve our life.

(I can’t use computer at home)

Comment by yeung

disclosure [noun]
-the act or an instance of disclosing; exposure; revelation.
eg1. The disclosure that he has stolen a million dollars in the Hong Kong Bank .

Comment by Mo Sin Ying , Sandy (2A 23)

suspect [verb]
-to believe to be guilty, false, counterfeit, undesirable, defective, bad, etc., with little or no proof: to suspect a person of murder.

eg.1 I suspected they were lying, they looked unaccustomed.

Comment by Mo Sin Ying , Sandy (2A 23)

apparent [adj]
-readily seen; exposed to sight; open to view; visible: The crack in the wall was readily apparent.

eg.1 It is apparent that today’s weather is not good for travelling.

Comment by Mo Sin Ying , Sandy (2A 23)

1.Disclosure (n)
-the speech act of making something evident
e.g. The magazine’s disclosure of defence secrets
2.suspect (v)
-regard with suspicion
e.g. I suspected her motives.
3. investigate (v)
-conduct an inquiry or investigation of
e.g. They will investigate this thing.

Comment by Yoyo (2A)

– a baby’s nappy
eg.1 I need not to wear a diaper since I was 2 years old.
-an outbreak of public anger or excitement.
eg.1 The people in Thailand had a furor about the government.
-a hard plastic used chiefly for laminated coatings.
eg.1 Melamine is the main course of the tainted milk.

Comment by Elaine 2c35

Response (noun)
– an answer or reaction to sb/sth
Eg1: I’ve sent out 20 letters of enquiry but I’ve had no respones yet.
Eg2: She has sent out 4 letter for working, but still can’t get the respones.

Initial (adjective)
– happening at the beginning: first
Eg1: My initial reaction was to refuse, but I later changed my mind.
Eg2: Her initial reply is to say no, but later she changes her mind, everyone don’t know the reason.

Nutritional (adjective)
– the food that you eat and the way that it affects youur health
Eg1: Good nutritional is essential for children’s growth.
Eg2: I think everyone shoud have a good nutritional.

Comment by Christy (2c 16)

-unkind comments that make fun of sb or make them look silly
-Her brothers poured ridicule on her boyfriend.

-Extremely upset and shocked
-His family is absolutely devastated.

Comment by Choi Chi Hin

Demand (n)
-Some that you ask for very firmly.
(1)She’s been in great demand ever since her book was published.
Devastated (adj.)
-Extremely sad and shocked
(1)She was devastated when we told her what hd happened.
-To be connected with something illegal or dishonest, so that people are less likely to approve of you
(1)The previous government had been tainted by accusation of corruption.

Comment by Christie (2A19) =]

Incident (adj.)
-a single distinct event-
– a public disturbance
eg1) it is diseases incident to childhood.
eg2) You should not worry because she without incident.

-come out into view, as from concealment
-become known or apparent
eg1) A multitude of heroic figures emerge.
eg2) Sea mammals must emerge periodically to breathe.

-the act of deriding or treating with contempt
-language or behavior intended to mock or humiliate.
eg1) They held him to ridicule.
eg2) He was sensitive to ridicule.

Comment by Kwok Ho Yiu Yoyo 2c 17

1.Among (prep.)
Mixed or mingled; surrounded by
E.g.Tom has always been popular among his classmates.
2.eerie (adj)
so strange as to inspire a feeling of fear
E.g.An uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the woods.
3.response (v)
A bodily process occurring due to the effect of some foregoing stimulus or agent.
E.g.He made no response to my question.

Comment by Cheng Chi Pan (2c 04)

-return to life
-get or give new life or energy
eg1) Please restore the book to the shelf.
eg2) I need to restore to health.

Comment by Kwok Ho Yiu Yoyo 2c 17 (adj)
of believing in the honesty and reliability of others
E.g.I have no trust in him.

Comment by Cheng Chi Pan (2c 04)

1. to come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity: a ghost emerging from the grave; a ship emerging from the fog.
2. to rise or come forth from or as if from water or other liquid.
3. to come up or arise, as a question or difficulty.
4. to come into existence; develop.
5. to rise, as from an inferior or unfortunate state or condition.
eg. The moon emerged from behind a cloud.

1. to make known publicly or officially; proclaim; give notice of: to announce a special sale.
2. to state the approach or presence of: to announce guests; to announce dinner.
3. to make known to the mind or senses.
4. to serve as an announcer of: The mayor announced the program.
5. to state; declare.
6. to state in advance; declare beforehand.
7. to write, or have printed, and send a formal declaration of an event, esp. a social event, as a wedding.
eg. They announced that she would give one extra song.

1. the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.
2. a power or right delegated or given; authorization: Who has the authority to grant permission?
3. a person or body of persons in whom authority is vested, as a governmental agency.
4. Usually, authorities. persons having the legal power to make and enforce the law; government: They finally persuaded the authorities that they were not involved in espionage.
5. an accepted source of information, advice, etc.
eg. The authorities did not interfere with us.

Comment by Cathy(2c.22)

~the act of making sth known or public that was previously secret or private
e.g.(1)The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.
e.g.(2)The disclosure that Tom kill his boss.
e.g.(3)The disclosure that Sam kill his parents.

~to damage or spoil the quality of sth or the opinion that people have of sb/sth
e.g.(1)The meat was tainted.
e.g.(2)Bad books will taint the young mind.
e.g.(3)The body of Sam was alreadly tainted.

~Extremely upset and shocked
e.g.(1)Peter was devastated by his wife’s death.
e.g.(2)His family is absolutely devastated
e.g.(3)She is devastated because her died .

Comment by Sammi 2A (12)

disclosure (noun) [C or U]
The act of disclosing, uncovering, or revealing; bringing to light; exposure.
e.g.The magazine’s disclosure of defence secrets
tainted [Adjective]
especially of reputation
e.g Moral taint has spread among young people.
devastated [noun]
made uninhabitable
e.g.Indian Ocean tsunami devastated tourism of South Asian countries

Comment by ng woon ting.wendy2c30

a material like plastic that is used to make a hard smooth surface on tables

relating to the substances in food that help you to stay healthy

money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss, or because something they own has been damaged

Comment by Ricky Lam(2c_21)

-either of a pair of organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood and urine.
E.g. His kidneys weak so he can’t remove the waste from his body as much as the other people.

-to summon back / to remember recollect
E.g. I can recall what my teachers taught me few years ago.

Comment by Johnny

-repayment / money refunded
E.g.This department store refunds the money to the customers because the sellers sold bad products.

Comment by Johnny

-A chemical substance is any material substance used in or obtained by a process in chemistry
eg1.He is experimenting with a new chemical.
eg2.He devoted his life to chemical research.
2.inquiries (v)
-to research something
eg1.Make your inquiries at the office.
eg2.They held an inquiry into the incident.
-report something to someone
eg1.Their statement was correct.
eg2.Soon afterwards he made his first public statement about the affair.

Comment by kwokjoey

deja vu n.[U]
-the feeling that you have previously experienced thing which is happening to you now
e.g. I had a strong sense of deja vu as I entered the room.

inquiry n.
-a reqest for information about somebody or something; a question about somebody or something
e.g. We received over 2000 inquiries about this activities.

diaper n.
-a piece of soft fabric or paper that is folded around a baby’s bottom and between iy legs to absorb and holds its baby waste
e.g. I will change her diaper.

Comment by Shadow 2A 38

~strange and frightening:
e.g The eerie sound of an owl hooting at night.
~one of several natural substances that exist in food such as meat, eggs, and beans, and which your body needs in order to grow and remain strong and healthy.
e.g we can get protein when we eat beans and meat.
~1 [uncountable]SC money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss, or because something they own has been damaged
compensation for
compensation for injuries at work
compensation from
She received compensation from the government for the damage caused to her property.
in compensation
The jury awarded Tyler $1.7 million in compensation.
as compensation
The workers were given 30 days’ pay as compensation.
People who are wrongly arrested may be paid compensation.
demand/seek/claim compensation
e.g The parents are seeking compensation for birth defects caused by the drug.
award/grant compensation
e.g The court awarded Jamieson £30,000 compensation.
2 [uncountable and countable] something that makes a bad situation better:
e.g One of the few compensations of losing my job was seeing more of my family.
by way of compensation (=in order to make a situation better)
e.g By way of compensation he offered to take her out for a meal.
3 [uncountable and countable] when someone behaves in a particular way in order to replace something that is missing or to balance the bad effects of something
compensation for
e.g Linda’s aggressiveness is just a compensation for her feelings of insecurity.
as compensation (for something)
e.g Lip-reading can act as compensation for loss of hearing.
4. helpless-adjective
~1 unable to look after yourself or to do anything to help yourself:
He began to feel depressed and helpless.
a vicious attack on a helpless victim
Newman threw out a hand in a helpless gesture.
2 unable to control a strong feeling that you have
helpless with
He was near to death, and I was helpless with fear.
helpless laughter/rage/tears etc
We both collapsed into helpless giggles.
5. restore-verb
~1former situationto make something return to its former state or condition
restore something to something
The government promises to restore the economy to full strength.
She was hoping that the Mediterranean climate would restore her to full health.
The National Guard was called in to restore order (=make people stop fighting and breaking the law) when riots broke out.
initiatives to restore peace in the Middle East
restore (diplomatic) relations with somebody
Vietnam restored diplomatic relations with South Korea on December 22.
restore somebody’s sight/hearing (=make someone who cannot hear or who is blind, hear or see again)
2positive feelingto bring back a positive feeling that a person or a group of people felt before:
measures aimed at restoring public confidence in the education system
a man whose kindness and sincerity really restored my faith in human nature (=helped me to believe that people can be good)
3repairto repair an old building, piece of furniture, or painting etc so that it is in its original condition:
The church was carefully restored after the war.
a Victorian fireplace restored to its former glory
4give something backformal to give back to someone something that was lost or taken from them [= return]
restore something to somebody
The treaty restored Okinawa to Japan.
5bring back a lawSCLP to bring back a law, tax, right etc:
a campaign to restore the death penalty
6restore somebody to power/the throneformalPG make someone king, queen, or president again, after a period when they have not been in power
6. diaper-noun
~a piece of soft cloth or soft paper that is put between a baby’s legs and fastened around its waist to hold liquid and solid waste [= nappy British English]
I changed her diaper.
7. bloody- adjective, adverb
~1 used to emphasize what you are saying in a slightly rude way:
It’s bloody cold out there!
That’s a bloody good idea.
Bloody hell!
2bloody wellused to emphasize an angry statement or order:
It serves you bloody well right.
8. ridicule- verb
~to laugh at a person, idea etc and say that they are stupid:
At the time, his ideas were ridiculed.
9. poisoning-noun
~1MI illness caused by swallowing, touching, or breathing in a poisonous substance
alcohol/lead/radiation etc poisoning (=caused by a particular substance)
a case of alcohol poisoning
2 the act of giving poison to someone:
An autopsy revealed no evidence of poisoning.
10.statement- noun
~1 [countable] something you say or write, especially publicly or officially, to let people know your intentions or opinions, or to record facts
statement on/about
the Prime Minister’s recent statements on Europe
make/issue/give a statement
He refused to give a statement to the police.
In an official statement, she formally announced her resignation.
true/false statement
False statements on your tax form could land you in jail.
get/take a statement (=officially write down what someone says)
Detective Brady took a statement from both witnesses.
sworn statement (=that you officially declare to be true)
2 [countable] a record showing amounts of money paid, received, owed etc:
the company’s annual financial statements
I haven’t received my bank statement for last month yet.
3 [countable] something you do, make, wear etc that causes people to have a certain opinion about you:
The type of car you drive makes a statement about you.
a fashion statement
4 [uncountable] formal the act of expressing something in words:
presentation and clarity of statement

from longman online dictionary
victoria 2c(2)

Comment by Chan Tsz Kei -2C(2)

sorry for too long !

Comment by Chan Tsz Kei -2C(2)

-the act of making sth knownor public that was previously secret or private
eg.The newspaper’s disclosure the defence secrets.
-the power to give orders to people
eg.She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses.
-a hard plastic material,used especially for covering other materials
eg.The business men put some toxic chemial into the milk – melamine.

Comment by Lo Pui Sum

Happening at the beginning.
eg: an initial investment of £5000

An event, especially one that is unusual, important, or violent.
eg: A spokesman said it was an isolated incident.

Also Heavenplace of god[singular]RR the place where God is believed to live and where good people are believed to go when they die
in heaven.
eg: He believed that he and his wife would one day be together again in heaven.

To think that something is probably true, especially something bad.
eg: I suspected that there was something wrong with the engine.

illness caused by swallowing, touching, or breathing in a poisonous substance.
eg: A case of alcohol poisoning.

From longman online dictionary

Comment by Fung Sui Yeung,Sharon 2C(12)

-relating to the substances in food that help you to stay healthy
eg.1 Cooking vegetables for too long lessens their nutritional value.
eg.2 the nutritional requirements of pregnant women

– a question you ask in order to get information
eg.1 We’re getting a lot of inquiries about our new London-Rio service.
eg.2 i don’t know who sent the gift, but I’ll make some inquiries

– someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime
eg.1 a suspected child killer
eg.2 He was taken to hospital after a suspected heart attack.

Comment by Chou Ho Yee 2a(4)

-outrage; malicious gossip; disgrace
e.g1.It is a scandal for officials to take bribes.
e.g2.A soldier should not bring scandal upon the uniform.
2.compensate (vt)
-reward; reimburse, pay back
e.g1.We compensate workers for injuries suffered at their work.
e.g2.She used her good looks to compensate for her lack of intelligence.
3.poisoning (vt)
-kill or injure with
poison; corrupt, taint
e.g1.The natives use poisoned arrows to kill big game.
e.g2.Industrial wastes have poisoned the river.

Comment by JackyL

-strange,mysterious and frightening
eg.1:I found the silence underwater really eerie.
-The act of making sth known or public that was previously secret or private
eg.1:the newpaper’s disclosure of defence secrets
-information or a fact that is made known or public that was previously secret or private
eg.1:startling disclosures about his private life
-feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly
eg.1:an indignant letter/look
eg.2:She was very indignant at the way she had been treated.
eg.3:They were indignant that they hadn’t been invited.

Comment by Shum Ka Kiu,Erica 2a(29)

1. initial1 (adjective)
– happening at the beginning
eg.1 an initial investment of £5000

2.suspect1 (verb)
– to think that something is probably true,especially something bad
eg.1 I suspected that there was something wrong with the engine

3. boost (verb)
– to increase or improve something and make it more successful
eg.1 The new resort area has boosted tourism

Comment by Hui Hei Yan 2a(10)

disclosure (n.)
– the speech act of making something evident
EG.The magazine’s disclosure of defence secrets
kidney (n.)
– either of two bean-shaped excretory organs that filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and excrete them and water in urine
EG.I have a biopsy of kidney to do.
tainted (adj.)
– the state of being contaminated
– place under suspicion or cast doubt upon
“sully someone”s reputation”
EG. Moral taint has spread among young people.

Comment by Trini or 2A (27)

-outrage; malicious gossip;

e.g.No one responds to the scandal.

Sickens(transitive verb)
-make ill; fall ill;
nauseate; become queasy

e.g.Cruelty sickens me.

-claim, requirement; request

e.g.They never demand to get a clear answer.

Comment by Danny in 2A

1. protein (noun)
one of several natural substances that exist in food such as meat, eggs, and beans, and which your body needs in order to grow and remain strong and healthy:
▪ The method was designed to estimate the intake of cholesterol and animal protein.

when you do a particular thing, often regularly, in order to improve your skill at it:
▪ It takes hours of practice to learn to play the guitar.
▪ With a little more practice you should be able to pass your test.
▪ We have choir practice on Tuesday evening.
in practice for something
▪ Schumacher crashed out in practice for the Australian grand prix.

not officially allowed to meet, exist, or be used:
▪ Leaders of the banned party were arrested last night.
▪ He was suspended for using a banned substance (=a drug that people competing in sport are not allowed to take).

Comment by ng man gee,becky 2A(25)

1.Disclosure (n)
-a secret that someone tells people, or the act of telling this secret
E.g.: The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.
2.Suspect (v)
-to think that something is probably true, especially something bad
e.g.: The tiger suspected danger and ran away.
– 1 to appear or come out from somewhere
e.g.: The moon emerged from behind a cloud.

Comment by alice,2a 39

1.reassuring (verb)
to make s.o. believe that will be all right.
-She told him she still loved him and that reassured him.
2.consuming (verb)
to eat and drink
-That big guy consumed six bottles of beer and three hamburgers.
3.sacked (verb)
to place or pour into a sack.
– They sacked the groceries at the supermarket.

Comment by Lee Wun Yin 2C (26)

1.explanation (noun)
informa-tion given to help understand.
-The computer salesperson gave an explanation of how to use that computer.
2.apparent (adjective)
obvious, clear
-He’s very unhappy, and it is apparent that he wants to leave now.
3.furor (noun)
an angry disturbance,uproar
-The government’s attempt to raise taxes created a furor across the country.

Comment by Lee Wun Yin 2C (26)

1.scandal (noun)
-an event in which someone, especially someone important, behaves in a bad way that shocks people
eg.It caused quite a scandal when he left his wife.
2.infant (noun)
-a baby or very young child
eg.An infant’s skin is very sensitive.
3.foreigners (noun)
-someone who comes from a different country
eg.Some of the local people are suspicious of foreigners.

(cited from Longman Online Dictintionary)

Comment by Tang Nok Lam,Tracy 2A(33)

-somebody holding office: a holder of office in an organization, corporation, or government department
e.g. She is the official of this department.
2)allowed (verb)
-let something happen
e.g. My dad allow me to buy a new computer.
3)apparent (adj.)
-appearing to be shown as a quality, feeling, or attribute but perhaps not genuine
e.g. From the type of clay used, it’s apparent that pottery in Miletus was made locally.
(From the MSN online dictionary)

Comment by Calla in 2A

touch off [ph.]
meaning- to make sth begin, especially a difficult or violent situation
e.g. The blaze was touched off by lighting.

since of [ph.]
meaning- from a time in the past until a later past time, or until now
e.g. She’s been off work since Tuesday.

Amid [prep.]
Meaning- in the middle of or during sth, especially sth that causes excitement or fear
e.g. He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.

Comment by Janice WOng

1. spread (v)
-make or become more widely known; scattered or become scattered widely.
e.g.1 I spread my arms as far apart as I could.
e.g.2 I ask Betty don’t spread my secret to others.

2.expand (v)
-make or grow larger.
e.g.1 The eagle expanded its wings.
e.g.2 Why you don’t try to expand your story to novel?

3.consume (v)
-use up
-eat or drink
-destroy, as by fire
e.g.1 The kids soon consumed all the food on the table.
e.g.2 She consumed most of her time in shopping.

Comment by Koey 2a 11

-an associate.
eg.1Marlin is getting along very well with his colleagues.

-a small, circumscribed mark caused by disease, allergic reaction, decay, etc.
-a place or locality
eg1.The boy’s white shirt was marked up with spots of ink.
eg2.This is the spot where the two trucks collided.

-only just; almost not; barely

eg1.My legs were so weak that I could hardly stand.

cited from

Comment by Chloé 2c29

New vocabulary:
1. Tainted (adj.)
– Touched by rot or decay / especially of reputation
Example: The bad people always have the taint of vice.
-close interaction
Example: I have a contact in Paris.
-anger with something especially at the unfair judgement
Example: She is so indignant because of the judge of teachers.

Comment by Jimmy 2C(40)

1.restore:th bring back a situation or feeling that existed before.
eg:The measures are intended to restore pubic confidence in the econoy.
2.compensation:something, especially money, that somebody gives you because they have hurt you own.
eg:I have to pay compensation for injuries at work.
3.indignation:a feeling of anger and surprise caused by something that you think is unfair or unreasonable.
eg:A storm of public indignation at the rise in train fares.

Comment by Wong Hiu Fu 2c (36)

1.restore:to bring back a situation or feeling that existed before.
eg:The measures are intended to restore pubic confidence in the econoy.
2.compensation:something, especially money, that somebody gives you because they have hurt you own.
eg:I have to pay compensation for injuries at work.
3.indignation:a feeling of anger and surprise caused by something that you think is unfair or unreasonable.
eg:A storm of public indignation at the rise in train fares.

Comment by Wong Hiu Fu 2c (36)

-To protect or insure against loss or damage.
-To make compensation to for incurred hurt, loss or damage.
e.g.He promised to indemnify me for my losses.

-A simple part of a more complicated whole; ingredient.
e.g. Cells are elements of living bodies.
-A first or main principle.
-Natural environment, or the life with which one is familiar.
-Any one of more than 100 fundamental substances which cannot be decomposed by ordinary means, as gold, oxygen, etc.
-Any of the four substances, as earth, air, fire and water, from which (it was believed) everything was made.
-Atmospheric powers or forces, weather conditions.
-An integral part of a device, machine, or instrument necessary to its proper functioning.

-Belief; reliance; trust.
e.g. He enjoys his master’s confidence.
-Selfreliance; boldness.
e.g. He has confidence in his own ability.
-A secret.

Comment by Chu Wai Yin(2c08)

1.Of or relating to an office or a post of authority: official duties.
2.Authorized by a proper authority; authoritative: official permission.
3.Holding office or serving in a public capacity: an official representative.
4.Characteristic of or befitting a person of authority; formal: an official banquet.
5.Authorized by or contained in the U.S. 6.Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary. Used of drugs.
1.One who holds an office or position, especially one who acts in a subordinate capacity for an institution such as a corporation or governmental agency.
2.Sports A referee or umpire.
e.g1.Is the news official?
e.g2.The President’s official duties include being Commander in Chief.

Chemistry. 1. a white, crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C3N3(NH2)3, used chiefly in organic synthesis and in the manufacture of resins, esp. melamine resins.
2. any of the melamine resins.
e.g1.This Chemistry contains more melamine than carbon dioxide.
e.g2.The melamine can kill people.
–verb(used without object)
emerged, emerging. 1. to come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity: a ghost emerging from the grave; a ship emerging from the fog.
2. to rise or come forth from or as if from water or other liquid.
3. to come up or arise, as a question or difficulty.
4. to come into existence; develop.
5. to rise, as from an inferior or unfortunate state or condition.
e.g1.The picture emerged a flower.

Comment by fung kin ho(2c 11) reverse
-in the opposite way.
eg1.Weate our dinner in reverse-we started with the ice -creamand finished with the soup!
eg2.He is a people who dose thing in reverse.
2.associated with
-put two ideas together in your mind .
eg1.We usually associate Austria with snow and skiing.
eg2.Do not associate with dishonest boys.

Comment by 1D marco

1)recall [verb]
-to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past
e.g.1]I seem to recall I’ve met him before somewhere.
2]I don’t recall the name of that girl.

2)compensation {noun}
-money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss, or because something they own has been damaged
e.g.1]People who are wrongly arrested may be paid compensation.
2]She had recived the compensation for the products which cannoy use.

3]indignant [adj]
-angry and surprised because you feel insulted or unfairly treated
e.g.1]Liz was indignant at the way her child had been treated.
2]”I hate you very much! ”Mary indignantly.

Comment by Kelly 2C 3

The act of making something know or public that was previously secret or provate
eg]The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for a good job.
Something that happens,especially something unusual or unpleasant.
eg]There was a shooting incident near the restaurant last night.
3.amid (prep)
In the middle of or during something,especially something that cause excitement or fear.
eg]He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.

Comment by Susana Chin

-to expose,to bring to light.
e.g.The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.

do or say something in answer to someone.
E.G.He made no response to my question.

something likes vitamins.
E.G.Protein is essential to life.

Comment by Taururs Wong2C39

– a person that you work with,especially in a profession or a business
e.g 1.Marlin is getting along very well with his colleagues.
-strange,mysterious and frightening
e.g 1.I found the silence underwater really eerie.
-a hard plastic material,used especially for covering other materials
e.g 1.Melamine is a harmful substance that will make people die.

Comment by Fu Man Yu (Amy)

-to rub a surface with a surface a cloth
eg.1 He wiped his hands on a clean towel.
eg.2 Please wipe the table,it’s very dirty.

-the state of being legally reasponsible for sth.
eg.1 The company can’t accept liability for any damage caused by natural disasters.
eg.2 My liabiliy to get sick easily.

-to step heavily on sb/sth so that u carush or harm them with your feet.
eg.1 He was trampled to death by a runaway horse.
eg.2 It isn’t allowed to trample the grass.

-to give sb information, especially sth that is secret.
eg.1 The spokesman refused to disclose details of the the takeover to the press.
eg.2 I won’t disclose the password to u.

-Exaclty at the correct time or at the time mentioned/immediately
eg.1 She deals with all the correspondence promptly and efficiently.
eg.2 When he the bell rang,he promptly to open the door.

-to hit sb/sth accidentally
eg.1 I dumped into a chair in the dark.
eg.2 The car dumped into the car at the corner of the road.

-to move smoothly and quietly,especially as though it takes no effect.
eg.1 Swans went gliding past.
eg.2 When playing S-board, we need to glide with a pair of wheels.

-A firm promise that u’ll do sth or that sth ‘ll happen.
eg.1 He gave me a guarantee that it won’t happen again.
eg.2 Can u give me a guarantee that u won’t be late?

-to hit sth/sb very hard
eg.1 He bashed her over the head with a hammer.
eg.2 He was bashed by a ox.

-a cramped room doesm’t have enough space for many people occupy.
eg.1 He wokrs in a cramped condition.
eg.2 This classroom is to cramped that only occupy 10 students.

-Suggesting that sth bad ‘ll be happen in the future.
eg.1 There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead.
eg.2 It’s ominous to have great punlishment after Ms Fung anger.

-extremely good,wonderful
eg.1 The weather was marvellou.
eg.2 This dish is marvelous and delicious.

-aware of and able to know other people and their feelings.
eg.1 He is a sensitive and caring man.
eg.2 A friend should be kind and sensitive.

-a fromal agreement between 2 or 3 countries.
eg.1 The Treaty of Rome.
eg.2 Under this treaty,land should be given to Britain.

-to shine
eg.1 Her eyes were glistening with tears.
eg.2 The candle is glistening and burning.
-a small narrow creek.
eg.1 The pipe broke and water streames onot the floor.
eg.2 There is a stream at the leg of the hill.

-to disagree strongly with sb/sth and try to exchange it.
eg.1 This party ‘d bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty.
eg.2 I didn’t oppose your constructive opinion.

-causing damge and destruction.
eg.1 The destructive of teh modern weapon is high.
eg.2 The atomic bomb is the most destructive bomb.

-The reason or the benefit of sth.
eg.1 John did it for his own sake.
eg.2 What is the sake of telling this lie?

-to give significant information to the enemy
eg.1 For years they had been btraying state secrets to Russia.
eg.2 We shouldn’t betray our friends.

Comment by Choi Chi Hin

1.colleague (noun)
– a person that you work with,especially in a profession or a business
e.g 1.Marlin is getting along very well with his colleagues.
2.eerie (adj.)
-strange,mysterious and frightening
e.g 1.I found the silence underwater really eerie.
3.melamine (noun)
-a hard plastic material,used especially for covering other materials
e.g 1.Melamine is a harmful substance that will make people die.

Comment by Fu Man Yu (Amy)

the act of making sth known or public that was previously secret or private
eg.disclosure of defence secrets.

either of the two organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood and produce urine.
eg.kidney is a important pplace in our body,we have to protect it safety.

to have an idea that sth is probably true or likely to happen, especially sth bad, but without having definite proof.
eg.If you suspect a gas leak, do not strike a match or even turn on an electric light.

Comment by sara lee1D21

1.witness (n)
-testimony by word or deed to your religious faith
e.g.No witnesses have come forward.

-belonging to or characteristic of a sect
e.g.More than 600 people were killed in sectarian fighting.

-a group of soldiers or police, esp. one equipped with horses
e.g.More and more troops were sent to Vietnam during the war years.

-to stop fighting and accept defeat
e.g.They would rather die than surrender.

-to think or believe something to be true or probable
e.g.So far, the police do not suspect foul play.

-someone who is fighting against the government in their own country
e.g.All approaches to the capital are now under the control of the insurgents.

-relating to or belonging to the armed forces
e.g.The military has opposed any cuts in defence spending.

-to fill, exist in, or use a place or period of time
e.g.The rest of the time was occupied with writing a report.

-the usually repeated firing of one or more guns
e.g.The sound of gunfire echoed into the night.

-a person injured or killed in a serious accident or war
e.g.The rebels suffered heavy casualties.

-to criticize something or someone strongly and publicly
e.g.The government’s economic policy has been denounced on all sides.

-a group of people, often a family, who live together
e.g.By the 1960s, most households had a TV.

-to cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another, usually larger, group or organization
e.g.The school is affiliated with a national association of driving schools.

-to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it
e.g.If a book doesn’t engage my interest in the first few pages, I don’t usually carry on reading it.

-unfriendly and not liking or agreeing with something
e.g.The President had a hostile reception in Ohio this morning.

-a frame or fence for jumping over in a race
e.g.He fell at the last hurdle.

-a collection of drawings, documents, etc. that represent a person’s, especially an artist’s, work
e.g.She’s trying to build up a portfolio of work to show during job interviews.

-actions or words which are intended to hurt people
e.g.It seems that the attack was a gratuitous/random/mindless act of violence.

-to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to do
e.g.They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.

-to remove something, especially a pencil mark by rubbing it
e.g.Please erase my name!=v=

Comment by Roger

-to say that sth isn’t ture.
eg.1 He denies attempting to murder his wife.
eg.2 I denies I haven’t done my hw.

-Anxious and nervous.
eg.1 He is a nervy kid.
eg.2 Don’t be enrvy when u having exams.

-nervous and nervy
eg.1 Customers are very charged about the future.
eg.2 The businessmen are charged and worried about the change of the economics

-behvaing in a proud,unpleasant way.
eg.1 John is so arrogant that he thinks he is the best in the world/
eg.2 If u get poor result in your test, don’t give up; if u can high mark,don’t be arrogant.

-personal thtings/an event that people talking about or decribing in a particular way.
eg.1 The press exaggerated the whole affairs.
eg.2 It’s not your own affairs,don’t care of it.

-developing gradually in a fixed/regular way.
eg.1 She drives a car at steady 50mph.
eg.2 His result is steady in all the time.

-connected with soldiers or the armed forces.
eg.1 We may have to tale military action.
eg.2 This district is a military area.

-To look at sth quickly and secretly because it is forbidden.
eg.1 I couldn’t resist peeking in the drawer.
eg.2 We mustn’t peek at the exams.

-to become differnt;to change sb/sth.
eg.1 He had altered so much I can’t recognized him.
eg.2 HK was fully altered in 1 century.

-To offically make sb leave a school or organization.
eg.1 She was expelled from school at 15.
eg.2 The athlets expelled for drug-taking.

-to kill bs by covering their face os that they can’t breathe.
eg.1 He smothered the baby with a pillow.
eg.2 He was tested to has been smothered.

-The feeling of waiting to be in the same situation as sb else.
eg.1 He always envies my success.
eg.2 We shouldn’t envy the others.

33. resist(v)
-to refuse to accept ath and try to stop it from happening.
eg.1 They are determined to resust pressure to change the law.
eg.2 Although he had resisted, but it failed.

-to cover or sorround sth completely so that it can’t be sen or understood.
eg.1 The island was enshround in mist.
rg.2 After receving the test papers, the classroom was enshrounded by sadness.

-only,just,almost not.
eg.1 We scarcely ever meet.
eg.2 I scarcely pass in this exam.

-A person who is kind and nice.
eg.1 Her manner is suave.
eg.2 She is a suave and polite girl,every teachers like her.

-to leave sb/sth u are responsible for,without intention of returning.
eg.1 The crew abandoned the burning ship.
eg.2 A poor infant was abandoned by his mother.

-Hard and cruel,don’t caring if u hurt other people.
eg.1 The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless.
e.2 Hilter was a ruthless dictator.

-a high open area of land taht isn’t used for farming especially an areas covered with rough grass and heater./attach a boat or ship.
eg.1 He want to go for a walk on the moors.
eg.2 The fishng boats were moored at the pier.

-A platfrom in a harbour where boats come to load.
eg.1 A throng was waiting on the quay.
eg.2 We gather at the quay tmr morning.

Comment by Choi Chi Hin

-thing given to compensate
e.g.Tom gave me a new knife as compensation for the one he lost.

-completely destroy;ruin
e.g.Peter was devastated by his wife’s death.

-stating sth or expressing sth in words
e.g.Their statement was correct.

Comment by Sham Ching Yee(Christy)1D29

The computer that in the school did not work yesterday. So, I check the list for you at home=]
I will send you a e-mail in the School Internet of the list tomorrow.

Comment by Kelly 2C 3

-the act or an instance of disclosing; exposure; revelation.
e.g.The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.
-Anatomy. either of a pair of bean-shaped organs in the back part of the abdominal cavity that form and excrete urine, regulate fluid and electrolyte balance, and act as endocrine glands.
e.g.He is a man of the right kidney
-uncanny, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weird: an eerie midnight howl.
e.g.This news is eerie.
-to bring back from memory; recollect; remember: Can you recall what she said?
e.g.Dick recalls having been in Paris to study music when he was a child.
-the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.
e.g.He is an authority on international law.
-of, pertaining to, or occurring at the beginning; first: the initial step in a process.
e.g.His initial reaction was one of shock.
-a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge.
e.g.His initial reaction was one of shock.
-a white, crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid fo the examples of melamine is C3N3(NH2)
-to lift or raise by pushing from behind or below.
e.g.He gave me a boost over the fence
-readily seen; exposed to sight; open to view; visible: The crack in the wall was readily apparent.
e.g.It was apparent that he was in no condition to travel.
-Biochemistry. of the nature of or containing protein.
e.g.Protein is essential to life.
-a general outburst of enthusiasm, excitement, controversy, or the like.
e.g.the government are feeling furur about this incident.
-the act or process of nourishing or of being nourished.
e.g.the land are being nutritional
14.indignant (n)
-feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base: indignant remarks; an indignant expression on his face.
e.g.He is indignant at her words.
-a brief account or statement, as of news or events, issued for the information of the public.
e.g.Here is the latest bulletin about the President’s health.
-to lay waste; render desolate: The invaders devastated the city.
e.g.Peter was devastated by his wife’s death.
-the act or state of compensating.
e.g.Tom gave me a new knife as compensation for the one he lost.
-in the middle of; surrounded by; among: to stand weeping amid the ruins.
e.g.We lost our companions amid the storm and the darkness.
-to establish the truth or genuineness of, as by evidence or argument: to prove one’s claim.
e.g.I’ll prove to the world that he was right.
-If the shoes do not wear well the shop will refund the money. give back or restore (esp. money); repay.

Comment by Mikael 2C28

The opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past.
eg1: The store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.
eg2: The reputation of you was broken after this event.

2) Look down on (somebody/something) (phrasal verb)
To think that you are better than someone else, for example because you are more successful, or of a higher social class than they are
eg1: That rich girl looked down on all her classmates.
eg2: You should not look down on your classmates.

3) Investigate
To try to find out the truth about or the cause of something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem:
eg1: The principal promised to investigate into that affair.
eg2: The police are investigating the crime.

Comment by ng wing him 1d 27

please disregard the previous comments and here below resending for your review

The opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past.
eg1: The store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.
eg2: The reputation of you was broken after this event.

2) Look down on (somebody/something) (phrasal verb)
To think that you are better than someone else, for example because you are more successful, or of a higher social class than they are
eg1: That rich girl looked down on all her classmates.
eg2: You should not look down on your classmates.

3) Investigate
To try to find out the truth about or the cause of something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem:
eg1: The principal promised to investigate into that affair.
eg2: The police are investigating the crime.

4) treasure (n.)
To keep and care for something that is very special, important, or valuable to you
eg1: Jim treasured the gold pocket watch that his grandfather had given him.
eg2: we should treasure what we are having now.

Comment by ng wing him 1d 27

-that which is disclosed; a revelation.
eg1.Were the disclosures of 1695 forgotten?
eg2.The news disclosure.
-an answer or reply, as in words or in some action.
eg1.He made no response to my question.
eg2.She laughed in response to his jokes.
3.devastated(verb (used with object))
-to lay waste; render desolate: The invaders devastated the city.
eg1.Peter was devastated by his wife’s death.
eg2.The people are devastated gor the milk.

Comment by Chan Ka Ki,Michelle(1D)(2)

disclosure(n.) the act of making known or public that was previously secret or private
e.g 1 the newspaper’s disclosure of defence secret.
e.g 2 Her friend has disclosured her secret to me.

devastated(adj.) extremely upset and shocked
e.g 1 his family is absolutely devastated.
e.g 2 His cancer made his mother devastated.

investigate(v.) to carefullly examine the facts of a situation, an event, a crime,to find out the truth about it or how it happened
e.g 1 the FBI has been called in to investigate.
e.g 2 He want to investigate what was happened in his friend’s house last week.

Comment by 1D19 Cherry

1. Compensation (noun)
– The act or state of compensating.
Eg.1 The insurance company paid him $2000 as compensation for the loss of his car.
Eg.2 John paid Peter his favorite toy car as compensation because John broke Peter’s favorite robot.

2. Investigate (verb)
-to search out and examine the particulars of in an attempt to learn the facts about something hidden, unique, or complex, esp. in an attempt to find a motive, cause, or culprit.
Eg.1 The police is investigating the murder.
Eg.2 The police should investigate people who are related to this case.

3. Inquiries (noun)
-a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge.
Eg.1 Make your inquiries at the office.
Eg.2 If you any inquiries of me, you can call me.

Comment by selena yu (1D 38)

-the act of disclosing
e.g 1 The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.
e.g 2 The unauthorized disclosure of state secrets.

-of uncertain truth,quality,legality,etc.
e.g 1 The customs authorities have impounded some
suspect crates and ordered them to be opened.
e.g 2 His age is suspect,so we can’t risk in-cluding him in the team.

-an even
e.g 1 One of thestrangest incidents in my life.
e.g 2 We completed the travell without further incident.

Comment by Pang Wing Yi 1D 28

When I first heard this piece of news ,I felt it was very horrible and surprised .The 12 suspects are very bad because they in order to profit the money so they put the melamine into the powdered milk . I think they are very childish, crazy ,selfish ! They are murderer .They killed 4 infants and 6244 babies affected . It also affected hospital because the medical service in China is not good . Three deer groups new Chairman Zhang Chenling yesterday bowed to the consumer the apology, but examined the product to have the question. Mongolian cow group Chairman Niu Ken to live indicated on individual
abundant guest, could handle the event with all one’s strength, otherwise will take the blame and resign.
We should stop buy these tag of powdered milk .

1. apparent 【adj.】
→obvious / readily perceived by vision and understanding .
— It was apparent that he was in no condition to travel
Eg –The apparent cause of his illness was excessive drinking, but the real cause was his deep grief at his wife’s death.

2. response 【adj.】
→answer / reaction to particular stimulus .
— He made no response to my question
Eg: — I got five responses to my advertisement.

3. touched 【adj.】
→crazy / place fingers on an object or surface in order to perceive its nature texture , ect .
— We always thought that Uncle George was a little touched .
Eg– We were deeply touched by the sentimental movie .

Comment by leung ka man Carmen

-that which is disclosed; a revelation.
eg1.The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.
eg2.Don’t disclosure secret of others.
2.inventigate(v.)try to find out about something
eg1.The police are investigating the murder.
eg2.The decetive’s job is investigating case.
3.announce(n.)tell a lot of people about something important
eg1.The teacher announced that the winnier of the compition
eg2.Every moring assembly,students of S.7 will announce the notice to us.

Comment by Lee Sze Wing,Cindy(S1D 22)

disclosure[n]the act of making known or public that was previously secret or private

eg1:The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.
eg2:May disclosure Tom’s bad things to the teacher.

devastated[adj]extremely upset and shocked
eg1:Peter was devastated by his wife’s death.
eg2:He is too devastated to see his exam is 0 mark.
Look down on[v]not deference some people
eg1:He look down on Tom, because Tom got 0 mark in the exam.
eg2:Tom look down on me, because I sad he is a silly boy.

Comment by Rocky 1D (3)

– To become affected with decay or putrefaction; spoil

– a white, crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C3N3(NH2)3, used chiefly in organic synthesis and in the manufacture of resins, esp. melamine resins

– uncanny, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weird (e.g. an eerie midnight howl)

Comment by 1D 36 Jeremy

to give back, especially money
e.g.We can refunded the purchase price with the toxic milk.
something that you say or write that gives information or an opinion
e.g.Are you following statements true or false?
to bring back a situation or feeling that excited before
e.g.The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy.

Comment by WONG HANG TAT

the act of making something known or public that was previously secret.
e.g.The newspaper’s disclosure of defence secrets.
to have an idea that something is probably true or likely to happen, especially something bad, but without having definite proof.
e.g.As I had suspected all along, he was not a real policeman.
easy to see or understand
e.g.It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.

Comment by fung kei ching (1D13)

making you feel extremely tired
example:It had been an exhausting day.

a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but joined to a large area of land
example:the Korean peninsula

a peaceful time, place, or situation is quiet and calm without any worry or excitement
example:We had a peaceful afternoon without the children.

a title used in official writing after the name of a king, when the king’s name has been written in Latin
example:Henricus Rex (=King Henry)

the top of a hill
example:a hilltop village

Comment by ng wing him 1D27



The referee blew his whistle, and the game stopped.

repellent (a.)


The idea of doing that is repellent to him.



He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch.



May God protect you from harm.


enterprise event
unusual undertaking

He is a man full of adventure.

Comment by cHAN cHEUK yIN(1D01)

meaning:a natural flow of water that moves across the land and is narrower than a river
eg1:A steady stream of visitors came to the house.

meaning: the land on the edge of the coast, especially the shape of this land as seen from the air
eg1:the sandy hills along the coastline of New England

meaning:without delay
eg1:Mix in the remaining ingredients and serve immediately.

meaning:very unpleasant
eg1:She found him physically repellent.

meaning:formal to move from a higher level to a lower one
eg1:Our plane started to descend.

Comment by Cheuk Tsz Yan 1D(8)

-an exciting or very unusual experience
eg1.He is a man full of adventure.
-the top or summit of a hill.
eg1.He live at hilltop village.
-very old; aged: an ancient folk tale
eg1.We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building.
-the outline or contour of a coast; shoreline.
-a course, way, or road for passage or trave
eg1.What’s the shortest route to Boston?

Comment by Chan Ka Ki,Michelle1D(2)

meaning:making you feel extremely tired:
e.g.1:It had been an exhausting day.
meaning:an exciting experience in which dangerous or unusual things happen:
e.g.1:Ahab’s adventures at sea
meaning:someone who organizes the way people work together in a particular activity
meaning:a way from one place to another
e.g.1:What’s the best route to Cambridge?
meaning: the land on the edge of the coast, especially the shape of this land as seen from the air:
e.g.1:California’s rugged coastline

Comment by Chiun Po shan 1D(11)

Comment by Chan Ka Ki,Michelle1D(2)

a narrow strip of land projecting into a sea or lake from the mainland
1. having a debilitating effect; “an exhausting job in the hot sun”

(synonym) draining

(similar) debilitating
2). producing exhaustion; “an exhausting march”; “the visit was especially wearing”
(synonym) tiring, wearing, wearying
(similar) effortful
1. the peak of a hill; “the sun set behind the brow of distant hills”
(synonym) brow
(hypernym) peak, crown, crest, top, tip, summit
We agree to comply with the
立刻; 马上
Stop smoking immediately!
the outline of a coast, esp when seen from the sea, or the land adjacent to it

Comment by carry 1D(7)

meaning:to keep bad thoughts, fears, or hopes in your mind for a long time
eg:She began to harbour doubts over the wisdom of their journey.

meaning:1TTW a structure that is built over and into the water so that boats can stop next to it or people can walk along it
eg:In the Australian Gold pier is famous.

meaning:very old – used humorously
eg:That photo makes me look ancient!
meaning:a flow of water, air, smoke etc, or the direction in which it is flowing
eg:A stream of cold air rushed through the open door.

5. footprints
meaning:1 also footmark a mark made by a foot or shoe
eg:We followed the footprints of a deer in the snow.

Comment by Huen Ka Lun1D(14)Jacky
A current of water or other fluid.
eg.Memories are streaming through the mind.

To allow to drag or stream behind, as along the ground.
eg.Police trailed the thieves to their hideout.

Top of a hill.
eg.we can go to hilltop.

To go or come down from a higher to a lower position.
eg.The path descends.

Of ore relating to times long past or to remote ages.
eg.the tample is very ancient.

Comment by saralee1D21

To put in harmony; adjust.
e.g.Try to coordinate the work so that the plasterers are finished before the painters arrive.
To search or examine thoroughly.
e.g.We must explore all possible ways to increase food production.
(1)A way or road traveled; course; journey; march.
(2)Customary regular or course, as of a ship,
plane or salesman.
(3)Marching orders.
They routed the goods through Chicago.
Driving back.
e.g.A repellent force.
A very steep descent, or fall, of the water of a stream or river; a cascade; cataract.
e.g.You must walk carefully near the waterfall.

Comment by kammy hui 1d 15`

1. photographs
To be the subject for photographs.
eg1: She photographs well.
2. explore
To investigate systematically; examine: explore every possibility.
eg1: he is going to explore in theisland.
3. coast
the land next to the sea; seashore: the rocky coast of Maine
eg1:Have you been to a coast
4. ancient
dating from a remote period; of great age: ancient rocks; ancient trees.
eg1:there is a ancient vast in my home.
5. pack
a group of things wrapped or tied together for easy handling or carrying; a bundle, esp. one to be carried on the back of an animal or a person: a mule pack; a hiker’s pack.
eg1:there is a pack of things I need

Comment by 1D 36 Jeremy

It means very old,having existed for very long time.
e.g.He’s-he must be at least fifty.
It means make you feel very tired.
e.g.She is very exhauting.
It means not involving a war.
I hope the world will be peaceful.
It means the act of communicating someboby.
e.g.she’s lost contact will her son.
It means very unpleasant,cause storng dislikes.
e.g.Their political ideas are repellent to most people.

Comment by Lam Hoi Kiu,Amy(1D16)

1nature(noun)-the whole universe and every created, not man-made,thing
eg1This phenomenon is unique in nature.
eg2The wonders of nature.
2cave(verb)-hollow place in the side of a cliff or hill,or underground
eg1He likes to caving.
eg2Do you want to caving?
3trail(noun)-mark or sigh in the form of a long line left
eg1The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.
eg2I saw a tourist who leave a trail of litter everywhere she went.
4wildlife(noun)-wild animals,birds
eg1The conservation of wildlife.
eg2There are many wildlife living.
5repellent(adj)-arousing distaste or disgust
eg1The repellent smell of rotting meat.
eg2He is very selffishness repellent.

Comment by Tsang Lok Sze , Emily

it means an unusual,exciting or dangerous experience.
e.g.This adventure is very exciting.

Comment by Lam Hoi Kiu,Amy(1D16)

when i post the first post you still have not send the correct format.
so i do wrong.
now i have the correct one:

making you feel extremely tired
example:It had been an exhausting day.

a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but joined to a large area of land
example:the Korean peninsula

a peaceful time, place, or situation is quiet and calm without any worry or excitement
example:We had a peaceful afternoon without the children.

a title used in official writing after the name of a king, when the king’s name has been written in Latin
example:Henricus Rex (=King Henry)

the top of a hill
example:a hilltop village

cited from

Comment by ng wing him 1d 27

1. Bottom (n.)
Part on which sth rests; underside
E.g. The telephone is at the bottom of the stairs.
2. Adventure (n.)
Unusal,exciting or dangerous experience or undertaking
E.g. She had an adventure in Africa.
3. Contact (n.)
State of touching
E.g. His hand came into contact with a hot surface.
4. Litter (n.)
Light rubbish left lying agouties in public place.
E.g. There were piles of litter on the streets.
5. immediately
At once; without delay
e.g. She answered almost immediately.

Comment by Lee Hoi Ting,Jessica1D(20)

1. Bottom (n.)
Part on which sth rests; underside
E.g. The telephone is at the bottom of the stairs.
2. Adventure (n.)
Unusal,exciting or dangerous experience or undertaking
E.g. She had an adventure in Africa.
3. Contact (n.)
State of touching
E.g. His hand came into contact with a hot surface.
4. Litter (n.)
Light rubbish left lying agouties in public place.
E.g. There were piles of litter on the streets.
5. immediately(adv.)
At once; without delay
e.g. She answered almost immediately.

Comment by Lee Hoi Ting,Jessica1D(20)

I am sorry Mrs.Bouteiller.I have not example.There is correct now.I see someone the word’s are the same.But I have post it already the meaning.

-the top of a hill
eg.The hilltop town of Urbino

fantastic (adj.)
-extremely good; excellent
eg.The weather was absolutely fantastic.
trail (noun)
-a long line or series of marks that is left by sb/ sth
eg.The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it

immediately (adv.)
-without delay
eg.She answered almost immediately.
hopefully (adv.)
-used to express what you hope will happen
eg.Hopefully, we’ll arrive before dark.

I am sorry!Mrs.Bouteiller

Comment by Tommy Cheng(1D)6

a substance that protects your skin in the sun
I didn’t find any example gratia

someone who organizes the different parts of an activity or makes people or things work together effectively
I didn’t find any example gratia
e.g He looks fantastic in that suit.

to examine the ways in which two people or things are different or similar
e.g The teachers are always comparing me with my sister.

the part of the land along the edge of the sea
I didn’t find any example gratia

Comment by 1D19 Cherry

1)adventure:an unusual,excecting’s experience.
e.g:He is a man full of adventure.
2)explore:to travel around the an area or a country in order to learn about it.
e.g:They explored this desert region in 1923.
3)ancient:belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past.
e.g:We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building.
4)exhausting:make you feel very tired.
e.g:This work make me feel exhusting.
5)repellent:very unpleasant ;causing strong dislike.
e.g:The idea of doing that is repellent to him.

Comment by 1D09Gigi

1DC a small round flat object on your shirt, coat etc which you pass through a hole to fasten it:
small pearl buttons
A button was missing from his shirt.

coastline (n)
1 [intransitive and transitive] formal to move from a higher level to a lower one [≠ ascend]:
Our plane started to descend.
eg I heard his footsteps descending the stairs.
descend to/from/into etc

immediately (adverb)
1 without delay [= at once]:
The telephone rang, and he answered it immediately.

explore (v)
1 [transitive] to discuss or think about something carefully [= look at]:
Management need to explore ways of improving office security.
I’m going to explore the possibility of a part-time job.

Comment by Law hung sing (1D)(18

-an unusual,exciting or dangerous experience,journey or series of events.
eg1.Her adventure travelling in africa.
eg2.After this adventure,I have learn more knowledge.
-to travel to or around an area or a country in order to learn about it
eg1.The city is best explored on foot
eg2.In this explore,we are very happy.
-a long line or series of marks that is left by something
eg1.Tourists who leave a trail of litter everywhere they go.
eg2.The beach have some trail.
-to place something over or in front of something in order to hide or protect it
eg1.She covered her face with her hands.
eg2.We wear the clothes is use it to cover my body.
-that are wild and live in a natural environment
eg1.Development of the area would endanger wildlife.
eg2.We must protect the wildlife.

Comment by Wong Ka Man,Karen(1D 35)

adventure (n)
1 an exciting experience in which dangerous or unusual things happen:
2sense/spirit of adventurewillingness to try new things, take risks etc:
Come on – where’s your sense of adventure?

1 belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago [≠ modern]:
the ancient civilizations of Asia
ancient Greece/Egypt/Rome
the religion of ancient Egypt
2 having existed for a very long time [≠ new]:
3 very old – used humorously:
That photo makes me look ancient!

hopefully (adverb)
1 [sentence adverb] a way of saying what you hope will happen, which some people think is incorrect:
Hopefully, I’ll be back home by ten o’clock.
By then the problem will hopefully have been solved.
2 in a way that shows that you are hopeful:
‘Will there be any food left over?’ he asked hopefully.

making you feel extremely tired:
an exhausting process
It had been an exhausting day.

coastline (n)
DN the land on the edge of the coast, especially the shape of this land as seen from the air:
California’s rugged coastline
a beautiful stretch of coastline
along/around the coastline
the sandy hills along the coastline of New England

Comment by liao kong lap (1D)(24)

1.Insect (n.)
Small invertebrate creature which usually has a segmented body .
Eg: The bee is a diligent insect .

2.Descend (v.)
Stoop to unworthy behaviour
Eg: You can ride the escalator up but have to descend on foot.
Eg: The mountain path descends to the lake.

3.Rocky (n.)
Hard like a rocky
Eg: She drives carefully up the rocky lane.

4.Waterfall (n.)
Stream that falls from a high place.
Eg: The river came pouring down in a waterfall off the hill.

5.Coast (n.)
Seashore or land near the sea .
Eg: They live in a town along the coast.

Comment by leung ka man Carmen

1.trail:a long line or series of marks that is left by.e.g:Tourists who leave a trail of litter everywhere they go.
2.nature:all the plants,animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people.e.g:Her illness was Nature’s way of telling her to do lss.
3.wildlifeanimals,birds,insects,ect.that are wild and live in a natural environment.e.g:Development of the area would endanger wildlife.
4.sunscreen:a cream or liquid that you put on your skin to protect it from the harmful effects of the sun. area of land that has or used to have its own government and laws.e.g:It’s good to meet people from different parts of country.

Comment by Lee Sze Wing,Cindy(S1D 22)

ancient (a.)
in or of times long ago
eg:We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building

Comment by leung ka man Carmen

eg:She had some fantastic idea that I was poisoning her

Comment by leung ka man Carmen

fantasitic (adj.)
eg:She had some fantastic idea that I was poisoning her

Comment by leung ka man Carmen

-stream or river that falls from a height, eg over rocks or a cliff.
e.g.The river came pouring down in a waterfall off the hill.

Comment by Christy Sham

-type of small animal(eg an ant,a fly,a wasp) having six legs,no backbone and a body divided into three parts(head,thorax and abdomen)
e.g.The bee is a diligent insect.

Comment by Christy Sham

-arousing distaste or disgust;repulsive
e.g.The repellent smell of rotting meat.

Comment by Christy Sham

-way taken or planned to get from one olace to another
e.g.We drove home by a roundabout route.

Comment by Christy Sham

closely connerected with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are thinking about
e.g.these comments are not directly relevant to this enquirly.

at or a greater distance
e.g.Whad walked further than I had realized.

needing great effortand energy
e.g.avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal.

a buliding in which monks
e.g.There is a monasteries in Lantau Island

to haveor think that has a particular levelor quality,value,ect.
e.g.the universityis highly rated

Comment by Jack Chiang(1D)(10)

-area of land almost surrounded by water or projecting far into the sea
e.g.His house is located on the tip of the peninsula.

Comment by Christy Sham

-a number that identifies a position relative to an axis

Let’s coordinate.

– a wild and exciting undertaking (not necessarily lawful)

This is a long story of adventure.

– examine (organs etc.) for diagnostic purposes

To explore for mineral deposits or oil.

– the peak of a hill

The troop maneuvered along to the hilltop.

– a track or mark left by something that has passed

This a warm trail.

Comment by Tsui Chin Pang,Alex(1D)(33)

1)explore:travel into or through in order to learn about it
e.g.Columbus discovered America but did not explore the new continent.

2)immediately:at once, without delay
e.g.She answered almost immediately

3)repellent: ae=rousing distaste or disgust, repulsive
e.g.i find his selfishness repellent.

4)bottom: lowest part or point of sht
e.g.” There are tea leaves in the bottom of my cup.

5)trail: mark or sign in the form of a long line left by sth or sb passing by
e.g.The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.

Comment by ashley yue suet ying(1D)(39)

-not wanting or involving war, fighting or discorder
e.g.Nuclear power can be used for peaceful or military purpoes.

-belonging to or connected with the distant past
e.g.The annual festival is of theancient traditions of the region.

-a person who responsible for oranizing different things or people so that they work together efficintly
e.g. The coordinator of this organize is very clever.

-an experience or event that is very unsual,exciting or dangerous.
e.g.She left home ang go to travell hoping for excitment and adventure.

-making sb very tired
e.g.Teaching young children is aexhau sting work.

Comment by Pang Wing Yi 1D 28

1. descend (verb)
to go or pass from a higher to a lower place; move or come down
eg. The mountain path descends to the lake.

2. photograph (noun)
a picture produced by photography.
e.g. I took a photograph of my girl friend.

3. route (noun)
a course, way, or road for passage or travel.
e.g. What’s the shortest route to Boston?

4. explore (verb)
to traverse or range over for the purpose of discovery.
e.g. The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links

5. adventure (noun)
an exciting or very unusual experience.
e.g. They set out on a daring space adventure

Comment by selena yu (1D 38)

Sorry Mrs.Bouteiller,i don’t know what’s wrong?Mine has delete.

fantastic (adj.)
-extremely good; excellent
eg.The weather was absolutely fantastic.

immediately (adv.)
-without delay
eg.She answered almost immediately.

trail (noun)
-a long line or series of marks that is left by sb/ sth
eg.The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.

coastline (noun)
-the land along a coast, especially when you are thinking of its shape or appearance protect the coastline from oil spillage

hilltop (noun)
-the top of a
eg.the hilltop town of Urbinohill

cited from:dictionary

Comment by Tommy Cheng1D(6)

1)exhausting(adj)-make tired, weaken; drain empty; use up; emit
If we do excuise too long,we will exhausting.
2)disclosure(adj)-revelation, exposure
The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.
3)abandon(vt)-forsake, leave behind; desert, give up impulsiveness, unrestraint, lawlessness
The crew abandoned the burning ship.
4)suave(adj)-smooth, sophisticated, courteous, charming
The crew abandoned the burning ship.
5)route(noun)-track, path; group of customers; (in Computers) path, transfer of a package of data on the Internet to an address specified with in the package
This is the shortest route from Boston to New York.

Comment by Renee(Chang Hiu Yan)(5)

-go down
eg.He descended from the hillside.
-in or times long ago.
eg.Paper is an ancient invention.
-use up completely.
eg.Running is an exhausting exercise for me.
eg.The bank of the lake looked very peaceful.
-a chemical substance that is used to keep insects away.
eg.We use the repellent when we go hiking.

Comment by 1D 04

1.coast n.
seashore or land near the sea
eg1.The village is on the south coast.

2.exhausting vt
wasta gas from a motor
eg1.The marathon talks exhausted him completely.

3.pier n.
structure growfrom the shore over watch
eg1I walked around the pier to wait the ferry came.
4.repellent n.
that is used for keeping insects away from you
eg1The idea of doing that is repellent to him.
5.waterfalls n.
steam that falls from a high place.
eg1Niagara Falls is waterfalls that very famous.

Comment by Jonas Wong 1D 34

1.hilltop (noun)
-the top of a
eg.the hilltop town of Urbinohill.
-go down
eg.He descended from the hillside.
eg.The bank of the lake looked very peaceful.
4.immediately (adv.)
-without delay
eg.She answered almost immediately.
5.adventure (noun)
an exciting or very unusual experience.
e.g. They set out on a daring space adventure.

Comment by Lo Yik Hin 1D(25)

Sorry, Mrs.Bouteiller!
The previous one is wrong.

1. descend (verb)
to go or pass from a higher to a lower place; move or come down
eg. The mountain path descends to the lake.

2. photograph (noun)
a picture produced by photography.
e.g. I took a photograph of my girl friend.

3. route (noun)
a course, way, or road for passage or travel.
e.g. What’s the shortest route to Boston?

4. explore (verb)
to traverse or range over for the purpose of discovery.
e.g. The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links

5. adventure (noun)
an exciting or very unusual experience.
e.g. They set out on a daring space adventure

cited from and

Comment by selena yu (1D 38) -n.
a small narrow river should not swim in stream.
2.sticker-n.a sticky label with a picture or message on it, that you stick on to something.
e.g.we put a sticker on every item of goods.
3.tour -n.a journey made for pleasure during which several different towns, countries, etc. are visited.
e.g.we were given a guided tour of the palace.
4.trails-n.a path through the countryside
e.g.visitors will pass a trail through the forest.
5.views-n.whatyou can see from a particular place or position, especially beautiful natural scenery
e.g.there were magnificent views of the surrounding countryside.

Comment by fung kei ching (1D13)

-able to get what you want in a clever way,especially by tricking
eg1.He was as cunning as a fox.

-moving or doing things in a very awkward way
eg1.His clumsy fingers couldn’t untie the knot.

-extremely clever or impressive
eg1.What a brilliant idea!

-to be the first person to become aware that a particlar place or thing exists
eg1.Cook is credited with discovering Hawaii.

-needing great effort and energy
eg1.Avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal.

Comment by Ricky Shek 1D 30

-to be real
eg.Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild.
-used to refer to a substance
eg.The chair were covered in some sort of plastic stuff.
-to become red in the face because you are embarrassed or ashamed.
eg.He blushed scarlet at the thought.
-sth that is difficult to understand or to explain.
eg.Their motives remain a mystery.
-Forming a unit by itself
eg.The school is housed in two separate buildings.
-to kill sb as a punishment by fastening them to a wooden cross.
eg.The prime minister was cruified in the press for his handling of the affair.
-not allowed.
eg.Photography is strictly forbidden in the museum.
8.feast (n)
-a large or special meal.
eg.My mum and dad are going to a wedding feast.
-to fall downward
eg.He slipped and tumbled down the stairs.
-the facts
eg.The room bore evidence of a struggle.
-in or into every part of sth
eg.They export their products to markets throughout the world.
-the possibility of sth bad happening at some time in the future.
eg.Any business venture contains an element of risk.
-not safe or certain
eg.He earned a precarious living as an artist.
-to reduce sth
eg.Good hygiene helps to minimise the risk of infection.
-the history
eg.Spain’s rich cultural heritage.
-to travel or go somewhere with sb
eg.His wife accompanied him on the trip.
-to arrange ideas
eg.He just rehashes songs from the 60s.
-the process of helping to cure sb who has a problem with drugs or alcohol.
eg.He is going to the rehab clinic.
-material made by weaving wool
eg.He has to buy some furnishing fabrics.
-the front of a building
eg.There are a lot of photo about the classical facade.=]

Comment by Lo Pui Sum 2A(20)

-one of the two organs in your lower back that separate waste products from your blood and make
e.g.He needs to transplant his kidney.
-a strong feeling of trust or confidence in someone or something
e.g.I still have faith in him.

-a material like plastic that is used to make a hard smooth surface on tables
e.g.Melamine make milk toxic.

-illness caused by swallowing, touching, or breathing in a poisonous substance
e.g.Be careful! There is a case of alcohol poisoning.

-relating to the substances in food that help you to stay healthy
e.g.Cooking vegetables for too long lessens their nutritional value.

-to try to find out the truth about or the cause of something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem
e.g. The state police are investigating the incident.

-money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss, or because something they own has been damaged
e.g.She received compensation from the government for the damage caused to her property.

-to make something return to its former state or condition
e.g.The government promises to restore the economy to full strength.

-a tainted substance, especially food or drink, is not safe because it is spoiled or contains a harmful substance or poison
e.g.His blood is traited by snake.

-an event in which someone, especially someone important, behaves in a bad way that shocks people
e.g.It caused quite a scandal when he left his wife.

-a baby or very young child
e.g.An infant’s skin is very sensitive.

-frozen food has been stored at a very low temperature in order to preserve it
e.g.You can use fresh or frozen fish.

-a thick liquid food that tastes slightly sour and is made from milk, or an amount of this food
e.g.There is a pot of strawberry yogurt.

-relating to a president
e.g.Here is going to hold a presidential election

-a very frightening dream
e.g.Years after the accident I still have nightmares about it.
-relating to money or the management of money
e.g.It was a wonderful film, but not exactly a financial success

-very stupid behaviour that could be dangerous or have a very bad effect
e.g.It would be madness to drive all that way on your own.

-when you officially announce that you have decided to leave your job or an organization, or a written statement that says you will be leaving
e.g.The governor refused to accept Cox’s resignation.

– to take part in a crusade
e.g.He continued to crusade for free education for all.

-the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something
e.g.Pete’s attitude towards women really scares me.

Comment by Emily 2A (7)

-to tell somebody that you think they should do such thing in a particular situation
eg1.I advised you to leave earlier because the typhoon is coming to HongKong now.

-The things that are not allowed to do
eg1.Smoking is hardly forbidden at private areas.

-to send out programmes on TV or radio
eg1.Do you watch the football match that is broadcast from the TV?

-to break open or apart because of the pressure inside to make something break
eg1.How many balloons are burst this day?

-to say that you are annoyed,unhappy or satisfied with something
eg1.I complain with him because he break my computer.

-the title of people that are living in countryside and have a lack of cultural and knowledge
eg1.In my way to school,I saw some yahoo are cahtting about some senseless topic.

-sth that is oddness,hard to understand
eg1.The problem of pyramid remains a mystery
-a pair of glasses that are mainly used in the science lesson
eg1.Do you have googles for today’s science lesson?

-the language and people live in north india speak
eg1.Is he a hindi?

-the skill that someone do a sculpture
eg1.He learned his craft from an old master.

-the process of leaving sb/sth as a rubbish
eg.1 The toxic milk powder abandoned by a lot of mothers.

-outrage; malicious gossip; disgrace
eg1.It is a scandal for this company.

-a old but very good method
eg1.This painting is typical of his early work.
-a skill to look after a company,person,government,etc
eg1.He introduced better methods of management in this company.
-a important part of a country or city,form by citizens
eg1.Opinions on various social questions differ from person to person.

-lucky,or bring lucky
eg1.The fortunate of him is very good than all of us,he has a car,flat,boat,money,etc.

-a small substances of a machine
eg1.have you see the gear wheel of my boat?

-the information that will guide us how to do such kind of things
eg1.The guidelines are giving to you now,please wait.

-The place nears you
eg1.They live in the neighbourhood of the TV station.

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24)

1.parental (adj.)
~relating to being a parent and especially to being responsible for a child’s safety and development
e.g. She dares not stay out late for fear of a parental rebuke.
2. rebuke (v.)
~ formal to speak to someone severely about something they have done wrong [= reprimand]
e.g. She often rebuked him for carelessness.
3. forge (v.)
~to illegally copy something, especially something printed or written, to make people think that it is real
e.g. He forged a signature and cashed the check.
4. circulate (v.)
~cause to be distributed
e.g. This journal is widely circulated among teenagers.
5. divorce ( v.)
~end a marriage
e.g. David’s parents divorced when he was six.
6. moral (n.)
~ standards for good or bad character and behavior
e.g. Some people have no business morals.
7. achievement (n)
~something successfully completed
e.g. We try to celebrate the achievements of our students.
8. vie (v)
~ to compete very hard with someone in order to get something
e.g. Simon and Julian were vying for her attention all through dinner.
9. radical (adj)
~ extreme
e.g. I do not share his radical views.
10. underprivileged (adj)
~ very poor, with worse living conditions, educational opportunities etc than most people in society
e.g. Children from an underprivileged family background are statistically more likely to become involved in crime.
11. snatch (v)
~ to take something away from a person quickly or rudely
e.g. The thief snatched her purse and ran.
12. insignificant (adj)
~ not important or thought to be valuable, especially because of being small
e.g. Why bother arguing about such an insignificant amount of money?
13. suave (adj)
~ someone who is suave is polite, confident, and relaxed, sometimes in an insincere way
e.g. He’s very suave and sophisticated.
14. chronically (adv)
~( especially of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long time
e.g. care for the chronically ill
15. curb (v)
~ to control or limit something in order to prevent it from having a harmful effect
e.g. The Government should act to curb tax evasion.
16. implement (v)
~to take action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen
e.g. We have decided to implement the committee’s recommendations in full.
17. curse (n)
~ a swear word or words that you say because you are very angry
e.g. He believed that someone had put a curse on the house.
18. advocate (v)
~to publicly say that something should be done
e.g. She advocates taking a more long-term view.
19. ventilation (n)
~ to let fresh air into a room, building etc
e.g. I work in a very well-/poorly-ventilated building.
20.burden (n)
~ something difficult or worrying that you are responsible for
e.g. The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back.

Comment by alice,2a 39

-a toxic substance that makes into a chemical
eg1.The SanLu milk powder is a poison.

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24)

1. meanwhile(adverb)
–during period: during the period of time between two events.
[e.g. I’ll meet you later; meanwhile I’ll leave you to your food.]
[e.g. They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile we’ll have some coffee.]
2. conjurer(noun)
-person who performs conjuring tricks(magician)
[e.g. He want to be an conjurer when he glow up.]
[e.g. This conjurer had a good show in the company’s party.]
3. antidote(noun)
-a remedy to a poison
[e.g. There is no known antidote to the bite from this kind of snake.]
[e.g Hard work is the best antidote to lazy.]
4. essential(adj)
– If something is essential, you must have or do it
[e.g It is essential that you work hard for this exam.]
[e.g Food is essential to life.]
5.Typical/typical [adj]
-having the usual features or qualities of a particular group or thing
[e.g.This painting is typical of his early work.]
[e.g.This advertisement is a typical example of their marketing strategy.]
6. bul•le•tin (noun)
– a brief account or statement, as of news or events, issued for the information of the public.
e.g(1): The most up day news will post on the bulletin board.
e.g(2): Just listened to the 2pm news bulletin on the radio here.
e.g(3)Any feedback you give will be used to improve vam-email bulletin

7. mi•nor(adj)
– lesser, as in size, extent, or importance, or being or noting the lesser of two: a minor share.
– not serious, important, etc.: a minor wound; a minor role.
e.g: He didn’t good at the main subjects , but gave a good result on many minor subjects.
e.g: The king had now died, leaving his son John as a minor in the king ‘s award.
8. devastated(adj)
-Extremely upset and shocked
[e.g. Peter was devastated by his wife’s death.]
[e.g. His family is absolutely devastated]
[e.g. She is devastated because her died .]
9. consume (verb)
-use up
-eat or drink
-destroy, as by fire
[e.g. The kids soon consumed all the food on the table.]
[e.g. She consumed most of her time in shopping.]
10. colleague(noun)
-an associate.
[e.g. Marlin is getting along very well with his colleagues.]
[e.g. Firemen will be sad when any colleagues died]
11. disclosure(noun)
-the act of making something known or public that was previously secret.
[e.g.The newspaper’s disclosure of defence secrets]
[e.g. A TV station have a show call “financial disclosure”]
12. cabalism (I bet that you don’t know this word)(noun)
-the principles or doctrines of the cabala.
-an interpretation of something according to the doctrines of the cabala.
-any mystic or occult doctrine; mysticism; occultism.
-extreme traditionalism in theological conception or interpretation.
-obfuscation or obscurantism, esp. resulting from an excessively recondite vocabulary: the cabalism of some modern literary criticism.
[e.g. Today history lesson we talk about cabalism]
[e.g. I very interest in study cabalism ]
13. Enrol(verb)
-to arrange for yourself or for sb else to officially join a course,school,etc.
[ need to enrol before the end of August.]
[e.g. I like your institute but I do not want to enrol.]
14. .flatter(verb)
-to say nice things about sb,often ina way that isn’t sinerce, because you want them to do sth for you want to please them.
[e.g. Are you trying to flatter me?]
[e.g. She only flatters you so you will help her.]
15. flutter(verb)
-to move lightly and quickly ;to make sth move in this way.
[e.g.The flags fluttered in the breeze]
[e.g. A white bird fluttered its wings on the grass.]
16. extravagant(adj)
-spending a lot of money or using a lot more than you can afford or that is necessary.
[e.g.I felt taht it was very extravagant spending $1000 on a shirt.]
[e.g. She’s very extravagant — she spends all her money on clothes.]
17. rumble(v)
-to make a long deep sound or series of sounds.
[e.g. The machine rumbled as it started up.]
[e.g. The truck rumbled through the street.]
18. series(noun)
-severlal events or things of a similar kind that happen one after the other.
[e.g.The incident sparked off a whole series of events that nobody had foreseen.]
-almost impossible to believe; incredible.
-Informal. exceptionally good or unusual; marvelous; superb: a fabulous bargain; a fabulous new house.
-told about in fables; purely imaginary: the fabulous exploits of Hercules.
-known about only through myths or legends.
[e.g. After reading this book, I think it is fabulous.]
[e.g. I love fabulous story when I was small.]

20. typical(adj)
showing the main signs or qualities of a particular kind,group,or class;represntative of its type.
eg.1:The typical of KFC is an old man.
eg.2:When my geography teacher call me to draw a typical of government department,I always draw the typical of hospital because it is simple.

Comment by Rico kwok 2A 13

adventure (n)
sense/spirit of adventurewillingness to try new things, take risks etc:
Come on – where’s your sense of adventure?

Comment by Law Hung Sing 1D18

1)beleaguered (adj.)
experiencing a lot of problems or criticism
example:the country’s beleaguered steel industry

formal to buy something
eg:You can purchase insurance on-line.

3)supply and demand(n.)
the relationship between the amount of goods for sale and the amount of goods that people want to buy, especially the way it influences prices:
eg:the law of supply and demand

information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be true
eg:I’ve heard all sorts of rumours about him and his secretary

very nervous and anxious
eg:By 10 o’clock she was starting to get a bit panicky.

the ruler of a tribe:
eg:Native American tribal chiefs

to move from a higher level to a lower one
eg:Our plane started to descend.

to check that something is correct or true
eg:Tim waited a moment to assure himself that he was not being followed.

the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried that something bad is going to happen
eg:The boy’s eyes were full of fear.

to make a signal to someone with your hand, to show that you want them to come towards you or to follow you
eg:I could see my husband beckoning me.

the number 1,000,000,000:
eg:The final cost could be as much as one billion dollars.

a serious promise
eg:Jim made a vow that he would find his wife’s killer.

a taxi
eg:New York’s yellow cabs

positive and making you feel that good things will happen
eg:an upbeat message

money, food, clothes etc given to people who are poor or hungry:
eg:money raised for the relief effort

played or sung slowly and seriously
eg:I played toy largo.

17) justice(n.)
the system by which people are judged in courts of law and criminals are punished:
eg:a book on the criminal justice system

to ask questions in order to find things out, especially things that other people do not want you to know
eg:I don’t want to probe too deeply into your personal affairs.

a sudden strong feeling of fear or nervousness that makes you unable to think clearly or behave sensibly
eg:The children fled in panic.

suddenly, without any previous planning or thought:
eg:We would often decide what to play on the spur of the moment.

Comment by ng wing him 1d 27

-not serve and harsh
eg.1 It’s safe to take a mild sedative.
Eg.2 Autumn is the mildest among the four season.

-too cold/unfriendly
eg.1 It’s chilly today.
Eg.2 I don’t like chilly weather.

-warm in an unpleasant way and without enough fresh air.
Eg.1 It gets very hot and stuffy in here in summer.
Eg.2 It’s very stuffy to rest in a tent when u having camp.

-very cold/cover with ice.
Eg.1 My feet were icy cold.
Eg.2 The icy water is like an ice

-to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of in.
eg.1Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.
Eg.2 I assume that he can get 100marks in the tests.

-to say or explain what the meaning of a word or phrase is
eg.1The term ‘mental illness’ is difficult to define.
Eg.2Can u define the difference between the two toys?

-clear/easily seen/obvious
eg.1 It’s now become evident to us that a mistake has been made
eg.2 It’s evident that melamine is harmful.

-easy to see or understand/simple
eg.1 He made it plain that we should leave.
Eg.2 He live in plain life.

-very large/important/serious
eg.1 There is a major road over there.
Eg.2The major problem should be solved.

-a group of people or things with particular features in common.
Eg.1 Students over 25 fall into a different category.
Eg.2 The disadvantages can be divided into three category.

-an official group which responsible to control sth.
Eg.1 The European Commission.
Eg.2 The government has set up a new commission.

-the powerful effect that sth has on sb/sth
eg.1 the environmental impact of tourism.
Eg.2 The toxic milk powder made a impact in the whole world.

-a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose.
Eg.1 It’s all part of an overall strategy to gain promotion.
Eg.2 Being a manager should have strategy and clever.

-to force sb to do sth or behave in a particular way.
Eg.1The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it.
Eg.2 If u don’t listen to me, I will constrain u to be my servant.

-to form an opinion about sth based on the information or evidence that is available.
Eg.1 We can deduce a lot from what people spend their money on?
Eg.2 Can u deduce what I am thinking now?

16. demonstrate(v)
-to show sth clearly by giving proof or evidence.
Eg.1 these results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working.
Eg.2 In this experiment, it can demonstrate that oxygen is important for burning.

-the parts of a building or an object that support its weight and give it shape.
Eg.1The building is built on a wooden framework.
Eg.2The framework of the building is steady.

18.rely(v) (on)
-sb depends on sth/sb.
Eg.1 the villagers rely on wells for water.
Eg.2 Don’t rely on him,he isn’t trustful.

-probable or expected
Eg.1 Tickets are likely to be expensive.
Eg.2 The most likely possible is to be tested today.

-sth/sb who is loved very much by sb.
Eg.1 His beloved girlfriend is Mary.
Eg.2 The deep purple flowers so beloved by artists.

-to look closely at sth,especially to check that everything is satisfactory .
Eg.1They inspected the roof for leaks.
Eg.2Please inspect the your homework before hand in .

22.Look into(v)
-to examine or investigate sth
Eg.1 A working party has been set up to look into the problem.
Eg.2 We must look into who steal the watches.

23.Renowned (adj)
-famous and highly respected
Eg.1 He is a renowned author.
Eg.2 C.Ronaldo is a renowned football star.

-having holes or cracks that allow liquid or gas to escape.
Eg.1 There is a leaky roof over there.
Eg.2 Please take a look in the leaky pipe, it’s dangerous.

Comment by Choi Chi Hin

-easy to see or understand
eg.1it’s apparent from her face that she was really upset.
Eg.2 It’s apparent that I am the best in the class.

26. fell(v)
-to cut down sth(trees)
eg.1I won’t allow them to fell the trees here.
Eg.2 It’s prohibited to fell trees here.

-that makes sb believe that sth is true.
Eg.1 She sounded very concincing to me.
Eg.2 Manchester United is the most convincing to be the best football team in the world.

-a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim.
Eg.1A campaign against ageism in the workplace.
Eg.2 Olympic games isn’t a campaign.

-including all the things or people that are involved in a particular situation; general
eg.1The person with overall responsibility for the project.
Eg.2 It was the overall survey last month.

-to force to do sth
eg.1The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children.
Eg.2 we can’t compel anyone when they don’t want to help me

-to pay careful attention to sb’s advice or warning.
Eg.1She didn’t heed my advice.
Eg.2 Take heeds in this warnings

– a large impressive building.
Eg.1 An imposing edifice from 15th century.
Eg.2 Ediffer Tower is a great edifice.

– to make sb believe sth that isn’t true.
Eg.1 Her husband had been deceiving her for years.
Eg.2 Why u deceive me for a such a long time?

– a formal request to a court of law or sb to sb in authority for a judgment or a decision to be changed
eg.1 To lodge an appeal.
Eg.2 If u feel unjust, u can appeal.

-stupid/unable to speak
eg.1That was a pretty dumb thing to do.
Eg2 Don’t say such a dumb thing.

-the state or quality of being warm, rather than hot cold.
Eg.1 She felt the warmth of his arms around her.
Eg.2 I feel the warmth when I hug my mum.

-to formally or officially tell sb about sth
eg.1Competition winners ‘ll be notified by post.
Eg,2 The government has notified that the bank of e.china was ok.

38. Supplement(n/v)
-a thing that is added to sth else to improve or complete it.
Eg.1Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government.
Eg.2 The more food u eat, the more supplement u get.

Comment by Choi Chi Hin

-threatening evil or harm
eg.1 a baleful look.
Eg.2 he looks baleful, get away from him.

-the liquid that is produced in your mouth that help u to sallow food.
Eg.1 A sudden chill of horror swept over her as she felt the drip of saliva upon her hands.
Eg.2 Hey man! your saliva is on my paper.

-a device that changes an electronic signal into a form that people can understand, such as sound and pictures.
Eg.1 a satellite decoder.
Eg.2 the scientists are using the solar decoder nowadays.

to introduce a new law; to order that a rule, punishment be used.
Eg.1 A new tax was imposed on fuel.
Eg.2 My school impose a new ruel to forbid students copy homework.

-to make sb feel upset because of sth u say or do that or embarrassing.
Eg.1They’ll be offended if u don’t go to their wedding.
Eg.2 he is an unfriendly person, don’t offend him.

-extremely shocking; terrible/acceptable
eg.1 It’s a horrendous injuries.
Eg.2 The earthquake is horrendous natural disasters.

-a line that marks the side of the playing field in football
eg.1 If the ball pass the touchline, it’ll be out of bounds

-to be very angry about sth
eg.1 He was fuming with indignation.
Eg.2 Please don’t fume because of such a little thing.

-to protest or complain about sth/sb
eg.1 They remonstrated with the official about the decision.
Eg.2 The protesters remonstrate the imposed law.

-fierce and violent; causing great harm
eg.1 She had been badly hurt in what police described as ‘a savage attack’.
Eg.2 Lion a is a savage animal, beware of it every time.

-The crime of attacking sb physically/attack countries(war)
eg.1Both men were charged with assult.
Eg.2 USA assaults Iran every week.

-to stare at sb/sth with your mouth open because u are shocked or surprised.
eg.1 Isabel gaped at him, forrifed.
Eg.2 When he saw the ghost, he gaped.

eg.1 Incredibly lucky/stupid/difficult/beautiful
eg.2 He works incredibly hard every day.

-the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they don’t ; the controlled behavior or situation that results from this training.
Eg.1The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline,
Eg.2 If u break the rules in school, the teachers ‘ll discipline u.

-an fact, an action or a way of behaving that isn’t usual,and may be unacceptable.
Eg,1 The spaceship mustn’t has any aberration in the space.

-a series of rules of a country who all belong the same family.
Eg.1 The Nehru-Gandhi dynasty.
Eg.2 The dynasty of Chang in China.

-the skin that covers the part of the head where the hair grows.
Eg. A dry scalp can lead to dandruff.
Eg.2 Do u know what is scalp?

-in, at to another place.
Eg.1 The answer to the problem must be sought elsewhere.
Eg.2 U must go to elsewhere to find work, not just sit at him.

-a legal document that is signed by a judge and gives the police authority to do sth
Eg.1 They issued a warrant for her arrest.
Eg.2 The judge give police warrant for having investigation at his home.

-the joint connecting the foot to the leg.
Eg.1 My ankles have swollen.
Eg.2 My ankle was broken when I was playing football.
to offer to pay a particular price for sth, especially at an auction
eg.1 I bid $2000 for this painting
Eg.2 Manchester United bid $2000000 to buy Berbrart.

– a problem or worry that sb has with sth .
eg.1 Money is not a issue.
Eg.2 This issue must be seriously solved.

-Agence France Presses
eg.1 AFP is one of the famed presses in the world.
62. indignation(n)
-a feeling of anger and surprise caused by sth that u think is unfair or unreasonable.
Eg.1To arouse sb’s indignation
Eg.2 It’ll rise up my indignation if u hit me.

-impressive to look at;a strong impression
eg.1 A grand and imposing building.
Eg.2 Sun rise is a imposing view.

a young member of a family, especially a famous or important one.
Eg.1 My grandparents have many scions.

-That can be used
eg.1The bike is rusty but usable.
Eg,2 Nothing isn’t usable,even rubbish.

– a thing or person that reduce a shock or protects sth against difficulties.
Eg.1 to buffer the effects of stress on health.
Eg.2 When u feel unhappy, eating can be your buffer.
-to keep sth safe from death, harm ,loss .
eg.1To save sb’s life.
Eg.2 Please safe her life instantly.

-a thing , person or situation that is annoying or cause trouble or problems.
Eg.1 I don’t want to be a nuisance so tell me if u want to be alone.
Eg.2 Don’t make any nuisance to disturb the others.

to make sb upset because of ath u say or do that is rude or embreassing.
Eg.1 Ian didn’t mean to offend anybody with his joke.
Eg.2 Don’t offend anybody if they didn’t offend u/

giving the impression of being unfriendly and serve
the city, drab and dour day by day. Is transformed at night.
Eg.2 Don’t be so dour ,be happy and u ‘ll get luck.

to knock or push sth roughly from side to side.
Eg.1 The tree is buffeted by the string wind.
Eg.2 The grass is buffeted by breeze.

-using few words and often not seeming polite or friendly.
Eg.1 a terse voice style.
Eg.2 This is a terse book report.

73.clench (v)
when u clench your hands or when theylench u press or squeeze them together tightly ,usually showing that u are angry determined or upset.
Eg.1he clenched his fists in anger.
Eg.2 He clenched his teeth that shows his anger.

-extreme anger.
Eg.1The wrath of God.
Eg.2 He shows his wrath by fighting his classmates.

attractive and exciting in a mysterious way
eg.1 An alluring girl is over there .
eg.2 The girl dancer is alluring, isn’t she.

-to make sb pleased by doing what they want.
Eg.1Nothing can satisfy him,except money.
Eg.2 I satisfy my result in the exam.

=to imagine u are doing sth that u ‘d like to do or that sth that u ‘d like to happen ,even though this is very unlikely.
Eg.1He sometimes fantasized about winning the gold metal.
Eg.2 I usually fantasize I am C.Ronaldo.

78. relief(n)
the feeing of happiness that u have when sth pleasant stops or does not happen.
Eg.1 A sense of relief.
Eg2 After receiving the test paper, I am full of relief.

-to leave a place quickly, because u are facing danger.
Eg.1 A camp for refuges fleeing from the war.
Eg.2 After he saw the ghost. He flee.

-very important or serious, because it’s important.
Eg.1 A momentous decision/event /occasion.
Eg.2 It’s a momentous file, don’t lose it.

Comment by Choi Chi Hin

-threatening evil or harm
eg.1 a baleful look.
Eg.2 he looks baleful, get away from him.

-the liquid that is produced in your mouth that help u to sallow food.
Eg.1 A sudden chill of horror swept over her as she felt the drip of saliva upon her hands.
Eg.2 Hey man! your saliva is on my paper.

-a device that changes an electronic signal into a form that people can understand, such as sound and pictures.
Eg.1 a satellite decoder.
Eg.2 the scientists are using the solar decoder nowadays.

to introduce a new law; to order that a rule, punishment be used.
Eg.1 A new tax was imposed on fuel.
Eg.2 My school impose a new ruel to forbid students copy homework.

-to make sb feel upset because of sth u say or do that or embarrassing.
Eg.1They’ll be offended if u don’t go to their wedding.
Eg.2 he is an unfriendly person, don’t offend him.

-extremely shocking; terrible/acceptable
eg.1 It’s a horrendous injuries.
Eg.2 The earthquake is horrendous natural disasters.

-a line that marks the side of the playing field in football
eg.1 If the ball pass the touchline, it’ll be out of bounds

-to be very angry about sth
eg.1 He was fuming with indignation.
Eg.2 Please don’t fume because of such a little thing.

-to protest or complain about sth/sb
eg.1 They remonstrated with the official about the decision.
Eg.2 The protesters remonstrate the imposed law.

-fierce and violent; causing great harm
eg.1 She had been badly hurt in what police described as ‘a savage attack’.
Eg.2 Lion a is a savage animal, beware of it every time.

-The crime of attacking sb physically/attack countries(war)
eg.1Both men were charged with assult.
Eg.2 USA assaults Iran every week.

-to stare at sb/sth with your mouth open because u are shocked or surprised.
eg.1 Isabel gaped at him, forrifed.
Eg.2 When he saw the ghost, he gaped.


Comment by Choi Chi Hin

-not able to see
eg.1 We must not be blind to the suffering of others.
eg.2The blind man had a dog to help him.

put a bandage around a part of the body
eg.1 The doctor bandaged his foot.
eg.2 The lifeguard will bandage your hand later.

the piece of skin that can move to close your eye
eg.1{No eh. in the dictionary}
eg.2You will close your eyelids when you are sleeping.
-a responsible person is somebody that you can trust
eg.1We need a responsible person to look after our son.
ed.2He is a responsible person so that the term leader is very believe him.

-say”no” when somebody asks you to do or have sonething.
eg.1He refused my offer of help.
eg.2You should refuse he when he asks you to do some wrong thing.

-pull something apart or make an untidy hole in something.
eg.1He has torn a hole in his shirt.
eg.2She tore her dress on a nail.

-something that is painful gives pain
eg.1My back is so painful that I cannot stand upright anymore.
eg.2I have my leg it’s very painful

-the things that are happening in a certain place or at a certain time.
eg.The economic situation is now different.
eg.2He is in a difficult situation and he don’t know how to do.

-in the place of somebody or something.
eg.1He is too busy, let me go instead.
eg.2We have no tea,would you like coffee instead?

-appreciation; gratitude
eg.1I am grateful to have you help me repair the house.
eg.2We are very grateful to you for the help you have given us.

-ask for God’s help for somebody or something
eg.1Good-bye, and may God bless you.
eg.2The priest blessed the young couple.

-the feeling of being grateful
eg.1He acted so out of gratitude.
eg.2We gave he a present to show our gratitude.

-something that you must have
eg.1She felt the necessity of accepting the invitation.
eg.2Food are necessity of life.

-of or about money
eg.1The store was a financial failure and soon closed.
eg.2They have a financial difficulties.

-Commerce Server
eg.1The underlying reason for the failure remains unknown.
eg.2The story has an underlying theme.

-something that you talk or write about.
eg.1The main theme of discussion was press censorship.
e.g2The theme of his speech was long time ago.

-that happens or comes once every year
eg.1Employees are entitled to an annual paid leave of fifteen days.
eg.2there is an annual meeting in June.

-something is due at a certain time,you expert to happen or come then.
eg.1That money is due to me, but I haven’t got it yet.
eg.2What time is the train due.

-a job
eg,1He is a bus driver by occupation.
eg.2What is his mother’s occupation

-the time when two people are together as husband and wife.
eg.1We have just heard of his marriage to an heiress.
eg.2The marrriage will take place in church.

Comment by Taururs Wong2C39

1] ovation (noun)
-1. loud and long applause: enthusiastic applause or cheering, especially from a crowd or large group of people
2. Roman victory celebration: an ancient Roman victory ceremony for a returning military hero
e.g. 1] The hero received a great ovation from the crowd.
2]The show has won a standing ovation.

2] outpouring (noun)
1. extravagant expression of feeling: an extravagant, passionate, or sometimes excessive display or expression of feeling
e.g. 1] This book has many outpouring spirit about “happiness” from the author.
2] This piece of news is outpouring some serious problems of the city.

3]adulation (noun)
excessively admiring behavior: excessive flattery or admiration
e.g. 1] Don’t be fooled by the adulation from people who desirous of your fortune.
2] They cheated an old man’s money after the adulation upon her.

4]emergency (noun)
sudden crisis requiring action: an unexpected and sudden event that must be dealt with urgently
e.g. 1] In an emergency, call 119.
2]Use the fire extinguisher to put out fire in an emergency in the laboratory.

5] savor (noun)
1. transitive verb enjoy something unhurriedly: to enjoy something with unhurried appreciation
savor the moment
e.g. 1] His humorous remarks added a savor to our conversation.
2] Savor the moment and enjoy the party.

6]compromise (noun)
1. agreement: a settlement of a dispute in which two or more sides agree to accept less than they originally wanted
e.g. 1] I hope we shall come to a compromise.
2] They found it better to compromise with her.

7]subsequently (adverb)
afterward: at a later time, and often as a consequence
e.g. 1] Brooke was arrested and subsequently sentenced to five years’ imprisonment.
2]I do my home works and subsequently play the computer games.

8] defeat (verb)
beat competitor: to win a victory over a competitor, e.g. in sports or business
e.g. 1] The French defeated the English troops
2] Our hopes were defeated.

9]criticism (noun)
1. act of criticizing: a spoken or written opinion or judgment of what is wrong or bad about somebody or something
e.g. 1] accepted his criticism of my behavior.
2] Her conduct was beyond criticism.

10] Conservative (adj)
1. reluctant to accept change: in favor of preserving the status quo and traditional values and customs, and against abrupt change
e.g. 1] His conservative views made him unpopular.
2] This is a conservative estimate of the population in 1900.

11] incompetent (adj)
1. bad at doing something: lacking the skills, qualities, or ability to do something properly
e.g. 1] She is incompetent to judge.
2] He is incompetent at his job.

12] stabilization (noun)
stabilizing of something: the action of becoming stable or of making something stable
e.g. 1] There has recently been some stabilization in world population.
2]The life of the citizen are stabilization now.

13] ban (verb)
1. forbid something: to forbid something officially or legally so that it cannot be done, used, seen, or read
e.g. 1] The police lifted the ban against parking in this street.
2] We have put a ban on smoking.

14] sweetener (noun)
1. substance making something sweeter: a natural or artificial substance that is added to food or drink to make it sweet or sweeter, especially a synthetic substance used in place of sugar

15] leadership (noun)
1. ability to lead: the ability to guide, direct, or influence people
e.g. 1] She lacks leadership.
2] The vice-president took over the leadership of the country.

16]self-preservation (noun)
instinct to keep self safe: the instinctive need to do what is necessary to survive danger

17] constituent (noun)
1. POLITICS resident of constituency: somebody living in an electoral district, especially somebody entitled to vote
e.g. 1] the constituent parts of an atom
2] a constituent assembly

18]rescue (verb)
. transitive verb remove somebody from danger: to save somebody or something from a dangerous or harmful situation
e.g. 1] He rescued three children from the burning building.
2] The life boat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.

19] congressional (noun)
U.S. legislature: the national legislative body of the United States, consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate

20] reluctantly (adj)
not eager: feeling or showing no willingness or enthusiasm to do something

After this.. I must hand in my h.w. punctually=v=’

Comment by Kelly 2C 3

–seeking or serving to investigate.Inquiring intensively into controversial issues.
e.g.The detective was sent investigating the crime.
–a vegetable
e.g.i eat maize everyday.
–an injury done to living tissude by a cut or blow
e.g.He had a bullet wounds in his chest.
–the science or practice of cultivating the soil and rearing animals
e.g.He is a agriculture.
–a summit of a hill
e.g.He was standing on the hilltop.
–a platform extended from the wall of a building
You can see the sea from our balcony.
–prevention of diease through cleanliness
e.g.He was studying hyginene.
–daughter of one’s sister,brother,sister-in-law or brother-in-law
e.g.She is a niece from Mary.
–a doug of flour,fatand water,used as a base and covering for pies etc.
e.g.She is a good hand at pastry.
–the mouth of a bird
e.g. All birds has a beak.

Comment by Alan Cheng(2a3)

-decribe people that always worry
eg1:He is a worrisome person,I haven’t see her smiling face.

-the process of writing a line under a word
eg1:Have you underscore the special words?

-to guess sth base on some scientific basis
eg1:Can you forecast the reason that why he become a murderer.

-sth that is not in a sequence,and is discord
eg1:Why your bedroom is a chaos ?

-unable to see anything
eg1:Do you know that he is blind?
eg2:A lot of blind people have a dog to lead him/her the way.

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24)

-being part of the traditions of a country or group of people
eg1:Eat egg tarts is a traditional custom.

eg1:The abrupt typhoon have just pass Hong Kong.

-same meaning to disordered
eg1:This is a turbulent country,you should not go there.

-extra price or presents
eg1:Have you recieve the premium for him?

-the people who guard sth for other people
eg1:He is my regulator of my money.

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24)

1.witness (n)
-testimony by word or deed to your religious faith
e.g.No witnesses have come forward.
-belonging to or characteristic of a sect
e.g.More than 600 people were killed in sectarian fighting.
-a group of soldiers or police, esp. one equipped with horses
e.g.More and more troops were sent to Vietnam during the war years.
-to stop fighting and accept defeat
e.g.They would rather die than surrender.
-to think or believe something to be true or probable
e.g.So far, the police do not suspect foul play.
-someone who is fighting against the government in their own country
e.g.All approaches to the capital are now under the control of the insurgents.
-relating to or belonging to the armed forces
e.g.The military has opposed any cuts in defence spending.
-to fill, exist in, or use a place or period of time
e.g.The rest of the time was occupied with writing a report.
-the usually repeated firing of one or more guns
e.g.The sound of gunfire echoed into the night.
-a person injured or killed in a serious accident or war
e.g.The rebels suffered heavy casualties.
-to criticize something or someone strongly and publicly
e.g.The government’s economic policy has been denounced on all sides.
-a group of people, often a family, who live together
e.g.By the 1960s, most households had a TV.
-to cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another, usually larger, group or organization
e.g.The school is affiliated with a national association of driving schools.
-to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it
e.g.If a book doesn’t engage my interest in the first few pages, I don’t usually carry on reading it.
-unfriendly and not liking or agreeing with something
e.g.The President had a hostile reception in Ohio this morning.
-a frame or fence for jumping over in a race
e.g.He fell at the last hurdle.
-a collection of drawings, documents, etc. that represent a person’s, especially an artist’s, work
e.g.She’s trying to build up a portfolio of work to show during job interviews.
-actions or words which are intended to hurt people
e.g.It seems that the attack was a gratuitous/random/mindless act of violence.
-to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to do
e.g.They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.
-to remove something, especially a pencil mark by rubbing it
e.g.Please erase my name

21.Mentor (noun)
-trure friends/teachers who give you advic and support you.They never do something bad on you.
eg.The word “Mentor ” is come from the story of Mentor and his friend Odysseus

22.sign off(v)
-to leave
I have to sign off my online account before midnight.
1. the act or fact of signing off.
eg.I have my parent sign off so that I can go to the picnic.
-at the present day; in these times
eg.Few people do their laundry by hand nowadays.
24.traditional {adj)
– being part of the beliefs,customs or way of life of a particular group of people, that have not changed for a long time .
eg: It’s traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
25.culture {noun)
– the customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country or group
eg:European/Islamic/American culture
26.principal (adjective)
– most important
eg. His principal reason for making the journey was to visit his family.

– a person whose strong achmiration for something is considered to be extreme and unneasonable
E.g.He is a flim fanatic.
28.bulletin board(n)
– a system for sending messages between computers
-someone who lives next to you or near you:
eg.One of the neighbors complained about the noise from the party. (verb)
– to examine, consider, and judge a situation or process carefully in order to see if changes are necessary
eg. We will review your situation and decide how we can help you.
-thing given to compensate
e.g.Tom gave me a new knife as compensation for the one he lost.
-completely destroy;ruin
e.g.Peter was devastated by his wife’s death.
-stating sth or expressing sth in words
e.g.Their statement was correct.
-the act or an instance of disclosing; exposure; revelation.
e.g.The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.

-Anatomy. either of a pair of bean-shaped organs in the back part of the abdominal cavity that form and excrete urine, regulate fluid and electrolyte balance, and act as endocrine glands.
e.g.He is a man of the right kidney

-uncanny, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weird: an eerie midnight howl.
e.g.This news is eerie.

-to bring back from memory; recollect; remember: Can you recall what she said?
e.g.Dick recalls having been in Paris to study music when he was a child.

-the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.
e.g.He is an authority on international law.

-of, pertaining to, or occurring at the beginning; first: the initial step in a process.
e.g.His initial reaction was one of shock.

-a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge.
e.g.His initial reaction was one of shock.

-a white, crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid fo the examples of melamine is C3N3(NH2)

Comment by Choi Chi Hin

-synthesis of complex organic materials, esp. carbohydrates, from carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic salts, using sunlight as the source of energy and with the aid of chlorophyll and associated pigments
eg1:Photosynthesis is the way that plants obtain food.

-the green pigment of most of the plants
eg1:Cauliflower is a kind of plant that contain chlorphyll.

-The unit that count the power of eletric
eg1: This bulb has 600 voltages,please be careful.

-leave the home for a long,long time because of some special reason
eg1:His first exile is 5 years long.

-to say that sb is exscued after a judge
eg1:He acquitted after a year of judge.

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24)

-a deep breath
eg1:He sigh for a long time and do not talk.

-to improve that sb did wrong things
eg1:The lawyer convict that he is a murderer.

eg1:He seize them in hide-and-seek.

-the dicision of the judges in a case
eg1:Have you did your verdict?

-sth that make a hit in a country
eg1:His murder is a hit of Hong Kong.

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24)

-tumble down
eg1:the mountain collapse last week.

-ever do a wrong thing
eg1:He is a guilty person,he always rob people.

-the person who is incharge by other people
eg1:He become defendant since 1998.

-a board or a badge that reward someone that did such a good thing
eg1:All soldiers should have some plaque on their chest.

-the process that a criminal excape for a short period
eg1:The criminal was granted bail.

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24)

-two substances knock together
eg1:Do you get hurt after collide with him?

-the capital of Iraq
eg1:The Baghdad war is very famous nowadays.

-when a person writes a story but he do not give his name
eg1:He is a anonymity of that association.

eg1:The murder occured testerday.

-a pipe which transfur some oil or water
eg1:This pipeline is linking from London and New York.

Comment by ng chung yin,witton 2A (24)

1.watchdog (n.)
-a person or group of people whose job is to protect the rights of people who make sure companies do not do anything illegal or harmful
e.g.Who is the watchdog in this company?

2.effectively (adv.)
-in a way that produces the result that was intended
e.g.Children have to learn to communicate effectively.

3.supervisionnoun (n.)
-when you supervise someone or something
e.g.The baby needs constant supervision.

4.resignationnoun (n.)
-when you officially announce that you have decided to leave your job or an organization
e.g.The governor refused to accept Cox’s resignation.

5.approved (v.)
-to officially accept a plan, proposal etc
e.g.The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.

6.blamed (v.)
-to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad
e.g.Don’t blame me – it’s not my fault.

7.failure (n.)
-a lack of success in achieving or doing something
e.g.Winston is not someone who accepts failure easily.

8.admitted (v.)
-to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right
e.g’Okay, so maybe I was a little bit scared,’ Jenny admitted.

9.escalate (v.)
-if fighting, violence, or a bad situation escalates, or if someone escalates it, it becomes much worse

10.allocated (v.)
-to use something for a particular purpose, give something to a particular person
e.g.the importance of allocating resources to local communities.

Comment by Emily 2A (7)

1. Global: all-inclusive, world-wide, comprehensive, international
2. Dehydrating: deprive of water, remove water from (foods); lose bodily fluids
3. Foreign: strange; unknown; not belonging; from another place
4. Entertainment: something that entertains, fun; hospitality
5. linguistic: of language
6. metaphor: simile (phrase in which one term is poetically substituted for another)
7. inconsiderate: thoughtless, unkind, uncharitable, heedless
8. maladministration: poor management, misgovernment
9. precedes: go before, come before; lead, be at the beginning; predate, happen before
10. bailouts: escape attempt; escape from damaged aircraft

Comment by Christie=](2A19)

(something wrong above!!)
1.watchdog (n.)
-a person or group of people whose job is to protect the rights of people who make sure companies do not do anything illegal or harmful
e.g.Who is the watchdog in this company?

2.effectively (adv.)
-in a way that produces the result that was intended
e.g.Children have to learn to communicate effectively.

3.supervision (n.)
-when you supervise someone or something
e.g.The baby needs constant supervision.

4.resignation (n.)
-when you officially announce that you have decided to leave your job or an organization
e.g.The governor refused to accept Cox’s resignation.

5.approved (v.)
-to officially accept a plan, proposal etc
e.g.The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.

6.blamed (v.)
-to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad
e.g.Don’t blame me – it’s not my fault.

7.failure (n.)
-a lack of success in achieving or doing something
e.g.Winston is not someone who accepts failure easily.

8.admitted (v.)
-to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right
e.g’Okay, so maybe I was a little bit scared,’ Jenny admitted.

9.escalate (v.)
-if fighting, violence, or a bad situation escalates, or if someone escalates it, it becomes much worse
e.g.Her fear was escalating into panic.

10.allocated (v.)
-to use something for a particular purpose, give something to a particular person
e.g.the importance of allocating resources to local communities.

Comment by Emily 2A (7)

1.imagination (n.)
-the ability to create pictures in your mind.
-the part of your mind that does this.
-something that you have imagined rather than sth that exists.
e.g.He’s got no imagination.
e.g.It doesn’t take much imagination to guess what she meant.
My e.g. I am a man of imagination.

-a device that is attached to people or objects to make them fall slowly and safely when they are dropped from an aircraft.
-to jump from an aircraft using a parachute.
e.g.Planes dropped supplies by parachute.
e.g.The pilot was able to parachute to safety.
My e.g.Most of people don’t like to play

3.cyclone (noun)
-a violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a circle.
e.g.The cyclone struck the village late last night.

4.thrash (vt.)
-to hit a person or an animal many times with a stick.
e.g.I would never thrash her children.

5.brace (noun)
-a metal device that children wear inside the mouth to help their teeth grow straight.
e.g.My daughter has to wear a brace on her teeth.

-a place where two or more roads, lines.
e.g.Traffic lights have been placed at all major intersections.

7.crinkle (verb, noun)
-to become covered with or to form a lot of thin folds or lines, especially in skin, cloth or paper.
e.g.Her face crinkled up in a smile.

8.pretend verb
-to behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe sth that is not true.
e.g.I’m tired of having to pretend all the time.

9.stress (noun)
-pressure or worry caused by the problems in sb’s life.
e.g.Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.

10.vigorously (adj. )
-very active, determined or full of energy .
e.g.Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week.

Comment by Sam 2a (2)

-the scientific study of bacteria
eg.He is studying the bacteriology.
-a task that you do regularly
e.g.Does your husband do any chores after work?
~to damage or spoil the quality of sth or the opinion that people have of sb/sth
eg.The milk powder was tainted.
4.diaper n.
-a piece of soft fabric or paper that is folded around a baby’s bottom and between iy legs to absorb and holds its baby waste
e.g. I started to change his diaper.
5.routine [noun]
-the usual order in which you do things, or the things you regularly do
e.g As soon as she learns the office routine she will be an excellent assistant.
-the powerful effect that sth has on sb
eg.The environmental impact of tourism.
-an animal with grey fur.
eg.Oh!I saw a badger yesterday.
-friendly joking between people
eg.I have a badinage with Tom.
-a cat with brown and grey
eg.I have a tabby at home.
-a scene showing
eg.The procession included a tableau of the Battle of Hastings.

Comment by Lo Pui Sum 2A(20)

20 vocabulary

1. Signal (n.)
– any communication that encodes a message.
e.g.1 Typhoon Signal No 1 remains in force as a tropical cyclone is now centered within 800 kilometers of Hong Kong.
e.g.2 A red lamp is used as a danger signal.

2. force (n.)
– an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists)
e.g.1 Typhoon Signal No 1 remains in force as a tropical cyclone is now centered within 800 kilometers of Hong Kong.
e.g.2 The moral force is on our side.

3. tropical (adj.)
– hot and humid as in the tropics.
e.g.1 Typhoon Signal No 1 remains in force as a tropical cyclone is now centered within 800 kilometers of Hong Kong.
e.g.2 We’ve had tropical weather for the past few days.

4. cyclone (n.)
– a violent rotating windstorm.
e.g.1 Typhoon Signal No 1 remains in force as a tropical cyclone is now centered within 800 kilometers of Hong Kong.
e.g.2 There will be the tropical cyclone tomorrow.

5. forecast (vt.)
– a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop.
e.g.1 At noon, Tropical Storm Higos was estimated to be about 580 kilometers south-southwest of Hong Kong and is forecast to move northwest at about 15 kilometers per hour towards Hainan Island.
e.g.2 The teacher forecast that twenty of his pupils would pass the examination.

6. towards (prep.)
– see towards.
e.g.1 At noon, Tropical Storm Higos was estimated to be about 580 kilometers south-southwest of Hong Kong and is forecast to move northwest at about 15 kilometers per hour towards Hainan Island.
e.g.2 I saw her walking towards the bank.

7. distance (n.)
– the property created by the space between two objects or points.
e.g.1 Higos is forecast to remain at some distance from Hong Kong today and a higher signal is unlikely to be hoisted today.
e.g.2 It is a long distance from New York to Hongkong.

8. contain (vt.)
– hold back, as of a danger or an enemy.
e.g.1 No new food product has been found to contain excessive level of melamine today, according to the Centre for Food Safety.
e.g.2 The jar contains ten glasses of water.

9. melamine (n.)
– a white crystalline organic base
e.g.1 No new food product has been found to contain excessive level of melamine today, according to the Centre for Food Safety.
e.g.2 Don’t put melamine on it please!

10. satisfactory (adj.)
– meeting requirements
e.g.1 The test result of all 92 samples tested is satisfactory.
e.g.2 Of all the pens he tried, only one was satisfactory.

11. varieties (n.)
– a difference that is usually pleasant
e.g.1 These include a varieties of mainland-produced biscuits, chocolates, oatmeal, noodles, vermicelli, instant drink mixes and raw milk; and milk and milk beverages, ice-cream and cream produced in other places.
e.g.2 There are many varieties of color of this products for you choose.

12. oatmeal (n.)
– meal made from rolled or ground oats
e.g.1 These include a varieties of mainland-produced biscuits, chocolates, oatmeal, noodles, vermicelli, instant drink mixes and raw milk; and milk and milk beverages, ice-cream and cream produced in other places.
e.g.2 I don’t like having oatmeal for my breakfast.

13. vermicelli (n.)
– pasta in strings thinner than spaghetti
e.g.1 These include a varieties of mainland-produced biscuits, chocolates, oatmeal, noodles, vermicelli, instant drink mixes and raw milk; and milk and milk beverages, ice-cream and cream produced in other places.
e.g.2 I like vermicelli, today I want to have it for my lunch.

14. raw (adj.)
– informal terms for nakedness
e.g.1 These include a varieties of mainland-produced biscuits, chocolates, oatmeal, noodles, vermicelli, instant drink mixes and raw milk; and milk and milk beverages, ice-cream and cream produced in other places.
e.g.2 Most fruits are eaten raw.

15. beverages (n.)
– informal terms for nakedness
e.g.1 These include a varieties of mainland-produced biscuits, chocolates, oatmeal, noodles, vermicelli, instant drink mixes and raw milk; and milk and milk beverages, ice-cream and cream produced in other places.
e.g.2 Beverages are not allowed in the school bus.

16. enquires (vi.)
– have a wish or desire to know something
e.g.1 Until 1pm today, a total of 199 calls were made to the centre’s hotline 2125 1133 for public enquires on renal problems related to melamine-tainted products, this brings to 9,025 the total number of calls to the hotline since it was set up on September 21.
e.g.2 I enquired about trains to New York.

17. hotline (n.)
– special phone number of the company
e.g.1 Until 1pm today, a total of 199 calls were made to the centre’s hotline 2125 1133 for public enquires on renal problems related to melamine-tainted products, this brings to 9,025 the total number of calls to the hotline since it was set up on September 21.
e.g.2 I want to call the hotline of this company to tell them their sellers are not good enough.

18. renal (adj.)
– of or relating to the kidneys
e.g.1 Until 1pm today, a total of 199 calls were made to the centre’s hotline 2125 1133 for public enquires on renal problems related to melamine-tainted products, this brings to 9,025 the total number of calls to the hotline since it was set up on September 21.
e.g.2 My renal were injiued.

19. related (adj.)
– connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage
e.g.1 Until 1pm today, a total of 199 calls were made to the centre’s hotline 2125 1133 for public enquires on renal problems related to melamine-tainted products, this brings to 9,025 the total number of calls to the hotline since it was set up on September 21.
e.g.2 I am related to her by marriage.

20. safe (adj.)
– contraceptive device consisting of a thin rubber or latex sheath worn over the penis during intercourse
e.g.1 Until 1pm today, a total of 199 calls were made to the centre’s hotline 2125 1133 for public enquires on renal problems related to melamine-tainted products, this brings to 9,025 the total number of calls to the hotline since it was set up on September 21.
e.g.2 The house is not safe from theft.

Comment by Law Ching(Nicole)-2C24

-strip of materal used for blinding round a wound or an injury
EG1:He has a bandaged hand.
EG2:Bandages are used for the medicial use.
-unable to see
EG1:He is completely blind to her faults.
Eg2:”SHe is blind,why does she go to this normal school to study?”Amy asked Samy.
3)tears (n.)
-drop of salty water coming from the eye,esp as the result of grief ,irritation by fumes.
EG1:Her eyes filled with tears.
EG2:Her father maskes his son filling with tears.
-upper or lower of two movable folds of sklin that close to cover the eyeball.
EG1:His eyelid is swollen.
EG2:You dropped some water on her eyelid.
-ability to see;vision
EG1:Some drugs can affect your sight.
EG2:My sight is not good, so I need to wear glasses.
6)situation (n.)
-the combination of all things that are happening and all the conditions that exist at a parrticular tiome and place.
EG1:She’s in a very diffcult situation.
EG2:I am in a dangerous situation, please help me!
-to make someone feel very surprised or upset or offended
EG1:The shooting has shocked the entre community.
EG2:You shock me of your result,it is full marks of your result.
8)mine (pron.)
-the thing and things belonging to me
EG1:”Whose coat is this?”:It’s mine.”
EG2:Mine’s electric piano is broken.
-the other part of something ,or the other peolpe or things
EG1:Most of the tourists are the Germen.The rest were American or japanese.
EG2.There are many people .Some of them are wearing red hats.The rest are wearing white hats.
-something that you think of
EG1:I’ve just had a thought.
EG2:The thought of this man is a very good pointing for the project.

Comment by Calla in 2A

the explaination above are all found in the Longman and Oxford english dictionary!!!

Comment by Calla in 2A

julienne [also julienned]

-Cut into long thin strips: julienne potatoes; julienned pork.

e.g.Julienned cucumbers are usually added in Thai cusines.

Cited from

😛 🙂

Comment by Chloé

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